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I know this is the screenshots thread, and isn't technically the place for this, but this is the most checked place here, and the best place to get good feedback, so 'ere it goes:

About a month ago, I decided I wanted to make a video game all about discovery, exploration, and mystery. But that was the only idea I had. I thought of ideas for a while when I got bored in classes and such, and slowly but surely, I came up with enough ideas to start making solid ideas for a game. Ever since, I've been jotting down ideas here and there in a text document. After I had enough ideas, I pieced together a more structured document. (it's not very structured, just more fleshed out ideas instead of a few word phrases and keywords only i would understand.) I've shared the document with a few people, including zigzax, betaman, and dahog. So here it is: (It's in a spoiler since there is lots of text [also ignore spellign misteakes])

Code Named Active Bordom

Working Name: Summer Days

2D side scrolling open world adventure game based on discovery and choice (similar to the original legend of zelda, in the sense you start not knowing what to do)

Rainy, gloomy atmosphere

Features going in and out of the backround to access to different areas.

Depending on develpoment progress, a team may be needed:

If there is a team, I need:

Music artist who can compose ambient-like music well, (similar to the sonic cd song, "little planet", or any minecraft song)

Sound effects artist

Tile artist

Animator (for character sprites, npc's, moving environment, etc.)


The game may or may not be completable, I haven't decided yet. You start the game having access to everything, including a full moveset (wall jumping, ducking, crawling, sliding, etc.), although items to encourage discovery and exploration can be obtained (such as a grappling hook). You start the game inside your house, with nothing more than instructions on what buttons to press to do what. Nothing will be said about the moveset, such as wall jumping, sliding, etc, just how to move and jump. The game will be driven by choice, ie, a companion. By companion, I mean this: There will be 5 or so NPC's that you can "develop a relationship" with, depending on your actions. The one you develop the best relationship with will be your partner for the rest of the game. The companion you "choose" (in quotes because you wont actually choose them, it will just "happen") will change certain story points, and things like that to add replayablility. The player will have no knowledge they will be getting a partner, or who the special NPC's are. Depending on how heavily this is implemented, there may be an "about" section on the title screen, that stresses choice making and exploration of places and people. A map system will be incorporated, definitely a percentage of the amount seen in the map, and maybe a full, close up map you can see as you go along, or a vague map that just maybe has names of places instead of pictures, seen from far away. Possibility of traveling to new cities after finding a partner. Going to a new city would require traveling along a route of some sort, like a highway. These routes will take a long time to journey through, and I mean tLoZ Wind Waker-Sailing long, except not as boring as you will have things to do along the way. When you reach a certain point in the game, you will recieve some sort of device of faster means of transportation, like a jetpack, or maybe even a car. Who knows yet. I will try to contstruct the entire game in one frame (not counting options screens, menus, etc). The best way I can explain this is having six different layers you can go in and out of, and you would start in layer 3. In the middle of the MMF2 frame (because I plan on making this in MMF2) would be every single thing in layer 3, and above that would be layer 2, below it, layer 4. If you don't understand what I mean in that last part, don't worry, I was getting technical, and I was just explaining how I would organize the game's locations.

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I know this is the screenshots thread, and isn't technically the place for this, but this is the most checked place here, and the best place to get good feedback, so 'ere it goes:

About a month ago, I decided I wanted to make a video game all about discovery, exploration, and mystery. But that was the only idea I had. I thought of ideas for a while when I got bored in classes and such, and slowly but surely, I came up with enough ideas to start making solid ideas for a game. Ever since, I've been jotting down ideas here and there in a text document. After I had enough ideas, I pieced together a more structured document. (it's not very structured, just more fleshed out ideas instead of a few word phrases and keywords only i would understand.) I've shared the document with a few people, including zigzax, betaman, and dahog. So here it is: (It's in a spoiler since there is lots of text [also ignore spellign misteakes])

Code Named Active Bordom

Working Name: Summer Days

2D side scrolling open world adventure game based on discovery and choice (similar to the original legend of zelda, in the sense you start not knowing what to do)

Rainy, gloomy atmosphere

Features going in and out of the backround to access to different areas.

Depending on develpoment progress, a team may be needed:

If there is a team, I need:

Music artist who can compose ambient-like music well, (similar to the sonic cd song, "little planet", or any minecraft song)

Sound effects artist

Tile artist

Animator (for character sprites, npc's, moving environment, etc.)


