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Sonic Unleashed

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lol, the tester guy died. Nice one!

So far I really like Sonic's jumping/rolling animation, the CG, and the graphics of the game. Says a lot, doesn't it.

EDIT: 2 secs later, he died again! Then that chick went like "you guys are slamming me."

Best demonstration ever.

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I agree about it being restricted. I am trying to remain optimistic but there seems to be so little exploration. It's just so linear, I was hoping that seeing it play would show lots of different paths. I guess I can't say the info I posted was wrong but still, it's not as good as I thought it would be.

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I like the Quick Step feature they've implemented. I've always believed that there should be some way to strafe while running at high speeds in the 3D Sonic games.

The night portions look terrible, however.

So is the day/night system in real time ala Pokemon Gold/Silver? If so then I guess one could just play the game during daytime hours. I doubt Sega would be that merciful to us, they tend to shove new gameplay "choices" down the player's throat. (The so-called "optional" guns in Shadow the Hedgehog, for instance, were required to complete many missions.)

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"Camera was great, didn't falter once."

Dude, it faces forward, it faces the side. I would hope the camera wouldn't be a problem.

Rael: There's going to be negativity. I mean, you can't expect everyone to praise it. As long as no one's fighting I don't see a problem. Also, I agree about the on-rails/restricted feeling.

Edit: You know, I'd really love to get off this whole "new sense of speed" boat. Speed's dandy until it starts to sacrifice actually letting me play or.. I dunno.. fun. When I play my Genesis on occasion, I don't see a trend of each Sonic game being drastically faster than the previous one- they all feel about the same.

I see the "multiple paths," but I also see that they're side-by-side "detours" more than anything. I still can't get over how gorgeous it looks. I don't like the fact that Sonic comes to a dead-stop when he hits the side of what looks like something he could just step over. Also find the way he gets hit, stops, and then is able to resume the same speed instantly rather odd. I love the guy's confuzzled questioning of Dr. Robotnik's name. The bit with the stack of crates and springs seems.. accidental?

The only part that really peaked my interest was the platforming on those spinning bits that reminds me of SA. Incidentally, it's also sitting over a bottomless pit and followed by a now-traditional "dash panel to rail" bit where he's shot just off to the side of a rail. I love the chick freaking out about the hands.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that the dust has settled a little, I guess I will comment.

To be honest, the werewolf sections actually surpassed my expectations. Sure my expectations may not have been high in the first place, but the gameplay reminds me of a semi-linear platformer like Spyro the Dragon or something. The day sections still look a little fast, but I am sure that you could slow down if you would like. Even if you can't slow down, it will surely be better than the super speed sections from Sonic 2K6.

While I agree that this game will not be Sonic 4, I feel that Sega is moving in the right direction and has earned some respect for once.

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"See that spring at the end of the wall? we bet it goes somewhere cool."

As opposed to home-attacking it?

"Human NPC's in hub worlds look like characters from pixar moves, like ratatouile and the incredibles."

Really interested in this more than anything else.

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I'm really not a fan of how rings just fly to you. The idea that you shouldn't have to run directly through a line to get them makes sense, but I'm not a fan of you missing an entire line completely and still nabbing everything onscreen all. I don't understand how it could possibly be fun to be able to run into enemies and kill them while missing a bunch of rings to continue to be able to just barrel through everything in sight..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm hearing mixed reviews on this one, a lot of people seem to hate it thus far, I'm not going to knock it until I try the game out, from what I've seen it looks alright but an actual play through would be best to know if i like it or not. I'll either rent it or download a demo.

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I just noticed something watching the werehog video...I think I played this game before...yeah, it's a photocopy (in color) of god of war gameplay!!

You push three buttons and you have a super combo to beat all enemies around you, and to open the doors, it is exactly the same xD

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I just noticed something watching the werehog video...I think I played this game before...yeah, it's a photocopy (in color) of god of war gameplay!!

You push three buttons and you have a super combo to beat all enemies around you, and to open the doors, it is exactly the same xD

I thought it was obvious...


It took you that long to make the connection? [qimg]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa30/BlazeHedgehog/sa%20emoticons/emot-v.gif[/qimg]

I'm sure the fact that the level was in Greece hindered him to notice the God of War connection right away.

EDIT2: Anyone else think the final boss will be Sonic fighting against his darkside werewolf form?

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