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Sonic Nexus [BETA DEMO]


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It's cool. Go ahead and throw your opinion out there.

Thanks, very cool of you. I guess sleep does do a man good.

TRD: Calm down. So some people didn't like your badniks. There were what, 2 or 3 people? You can't force everyone to like your stuff. Is this what you are going to do every time someone complains?

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Because you mods make it out to be the semi-main game of SFGHQ. Of course people are going to expect alot from it.

"You mods"? Care to name some people? Because I know I don't do that. When someone asked me what games are good this SAGE in the IRC chat, I listed games like Sonic 4 (yes, yours), Sonic XG, Retro Sonic, Sonic Destiny, Tikal and Chaos, Megamix, Emerald Chaos, ET:CF, etc as well as Nexus. I don't know where you're getting the idea that we think Nexus deserves all the attention. Besides, Brad should have the right to plug his game in places. He is the one who put so much effort into SAGE this year.

I think you guys expect so much more from Brad than you do from everyone else, so when you find minor problems you really hold them against him. I have about a hundred small complaints I saved in a text file that I'm going to post when it's ready, but it doesn't stop me from thinking this is among the best games at SAGE. (Spike: Yes, I do think this is one of the best games at SAGE, but that doesn't mean it's the most important) The demo isn't complete, but like Sage said the other night, "Why delay a demo? Either way, it's incomplete." I think it's better to show this off now than wait even longer, especially when a lot of the other games are being delayed. All major problems will most likely be fixed eventually.

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I apologize to everyone for my out-burst. I have alot of pride in my badniks, I guess it's because they took awhile to make and to come up with a concept design.

It won't happen again.

If some people don't like them, that's fine.

However my thought about people expecting perfection still remains.

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I don't know how MMF 2 works since I don't deal with MMF for a long time, but isn't it possible to make the distortion only affect the background? I mean the paralax one, like in tidal tempest of the final version of sonic cd. This way, it will not fell so dizzy, but will keep a nice water effect.

I'm not sure actually. It sounds plausible.

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I won't disagree that I was hard on the game. I try to do that to every game though. Sure its great to hear praise and it feels good when you get it. But it makes a game so much better when people tell you what is wrong with it.

I remember my first demo of Sonic Time Twisted gone nailed but I took the problems and made them right. And if you remember last Sage I tied for second in the best of show with Nexus no less (even if a lot of people though it was wrong). IMO all the criticisms I got from the demos is what's making it good. I guess I was just trying to return the favor.

Also this game was hyped and hyped and hyped by everyone including the people that made it. While I see nothing wrong with that you best expect to be judged hard if your game is hyped. Last people seem to be looking over the last thing I said in my post. It is the best demo at Sage so far.

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To tell you the truth, I worked to put all of my complaints up here because I know how hard you guys work on Nexus and I know that you guys (unlike some others) will actually fix it.

I sort of just have a "Why bother" attidude with other games. It's nothing against this just because I listed more complaints than most entries, I still view it as one of the best.

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To tell you the truth, I worked to put all of my complaints up here because I know how hard you guys work on Nexus and I know that you guys (unlike some others) will actually fix it.

I sort of just have a "Why bother" attidude with other games. It's nothing against this just because I listed more complaints than most entries, I still view it as one of the best.


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I don't know how MMF 2 works since I don't deal with MMF for a long time, but isn't it possible to make the distortion only affect the background? I mean the paralax one, like in tidal tempest of the final version of sonic cd. This way, it will not fell so dizzy, but will keep a nice water effect.

If the paralax is in a different layer, so it's just about to move the perspective object to one layer between the paralax layer and the ground layer.

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god those starfish were annoying. additionally, who the hell thought it would be a good idea to have 2 bosses simultaniously, i had 1 ring by then =( i got fucking owned


No amount of rings would help you with that boss beyond the first anyway. Believe me, I've tried every combination of stuff. And that was my idea by the way... along with the falling capsule, the evil starfish, and everything else everyone is complaining about killing them.

I'll bet the self destructing snail shell hasn't gotten anyone though. That makes me rather sad. The fish, I'll wager that got some people and maybe even the water bug.

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You know frustrating gameplay makes people give up from pure disdain more than continue. XD

I often push on just to "beat the game" so that I can never have to play it again. But in this case I just didn't wanna deal with it, since alot of the time I lost was due to unfair circumstance(i.e. the checkpoint where you die everytime you spawn)

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You know frustrating gameplay makes people give up from pure disdain more than continue. XD

I often push on just to "beat the game" so that I can never have to play it again. But in this case I just didn't wanna deal with it, since alot of the time I lost was due to unfair circumstance(i.e. the checkpoint where you die everytime you spawn)

Yeah, the checkpoints were put in at the last minute, so I probably botched some up. Feel free to rush to the ending via boss rush. Nothing cheap there. And by last minute, I re-he-he-heally mean last minute. I'm talking like... right before we released the thing.

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