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SonicGDK 1.20.109 (along with playable levels inside)


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So basically like auto-aim in a FPS but for Sonic? I can kind of dig that. As long as its not like a homing attack and doesn't take away all the skill completely I'm cool with it.

Really I'm more in favour of the insta-shield more than anything, but your idea sounds cool too.

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For classic Sonic in 3D enviroment... well I think your idea could work, but using another button, not the same as jump, you could wanna jump high without caring about near enemies.

And what about a straight camera alignment? Align Sonic with the enemy and you just have to press forward and calculate a bit to hit it.

Dunno : /

BTW can I ask you something about the modern gameplay?

I always though that there's should be a button that increases Sonic's max speed.

That is, make Sonic accelerate gradually till reach the max boost speed instead of insta-boost.

I think it feels more natural and for exploration enviroments could be interesting.

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Sonic never had that move!

No shit, Sherlock!

How would I go about making a character model for GDK? I'm thinking of using this engine for a game, but Sonic isn't the main character.

Also, would I be able to put in NPCs that you can talk with, similar to Sonic Generations?

For the creation of other character models, you gotta use an program to create your stuff, like 3D Studio Max, Maya, Blender, etcetera. Then you gotta make the uv map of it, so you can apply texture to it and UDK can "read" the model. After that you gotta rig your character so you can make him move. And last but not least, you have to animate the character, configure it into UDK, applying the texture you previously created, making the material correctly for the texture (for example, if you want an 'metal' part, you gotta make it more reflective, so you have to edit or maybe create an specular map).

(lol, speaking like this makes it sounds so complicated... But whatever, once you get the hang of it, you'll be doing these stuff in no time)

About the NPCs, yes you're able to do it. But it ain't that simple, there isn't a magic "NPC" button. You have to code it or at the very least make it on kismet, if I know it right. I'm not really into programming so I can't really tell you, sorry.

BTW can I ask you something about the modern gameplay?

I always though that there's should be a button that increases Sonic's max speed.

That is, make Sonic accelerate gradually till reach the max boost speed instead of insta-boost.

I think it feels more natural and for exploration enviroments could be interesting.

Excluding the fact that it wasn't a question, I think I can answer that: Xaklse isn't trying to create new content for the engine (except for that last idea to make the gameplay of classic Sonic, in 3D, a bit more interesting), he's trying to make the elements that we've seen in Sonic games so we can use it as an base and edit for our games. I fear that if you want to make a game with this feature you'll need to code it by yourself.

(Although I find the idea kind of lame, it's like an "infinite" Speed Shoes Power-Up)

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I 'asked' cuz it wont be more than 10 lines of code, I dont know anything about UDK programming and I would love to see how it works.

I understand what Xalkse is doing, this is why I asked if theres is any chance.

And Modern Sonic never had speed shoes, what if 'it's like' ?

I think that is better than uncontrolable boost and as I've said, it could be interesting if the level design helps.

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*wall of text explaining 3D model-making*

I already know all of that (Thanks for the explanation, though), I've made plenty of 3D models and rigged 'em and textured them, but I was wondering what file I'd have to export it as, and how I'd need to get them into UDK, and what are all the animations I'd need.

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BTW can I ask you something about the modern gameplay?

I always though that there's should be a button that increases Sonic's max speed.

That is, make Sonic accelerate gradually till reach the max boost speed instead of insta-boost.

I think it feels more natural and for exploration enviroments could be interesting.

Sorry, I don't take requests even if they are easy, not interested. Your idea doesn't sound bad to me though.
I already know all of that (Thanks for the explanation, though), I've made plenty of 3D models and rigged 'em and textured them, but I was wondering what file I'd have to export it as, and how I'd need to get them into UDK, and what are all the animations I'd need.
I suggest you use .FBX; and the needed animations are contained in the SonicAnimSet which you can open in the Content Browser of the UDK.
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New 1.10.000 version is up!

Source Code (requires UDK January 2012): 2S / Cr / FF / FS / Or / PL / RS / Sh / Up

What's new? In short:

  • Better code for movement constrained to splines.
  • SpinDash particles.
  • Bug fixes and misc improvements.


With this crucial release, and after two and a half years of development, UDK plus SonicGDK stands as the most complete and flexible game engine for 3D Sonic games. I'll write some tutorials to prove this statement.

SonicGDK now enters the "maintenance phase"; only bug fixes and minor improvements will be included in future releases, if there are any. One exception though: Andrew75 will try to improve the materials used in the Special Stage.

