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Sonic The Hedgehog: Mecha Madness [Progress test]

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Yeah, good news. I've been working with an old backup I had of the engine. It doesn't have MKIII or any of the helper stuff. Anyways, I fished through the objects and coding and found what corrupted my file. I deleted the mess and started working again. Lots of progress. Hopefully I'll get something done by SAGE.

I WONT BE POSTING MUCH HERE AT THE MOMENT because well, the engine is rough as hell.

I can post this though:


This is Platinum Sonic's new design [prototype]. Real rough sketch. I'll be refining it and adding lots of details but this is what I got so far.

As far as Mecha Madness goes... I work my ass off for this thing. Hopefully the fact that it's back to life and working well will keep me motivated to get back into the old work regimen I used to have. I'm also open for any help anyone can offer. It's a big project and I really want to get it done.

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Alright man, glad to see you back in business. I had a feeling you'd come back eventually, it was just a matter of when. Sticking with this project instead of starting a new one takes something else man. Platinum Sonic looks wicked too, can't wait to see it as an in-game sprite.

Good luck with this endeavor, and for the love of life dude, keep your backups up to date! A second computer, your online e-mail account, neighbor's toaster, anything, just keep copies.

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I'm extremely glad you found a backup.

Mecha Madness is awesome.

But I recommend you backup EVERYTHING.

Don't think that's overdoing it.

Save when you change the smallest things.

Buy a 1 GB Flash Drive. Store everything on there.

Platinum Sonic is nice, but the body shape makes it look feminine.

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A little taste of what I've been doing for Mecha Madness so far. You can't attack any enemies but you can actually pull of smash moves [ala Brawl] now complete with the whole charge up and whatnot. I also programmed Sonic being hit and launched by enemies. Don't worry, it's not a brawl copy but the fighting needed to be a little more epic than it was before. Now Sonic can smash into walls and slide on the floor if he's stunned and hit hard.

Double tap any direction to run fast [OMG REALLY!?]

Smash moves.... Any direction+ ctrl. I programmed a little lag in the smash identifier so you dont have to press them at the exact same time.

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Yeah, really nice, the special effects especially. The whole 'screen going white for a few seconds' thing is sorta disconcerting though, and could lead to a whole lotta falling into pits.

By the way, did you get those files I sent you?

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@Endri: It can be anything you want it to be. ;>
XD... ...


...just like Klonoa! XD


Oh cool! This is some nice progress! And, Streak, why didn't get in touch with me Streak? :( (see, Endri is sad)

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