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SoaH City Message Board

Post your screenshot thread


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Graphics make screenshot, and this thread is about those in particular. When you want to see gameplay just go to someones game thread. </seemsangrybutisjustmakingapoint>

80% of the games here have no threads for them. And a picture is worth 1000 words, and frankly, a screenshot of a enemy/feature/gimmick is much more effective of some screenshots of a level.

2 cents go.

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Which could mean that he's focusing on engine work rather than graphics?

Thats exactly what I'm doing. When the engine is near completion then I'll worry about trying to rehire someone to do backgrounds for Sonic Revolution. I still don't have all of them done in the first place.

By the way another screen:


Grinding With Gravity.

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I hate it when you people argue over crap like this. No grinding upside down, as of right now, is not possible. Then again a blue hedgehog that has only three spines, is fluent in both english and japanese, can run at the speed of sound, and can hold his breath in outerspace doesn't make all that much sense either. GAH! >E

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Took the words right outta my mouth, Scatta.

It'll probably look better in motion. Sonic runs upside down all the time, anyway, so I guess he should still be moving. I hope.

...I'm actually not too fond of the inverted grinding either. It might be a suitable gimmick for a base level, though.

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