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So I herd noone knew I'm actually making a fan game too?

Oh well, here's some screenshots of some desert level I'm gonna do for it, I just need to think of better levelmap xD

OMG level mixing ftw.


Such a lame enemy here 8D


Whoa, that night sky makes everything look horrible. What's a sun doing against a black sky, anyway? You need to make everything less saturated and more faded/darker. Needs some fixing.

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The concept of Dust Hill (yes, I call the desert level Dust Hill) is great but Esrael/Taxman's tiles are overused... People should consider making new ones...

Well, talking about it, here are some tiles I've been working on for a desert level, Sonic CD style:


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The concept of Dust Hill (yes, I call the desert level Dust Hill) is great but Esrael/Taxman's tiles are overused... People should consider making new ones...

Well, talking about it, here are some tiles I've been working on for a desert level, Sonic CD style:


I have to talk to you about that and how you did it.

You're Brazilian? it'll be easier to talk to you so xp

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The concept of Dust Hill (yes, I call the desert level Dust Hill) is great but Esrael/Taxman's tiles are overused... People should consider making new ones...

Well, talking about it, here are some tiles I've been working on for a desert level, Sonic CD style:


Freaking AWESOME. Rep up, man, rep up.

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Paradox, that is effing gorgeous. Great job.

Everything fits except the clouds. Why would the edges of clouds be blue if there's a pink/purple sky behind it? Fix the colors. The darkest color of the edge of the cloud should be a lighter shade of the same color of the sky it's behind.

Here, I cooked up a little example using the screen (left) and dodge (right) effects in paint shop pro 7:


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I like the tiles.

I'd give you a positive suggestion on what you can do with it, but I'm afraid I'll get a bunch of neg rep from it from a certain someone, not naming any names, not even Spike's name.

Would you shut the fuck up and leave me alone? (I know for a fact that Rael has even told you to do so.) We haven't talked in over a month and you're still PMSing because I gave you bad reps for being an asshole. I've just been deleting your PMs as soon as they come in for a while now, but bringing your bullshit out into the main forum is just ridiculous.

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I know noone here likes me for some reason...

I'd give you a positive suggestion on what you can do with it, but I'm afraid I'll get a bunch of neg rep from it from a certain someone, not naming any names, not even Spike's name.

I'll let you think about that.

EDIT: Also, Lol for bringing up something that happened WAY over a month ago.

"Get a life, kid."

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