What tutorials would you like to see about using SonicGDK?

This is what I'm planning to write about for now:

  1. Create a map file.
  2. Place a Sonic type.
  3. Configure Sonic params.
  4. Change camera type.
  5. Place star posts and goal ring.
  6. Place enemies.
  7. Create 2.5D/3D paths.
  8. Place environment meshes.

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Is it possible to create a .bat file with my own custom settings? If so, would you mind making a tutorial?
Yeah, you can have your own settings; duplicate the .bat file and edit it with Notepad. No, I won't write a tutorial about .bat files.
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New tutorial, questions/suggestions about the "editor layout" section are appreciated.


New 1.10.070 version is up!

Source Code (requires UDK July 2012): Cr / FS / PL / RG / RS / TB / Up / ZS

What's new?

  • Created the "Start Music Track" Kismet node.
  • Shield materials and moves are configurable through the editor.
  • Added classic sounds for Classic Sonic.
  • SonicPhysicsVolumes can be applied to certain actors only.
  • Revamped the included code of SGDKHudGFxMovie (Flash HUD).
  • Pickups' messages can be disabled easily through code.
  • ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
  • Created a type of ForceVolume which can be moved ingame.
  • Added configurable MaxJumpImpulseTime field to playable pawn.
  • Created the "Start Animation", "Destroyable Event", "Enemy See Player" and "Reached Patrol Point" Kismet nodes; enemies can be done with Kismet and Matinee alone.
  • Enemy templates can configure HearingThreshold, PeripheralVision, SightRadius, Hits, MovementSpeed and TurningSpeed.
  • Created the "Touch Accepted" Kismet node; every interactive object throw this event now.
  • Better handling of "Set Material" Kismet node for pawns.
  • ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
  • Improved Sonic Physics mode.
  • Save/load data to/from any file.
  • Created the SGDKAnimNodeSequence animation node (animations can be rewinded, chained list of animations).
  • Many minor fixes and improvements.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

From a GFxMoviePlayer (Scaleform HUD) you can access the data of SGDKPlayerPawn this way:


And examples that you could need:

GetPC().Pawn.Health - 1

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  • 4 weeks later...

New 1.10.087 version is up!

Source Code (requires UDK November 2012): DF / PL / TB / ZS

What's new?

  • Changeable level of graphical quality through launcher, commandline or console command.
  • Improved Sonic Physics mode again.
  • Added path and extension to save files and enabled encryption.
  • Title cards with true level names with the help of a font.
  • Disabled first title card if playing in editor mode.
  • Fixed buggy skidding sound.
  • Improved underwater wavy distortion in editor mode.
  • Added MeshAlignToGravity and WaterRunDecelPct as configurable pawn values.


I'm looking for people who would want to help with Flash menus; Flash gurus with ActionScript3 knowledge and/or 2D graphics designers are welcome. The intention is to create a main menu and a pause menu for SonicGDK to let the player change the system settings and load any of the available levels.

Main Menu: Play, Settings, Exit

Play: Choose Level, Choose Character

Settings: ? (screen resolution, level of graphics, antialiasing, sound volume...)

If I count bold sections, that makes 4 "pages".

About rasterized graphics vs vector graphics, Epic Games uses rasterized ones, there must be a reason; performance probably, although I wouldn't mind about that in main menus.

Technical requirements: scripts written in ActionScript3, usage of CLIK elements (from Scaleform library).

Best Practices of Scaleform Content // Best Practices of Scaleform ActionScript

Develop for Scaleform without Adobe Flash (Vectorian Giotto and FlashDevelop)

Scaleform MainMenu Tutorials:

// Mavrik's

I would be in charge of the UnrealScript part of the menus, so you wouldn't have to worry about it.

I don't strictly have a design in mind, but an updated classic-like interface would be cool. I found this design and fell in love with it (blazefirelp sig):



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

New 1.10.118 version is up!

Source Code (requires UDK November 2012): MC / NL / TB / Up / Zi / ZS

What's new? In short:

  • Added Flash-based pause menu by Handepsilon.
  • Support for pausing only the visuals of the game for a while; destroyables can do this for heavy hits.
  • Speed boosters on walls/ceilings can apply an impulse to falling pawns.
  • Rings give energy to all types of player pawns.
  • Red star rings; any number of them can be used in a map.
  • Implemented save slots; they work and store lives/emeralds/red rings and best score/time.

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