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Sonic 4 Thread


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Interesting. I suppose I shall ponder about procuring the funds to acquire the full version over the next few days.

Speaking of purchasing, I wonder what's keeping the US PS3 version from showing up... Not that I'm choosing to purchase now, as the above text I inputted would prove otherwise.

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I played the demo. My thoughts:

The physics in Sonic Worlds are better.

The graphics are abysmal. Everything looks pasted together and are less detailed than genesis graphics (by detail I don't mean use 100s of colors).

There is no doubt in my mind if this were a fan game it would be getting similar criticisms from us at SFGHQ.

The homing attack is not too bad. You've got to be really close to stuff for it to work and still miss targets at times. I like the minimal graphic style they used.

WTF backwards spindash sounds! WTF backwards spindash sounds!

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game is getting rave reviews and I have no clue why. I played the 3rd zone, acts 1-3 last night, and it was ok. The minecart segments are a copout, there's little jumping and gameplay involved, it's just an automatic make sonic go fast segment.

Then there's the fucking torch game play of the 3rd act. They completely stop you to do a puzzle where you have to light up these torches in a certain way and timing, it's NOT SONIC WTF SEGA STOP.

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I happened to be up really late yesterday because of an intense 16 hour day at school (not all classes, but a lot of HW) and so by the time I finished eating and just chilling out I decided to wait for this game.

I'm really enjoying it so far, I had a lot of fun playing it and that was when I was dead tired and easily prone to being frustrated. However, the one thing that does bug me that I hope is rectified in episode 2 is that Sonic feels very...heavy. Also the spindash at times is useful and at other times it doesn't make me go fast at all, its almost like it randomly decides when it wants to make me go fast or not haha. Uncurling bothers me sometimes only because it feels unnatural for this type of game, but I also haven't actually had it cause me to get hurt yet.

I like the homing attack much more than I thought I would, I end up using it more than I would have seen myself using it. The best part is that you don't really have to use it if you don't want to, though they definitely set you up to use it and its almost as if it becomes instinctual to want to use it in these sections haha. So I do. I also like if you kind of hit the enemies with a homing attack while slightly being lower than them and the chain is going upwards, you just zoom the fuck through all the enemies.

Overall I am having fun, it is a pretty damn easy game though to get lives in haha. Special stages are okay too. I also like the graphics. The animation however can use some work majorly still, SEGA should let me go animate for them or something lolOLolol.

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Another stage i played had water in it, and you get put into these rooms that completely stop you, spinning sonic in the water, and you have to rotate the screen until sonic gets sucked into a little hole, it's completely dissorienting and I don't even think it's possible to avoid the spikes in the last room of this type before the end of the stage.

I want to know who fucking codes these games now. Whoever it is has no regard for the genesis games in any way shape or form. Not even getting the engine to have SIMILAR physics to the genesis games is bullshit. As much as you kids want to sit here and be excited over this, the sad truth is this game is a complete mess, with a less than stellar engine powering it all. It's like sega keeps giving dimps the keys to the game and dimps just doesn't give a shit about it, they just want money.

With the amount of time sega spent hyping this heap of shit up, they could've put extra care and effort into this game.

I think the only nice thing I have to say about the game is the metropolis zone ripoff had quite a bit of nostalgia packed into it. The artwork is nice, but a tad bland unfortunately. AND 3D MODELS DOES NOT A GOOD SONIC GAME MAKE

If you're still on the fence about purchasing this game, don't. If you still are after that statement, download the demo and see for yourself, or just pirate it.

EDIT: And I know I'm going to get a lot of crap for these last 2 posts, but I'm tired of it, all the reboots, all the terrible rehashes, all the new characters. Sega can take all these things and shove it up their asses, I'll take that mushroom hill 3d remake ANY DAY. I guess some of the anger comes from them tacking on the number 4 at the end of the title and parading this game as the true sequel everyone has been waiting for. You guys can't seriously tell me, man this is really the spiritual successor to 1-3. It's a half assed attempt at getting my money and unfortunately sega doesn't win this round.

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