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Streak Thunderstorm

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Everything posted by Streak Thunderstorm

  1. Jerry [the black guy] told the hitman to kill a guy named bartholomeu jenkins who was a different guy. If you get a good look, he's a little indian guy.
  2. http://youtu.be/oPwNhP6x9aU This movie was made in 48 hours. It was part of a 48 hour film Festival at Brandeis University up in Boston. We won first place for this. I wrote and starred in it.
  3. Officially announcing it here. Come Summer 2013, I'm going to be starting Mecha Madness the 3D animated series on my Youtube channel. Its going to be an entire animated series released episodically on what would have been in the game. I'm sure the videos may be hosted at other sonic sites and what have you but there's where the meat of the action is going to be taking place. I'm starting to animate and rig the characters now so that when I'm off in the summer, I'll have the time to begin some series animation work. Mecha Madness will be my final goodbye to Sonic fandom because its what has kept me in the actual fandom for so long.
  4. http://streakthunderstorm.deviantart.com/#/d5penj0 My first personal model after starting at SVA for Computer Animation. While I'm at it, here's my intro to computer animation final. Basically we were given a scene and characters. All we had to do was animate it and compile it into a video. Here were my results: http://youtu.be/Y6jitNpzJYc
  5. I like it too. I'm not toning down the shader because that's the style I'm going for. I'll show you guys some sprites when they're ready.
  6. No, the sprites wont be that huge. I'm talking about... If they LOOKED like that, would that be cool?
  7. Would you guys play a game that had sprites like this: ??
  8. Do you have a link? I don't want them hosted anywhere but here on SFGHQ.
  9. Yeah, I'm just wondering where its hosted. I posted it here, not anywhere else to be spread like a virus. I want it contained within our Sonic Community.
  10. "Picked up in a strange site"? Was it blazefire's site?
  11. http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7530 First post.
  12. Yes, all the waterfalls are animated. My biggest issue was making the background tile with all that animation going on.
  13. Yeah, it was DA. I'm not 100% custom spriting these bgs. I'm taking bits and pieces from everywhere and recommissioning them. I obviously have to edit the shit out of them so its not like I'm just copying and pasting. Most of the bgs don't even halfway tile. I cut and paste and spend hours in photoshop making things tile by basically drawing in missing pieces.
  14. Simply... Use real life as your stating point. Imagination can only make it better.
  15. I love EVERYTHING except for the building on the right. Its such an eyesore compared to the beauty you've weaved everywhere left of it. I pray that you're making this multi layered parallax because it deserves it.
  16. Here's a new one for you. Angel Island Mountain Cave Same debug keys.
  17. They work great with character sprites. No screenshots yet.
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