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Sonic: Lost World

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Yes the running around a circular based world/slight gravity manipulation to find other platforms and paths is similar in a sense, but X-Treme was two things, one: Running on a 2d plane and the fish eye lens was to help see infront of you and to make the level feel like you were running on a rotating globe/planet. Two: The 3d aspect and what was cool about it was leaving the 2d plane by running into the background, exploring the inner areas of the "globe".

Lost Worlds has a little of it, but is really just Galaxies cylinder stretch sections, with wall running etc.

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I'm guessing this means mini-bosses might make a comeback? I think it would be pretty cool if you certain paths might lead you into mini-boss battles like what seem to be presented here, if not simply ones you fight during the main act.

Also, the game shows evidence that they're reusing Spinners, Motobugs, Choppers, Sandworm, Caterkiller, and that one snail thing, so does this mean we're just getting reused badniks, or are we getting new designs too?

Also, I'm REALLY, REALLY excited to hear the music for this game. I can't wait!

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Let me just say... I think we have another "generations" upon us. We have gameplay similar to xtreme. (im getting the xtreme vibe more) we have wisp. We have what appears to be a mix of classic and modern gameplay. We have a shadow of fruggin professor pickle. Im going to go on but I'm using my moms super old smartphone and it is hard to type on

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I'm suprised the reaction is as positive as it is, this does look fun, but from a lot of talk on forums and youtube what most people were hoping for from sega after generations was that the games would really open up in terms of alternate routes and exploration, this looks like the complete opposite, it does look like there is a higher/lower route and a couple of different paths on the other sides of the huge cylinders but we need a lot more at this point. Also Nintendo is playing their (obvious) involvement way too safe, they just made it look/play exactly like galaxy, wanted something a lot more original.

Also graphically so far there's something odd about it, the ingame graphics on generations looked nearly as good as the fmv quality you see here and in colours fmv's

as soon as it cut to the gameplay here though the colours went a lot darker and duller and there was something slightly pixelated/jaggedy about it, it looked at a couple of points like a 3ds game, maybe that's the video quality (I was in 720p) or the art style for this game using few basic colours but I'm not sure.

I personally am more of the opinion that while multiple routes are great for replay value, more general variety is the true king when it comes to making a game memorable. Most of the feedback on the game suggests they are still focusing on having multiple routes and such though.

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I kinda agree with DW on this one. This particular style seems very suited to providing a more beefy game. The problem with Unleashed, Colours and Generations is that those massive fucking setpieces seriously restricted the amount of content that could actually be provided. Generations is criminally short, and doesn't offer much replay value.

Also, according to previews, the boost seems to be gone, and Sonic now has manual 'run' and 'roll' buttons on the triggers, enabling the player to better control Sonic's speed, enabling the parkour stuff, and other things. Honestly, I think this is great, they're moving away from the shallow formula that Unleashed set up and towards something far more flexible and much more conductive to gameplay that doesn't involve turning Sonic into a race car, so to speak.

Yes, it looks very Galaxy-inspired, but considering I love both Galaxies to bits, this isn't exactly an issue for me. Consider me cautiously optimistic, and I hope we'll get a demo on the eShop come E3.

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Yeah, I'm not really digging the new gameplay style at the moment. It may grow on me eventually but I'll keeping my expectations at bay. I guess I should kiss good bye to any chance of a Generations Modding Attempt as well : /

Also, I don't like the sound of these new controls. If I want Sonic to go fast, I don't want to have to hold 2 buttons to be able to reach a decent pace.

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I'm actually liking this so far. Sonic Team is actually putting gameplay first rather than other aspects of the game (which is probably why it looks more like a mario game IMO) which I think is something the series has needed for a long time.

Yeah it looks like galaxy but the game play looks way more engaging and dynamic than galaxy as well. I'm interested to see where this one is going.

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Oh, get this.

The game marks an evolution of the Sonic series and fans –both old and new — will be excited by a story which sees two of video games biggest adversaries, Sonic and Dr. Eggman, joining forces for the first time to help defeat a new deadly threat.

Seems like everyone wants to forget Sonic Chronicles. And some people want to forget Sonic Adventure 2. And Sonic Heroes. True, in the latter two they only teamed up in the last story but, hey, it counts!

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