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Sonic 4 Thread


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No shitty speed meter or any other meters for that matter. My only thought right now, which is pretty trivial at this point, are they going to allow a 2nd player to rock tails again in this game? My brother would be so happy, he actually loved being tails in the 3rd game, being able to boost me up to places was one of the best mechanics in the game.

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What else can they do with the homing attack in 2D then those lame use homing attack on enemies over and over while in the air until you reach the next platform things. Lets not forget this is the same team that brought us unleashed we'd be silly to think they've actually learned something.

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I approve of half of what I saw. To me it looks like we're getting sonic rush on a man console, and i freaking HATED each and every running / standing animation of sonic rush. Not to mention the creative level designs that aren't challenging. If they come up with a good engine and give me elaborate level design, all will be forgiven.

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It looks like fucking Sonic Rush HD. Why does he look so slow when he runs?

I want my black-eyed, circle-runnin' Sonic. I'm super happy for this... but at the same time... I have a weird feeling. Like... goddamnit... why is the homing attack in there?!

yeah seriously why does he run so retarded? The level looks beautiful (from what little they showed), but his running just looks like he's power-walking through the park. I don't know how I feel about the homing attack being in there.

That said, I have no faith at all in the game (I hate the GBA/DS games and I'm afraid it will play too much like that) so I hope I'm proven wrong!

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The only thing that pisses me off is that, good or bad, it's gonna sell like crazy because SONIC FORE!!! Which, if it's good (that's a big if) is good news, but if it's shit? And it still sells well? That's just another free pass for Sega to make more shitty Sonic games.

The fact that this is an episodic download series makes me wonder if this is made by their B Team...

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The link isn't working for some reason and its not on youtube. From what I'm reading here though, I'm not sure what to think. Homing attack sounds concerning, and I still really don't trust Sonic Team with producing a quality Sonic game. But damn! I want to believe in miracles again.

EDIT: Read the Q & A now, and saw the 4.5 seconds of gameplay. Most of it sounds fine with me. A lot of his descriptions were super vague though.

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I can understand not being too worried about how Sonic looks, but I would say that the homing attack is cause for concern. Really, it seems like the only reason it exists in the first place is because in the SA games they couldn't program any precise platforming segments. It doesn't have much of a place in 2D games.

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I saw the trailer! ...3 seconds of footage? I'm cautiously optimistic. I wish I were more FUCK YEAR about it, but there's really not enough to FUCK YEAR over - this shit's on dribble-feed.

I know SEGA's been rocking the whole "Sonic is the only playable character" schtick for a while now, but I really would like to see Tails and Knuckles too. Like the direction Sonic 3 took with multiple paths, and pantomime during cut-scenes. Speaking of which, are we hedging any bets on how much dialogue there'll be?

"Episode 1"... I'm not sure how to feel about that (could we be seeing more DLC to go with this intended series as well?), though maybe it'll just be like S3&K - play the games individually, or buy the lot and play through Sonic 4 Complete. EDIT: I can totally see SEGA making Episode 1 as Sonic Only, with Episode 2 and onward having Tails and maybe Knuckles playable. Sonic 4 Complete would let you play through the whole 'series' with later characters, ala S3&K. Whether that means we'd get stuck with new friends in later episodes as well, is up for speculation.

And that mystery platform is totally the Sega Zone. EDIT: Scratch that, it's the fucking iPhone. Wait a minute, wasn't there meant to be a Sonic CD port for the iPhone too...?

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Ugh. All this time I thought we were getting an oldschool romp.

I guess I'm getting ahead of myself. I can't even watch the videos on the computer I'm using. Nonetheless, the art direction sets a tone that seems to be inspired by Sonic Rush or Sonic Unleashed. I liked them both but...if you're gonna call it Sonic 4...make it as close in design to the original series as possible at least. I can't wait for it to be released, but only so I can see how dissappointing it is.

I wonder how far the Sonic 2 HD team have trudged along.

Edit: Oh god the running animation is freaking terrible. And the sprites are prerendered (or completely 3D, which is possibly worse)? It's not being released on PSN and such because of a desire to appeal to a less mainstream audience. It's because it's a crap-out-and-profit title. Thanks Sega.

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I'm pretty sure the site read PSN XBLA, and WiiWare, Aerosol. Along with some other platform.

ANyone notice the mention of HOMING ATTACK?! WTH? On top of that there is another character slot on their site. it could just be eggman, but it could also be tails and knuckles, OR some other new character. (OR maybe its SHADOW..lololololol) SEGA still hasn't shown enough to actually help me make a decision on this one. :\

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