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Sonic Unleashed

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good lord that song in that video was awful.

Ya know, watching the actual sonic running sections, I think it'd be better if they tried to make a new Sonic game more like that new "Mirror's Edge" game, but third person. His speed and acrobatics seems perfect for parkour. And it'd give the sense of freedom and SPEED that Mirror's Edge seems to have unlike the on-rails feeling it looks like this game will have.

oh well. at least the animation in the cutscenes are allright I suppose.


This is pretty funny. Mostly because of the Rush one. Fuck pits

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Probably Ila. Very funny.

DW actually. If I did it this would be called "the shit game topic about a shit game that shit sega is making because everything they do is shit except for possibly valkyria but they'll probably fuck that shit up too" topic.

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The "day" gameplay looks nice, just hope it plays as smooth as it looks on this video. As for the "night" part with the whole werewolf thing... why does it look like a very weak attempt at "What would Sonic do if he was in God of War?"...

And bring back Crush 40.

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And what may I ask is nice about a game that would rather play with itself than play with you?

Just think of it as watching a video expect you have to make tiny interactions in order to keep watching. For the lazy gamers, you know?

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Yea, that's it. I'm being elitist, lawl. For serious: there's rail grinding, there's running to the right and then there's running straight and dodging things- for 30 seconds each. And, sometimes, Sonic slows down and swings his arms around, which seem to be the only times when I'd actually have a decent amount control over him without being shoved through the level by automated rails and dash panels. Maybe you're right- I am refusing to enjoy the game for what it is. Yet, that's only because what it seems to be is annoyingly boring. This game looks like it plays itself a quarter of the time- you don't have to fight enemies, you don't have to constantly run (there's a dash panel just offscreen waiting to shove you down a hill), you don't have to jump over pits (there's a jump panel coming up), you don't have to worry about which path you chose (it's right next to you and you're aware you didn't put yourself through more stress than it's worth). Sorry for people not liking that but it's a game. A game that isn't even "what it is" so much as what it tries to combine from previous games so that they can call it "new," and tout the 3-year semi-development cycle.

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Is it that hard to stop during one second and think "wait, let's check the most succesful games of the saga to see if we can find what we are doing wrong"?

If you ask them "why old sonic games were so good" they will probably answer you "speed". "why speed?" "Because sonic was faster than anything on videogames"

It must be a cool show to hear their conversations.

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They just showed a live demo for this game a while ago. I missed it but I got this info off of gamefaqs:

-NOT on rails! Yes!!!

-Sonic sleeps when standing around for too long.

-Sonic literally gets faster and faster the longer you run with him.

-There was barely a slowdown except for three times and none lasted for more than 2 seconds. They can fix that.

-Camera was great, didn't falter once.

-The china level looks fun, though the guy died from endless pits twice there but only there.

-Weresonic looks fun to play

-Love some of Weresonic's moves like bouncing and kartwheels

-New enemies confirmed like phantom snakes. :o

-The health system for Weresonic works that when he's getting hurt his shields will go down and when it reaches zero he starts loosing health. However, his shield regenerates over time.

-Officially titled "Sonic the Werehog"

-He said that they were trying to make Super Sonic playable in levels.

-Checkpoints now have electric fences to hit

-There was only one glitch I spotted and it wasn't a bad one either.

-Shadow confirmed to be in the game.

The only thing that I would really emphasize in there is that the game isn't on rails. You can stop and walk if you want instead of run, although there might not be much to do if you go that slow.

Also, Cream is confirmed for Chronicles.

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Well g'damn, Herotokami, that's quite a load of info there. Thanks!

Honestly, I would like more playable characters in Sonic Unleashed, as long as they were unlocked and only played in Trial mode, not really having any effect on story mode. Plus, it would give replay value. I'd love to see little achievments like "Complete Trial mode with Tails!".

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-NOT on rails! Yes!!!


-Sonic sleeps when standing around for too long.


-Sonic literally gets faster and faster the longer you run with him.


-There was barely a slowdown except for three times and none lasted for more than 2 seconds. They can fix that.


-Camera was great, didn't falter once.


-The china level looks fun, though the guy died from endless pits twice there but only there.


-Weresonic looks fun to play


-Love some of Weresonic's moves like bouncing and kartwheels


-New enemies confirmed like phantom snakes. :o


-The health system for Weresonic works that when he's getting hurt his shields will go down and when it reaches zero he starts loosing health. However, his shield regenerates over time.


-Officially titled "Sonic the Werehog"

-1 wtf?

-He said that they were trying to make Super Sonic playable in levels.


-Checkpoints now have electric fences to hit


-There was only one glitch I spotted and it wasn't a bad one either.


-Shadow confirmed to be in the game.


Personal oppinion

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They just showed a live demo for this game a while ago. I missed it but I got this info off of gamefaqs:

-NOT on rails! Yes!!!

-Snic sleep when standing aound for to long.

-Soc litelly ges fast an fter the loer yo ru th m.

-Th bay a sl exct for three times and none lasted for more than 2 seconds. They can fix that.

-Ca s gat, di fa on.

-T th di fre th t o t.

-Were lo fu t ply

-Lov soof bou nd s

-Ne ph s



-Super Sonic

-feces to hit


Read Gamefaqs and the fact that it was second hand info and decided the rest of the post wasn't worth reading.

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Wow, all of the gameplay level design seems so linear. Especially in that city, it's like there are always walls around Sonic, he's always being guided into the direction he's supposed to go. This game looks so restricted.

I thought that the point of this thread was not to bash this game... but I guess it's too late for that now.

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