The game may or may not be completable, I haven't decided yet. You start the game having access to everything, including a full moveset (wall jumping, ducking, crawling, sliding, etc.), although items to encourage discovery and exploration can be obtained (such as a grappling hook). You start the game inside your house, with nothing more than instructions on what buttons to press to do what. Nothing will be said about the moveset, such as wall jumping, sliding, etc, just how to move and jump. The game will be driven by choice, ie, a companion. By companion, I mean this: There will be 5 or so NPC's that you can "develop a relationship" with, depending on your actions. The one you develop the best relationship with will be your partner for the rest of the game. The companion you "choose" (in quotes because you wont actually choose them, it will just "happen") will change certain story points, and things like that to add replayablility. The player will have no knowledge they will be getting a partner, or who the special NPC's are. Depending on how heavily this is implemented, there may be an "about" section on the title screen, that stresses choice making and exploration of places and people. A map system will be incorporated, definitely a percentage of the amount seen in the map, and maybe a full, close up map you can see as you go along, or a vague map that just maybe has names of places instead of pictures, seen from far away. Possibility of traveling to new cities after finding a partner. Going to a new city would require traveling along a route of some sort, like a highway. These routes will take a long time to journey through, and I mean tLoZ Wind Waker-Sailing long, except not as boring as you will have things to do along the way. When you reach a certain point in the game, you will recieve some sort of device of faster means of transportation, like a jetpack, or maybe even a car. Who knows yet. I will try to contstruct the entire game in one frame (not counting options screens, menus, etc). The best way I can explain this is having six different layers you can go in and out of, and you would start in layer 3. In the middle of the MMF2 frame (because I plan on making this in MMF2) would be every single thing in layer 3, and above that would be layer 2, below it, layer 4. If you don't understand what I mean in that last part, don't worry, I was getting technical, and I was just explaining how I would organize the game's locations.

I know this is the screenshots thread, and isn't technically the place for this, but this is the most checked place here, and the best place to get good feedback, so 'ere it goes:

I tried making a cheeseburger the other day and the meat got a bit burned on the sides, does anyone knows any tip to avoid this issue?

Seriously, let's not derail further this thread please just because "it's the most checked place", if you're not happy with the way other threads and forums are visited, you might as well be better off looking for other communities over the internet to post you stuff.

Imagine the clusterfuck it would be if anyone posted here their little ideas? I'd probably make a post daily. If you want feedback, start working with these ideas you had, create mockups, draw some shit and whatever. Then, create a thread for it. There is a reason to why there are rules about "ideas" threads. This also applies to this particular thread.

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Pedro is right I just got after someone else for this. This kind of stuff belongs in the concept storm. I know it's not the most used place on the forum but there is a reason for that.... People are more interested in games being worked on the theoretical ideas. Besides if we all used other parts of the forum they'd be more active and popular. =P

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I know this is the screenshots thread, and isn't technically the place for this, but this is the most checked place here, and the best place to get good feedback, so 'ere it goes:

Dammit Poe How manny TImes have i told you to get enough done on a project before sharing it?

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This isn't a project. Like overbound said, it is a concept. I don't even know if I'm going to make this yet, I haven't decided, and If I do, it might not be for a while. I just wanted to see if anyone liked the idea or not.

@everyone else.

Welp, I knew I was walking into this, but I felt like I would get scolded either way. It's just like what happened in spanish class the other day... We had a substitute, and the teacher did not specify whether or not she wanted the previous night's homework. Seeing as our spanish teacher is basically a large walking penis, we thought she would get mad at us if we turned the assignment in without her permission, but also thought she would get mad if we didn't turn it in. We decided half of us would turn it in, and half of us would keep it, just to see what she did... (I was on the keeping half) The next day, she got mad at us for not turning it in, then got mad at the kids who did turn it in asking why they didn't. But I digress, a lot. (freakin' ADD)

There are 2 relevant topics in the concept storm, each of them have 9 replies and were last posted on about 3 months ago. 1 of the topics in the "relevant section" is just an introduction by DW, and the other was last posted on almost exactly a year ago.

Long story short, there was really no other place I felt safe posting but here, and I was wrong =p Sorry 'bout that

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I can appreciate that you wanted to share your game idea Potato. This is the correct place to do it: http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=48 I know it's weird how it's a subboard of a rather dead board and to be honest I think it should be changed. I do not have Admin permissions to do so though.

DW if you read this maybe you could just unlock all the concept storm discussions and move them into one board? That way people can discuss any concepts they want without frivolous game threads in the General Project Discussion or them ending up in the SS thread.

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Woah Kirs that was pretty amazing. The editor looks so smooth and easy to learn, so serious props on that! I've seen event editors in other programs that are just hopeless confusing to learn but yours looks pretty straight forward. Can't wait for the next update!

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Oh, thanks for those nice replies = ) I appreciate them.

But it would be nice if there was an in-house way to create a map, with a gallery of items available....But you probably have that in your head to what comes next.

The truth is, I had. A very basic one. But I dont have the time to make a complex and fully functional map editor (the first release has the next september as deadline), so I looked for an already existing program that fills my needs. Nevertheless, I dont discard it completely yet.

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That Alagard one looks pretty neat for games with gothic settings. But I'd go with Romulus, the letters are a bit rounder and seem to go well with pretty much anything.

You can always try to create your own font, thought. It is more likely to met the settings of your game since you have more flexibility to make them as you please. Only downside is that it's kind of time consuming considering you have to create around 26 letters, 10 numbers and a few symbols. If you're planning to your game be english-only. Other languages may require alternative versions for letters due accentuation and a few other characters/letters.

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Well, I'm not an art guy, most of the stuff I'm working with is open-source and mainly placeholder.

But still, I put in a bit of work to set up sprite-fonts for Romulus and Alagard with a slight drop shadow effect, and holy crap, Romulus is a huge improvement. I'll use Alagard in places where 'gothic' text would be suitable, but Romulus will be my go-to text for most things for the time being. The spacing isn't perfect, but it's placeholder, so eh. Edit: The spacing in the middle text objects has been tightened up a bit to make them consistent with the others, but I haven't screenshotted it.


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