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Sonic 4 Thread


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Fuck that shit. They said Unleashed will only feature sonic as well, but failed to mention he transforms into a were___ and you play him more than you do his normal form.

They suck at this whole hyping business, and its even more pathetic that they're trying to hype the game and make people happy by saying "OH ITS ONLY SONIC THIS TIME".

Im sure it'll have some other stupid fucking gimmick. Like i said, its pointless for the forum to spectulate anything until a playthrough of a full level at least is given. (unless the gimmick is now HEDGEHOG FORM where sonic is transformed into a literal hedgehog and you have to navigate obstacle courses, in which case another one is needed.)

And sonic 3 and knuckles would have been FARRRR less awesome if Tails and Knuckles were not playable. Making the game sonic only wont fix anything.

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So, like, we are getting SEGA to finally go in the direction that we want them to go in... and you guys are still bitching?

Mr. Needlemouse was right. Go chug a dick.

Is this really the right direction? Teasing until the cows come home and taking the franchise back further than when it was at it's best in the name of nostalgia? I mean, I suppose it's the right direction, but they are driving right past the destination.

And really, if they just reused old badniks, what would be the point? if they reuse enough stuff, it just ends up being an overglorified rom hack with better graphics. I want a new game damnit!

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I think its the fact that Sega has a history of built up skepticism in their fans. It's only natural that some people would think this, like the past games, is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I can't blame them, however I'm not with them either. I've gotten to the point where a Sonic game is just another game to me. If its good, huzzah and all that jazz. If its bad, then there's just gonna be more bitching.

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The "truth of it" is that we have been fed the retro revival line of shit for ages now (every Sonic game since 2004 to be precise) and the only difference is that this time they haven't bothered to show a damn thing to back it up.

Imagine if someone else pulled this. Say Capcom. Here's what you'd get.

Day 1: Check it out! Rather than showing you a kickass trailer of ink blots fighting, we've decided to tell you who isn't going to be in Street Fighter 4! Every day we'll cross out some people from this list until only the playable characters remain! But you'll have to work for it! Make sure you keep posting shit on a bunch of annoying social engineering sites or we won't tell you what we have. Maybe. Oh, and if enough of you do it, we'll give you a bonus!


Day 2:



Day 3:



Day 4:


Surprise bitches! You get Ryu and Ryu alone! We figured we'd go back to our roots with Street Fighter 1 and only let you play with one fighter! It's better if we can focus on making only one fighter, really.

Oh, and congratulations on winning the bonus! Here's a picture of a car that you can kick the shit out of!


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Mega Man 9 would at least sell you the option to play as Protoman.

Also, if you need proof of SEGA being able to make good games, check out Valkyria Chronicles and Bayonetta. Of course, that isn't Sonic team... but the point still stands. They have good people.

Yea, I consider SegaWOW to be the exception to the rule, and Platinum is independent.

(...but then Sega made a shoddy PS3 port. I love the game, but the loading times remind me of that painful video of Sonic '06 where the poor guy spent forever loading every goddamn thing in the hub world. This paragraph doesn't really have a point. I'm just butthurt.)

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So, like, we are getting SEGA to finally go in the direction that we want them to go in... and you guys are still bitching?

Mr. Needlemouse was right. Go chug a dick.

I can't speak for everyone, but I've never wanted to only play as Sonic. In fact, E-102 from SA was a pretty solid character with a likable storyline- probably the most character development they've ever done. The problem is that they just keep tossing in really annoying characters and they never develop them at all (also the games play like crap). I just want the next game to not suck, mainly. If all this game is going to be is the last three games with only Sonic and redone badniks, I think I'll just stick to Sonic Adventure which I actually liked because it played pretty decently and didn't have me sliding across rails over pits of death- complete with oldschool-styled monkey badniks in trees.

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Actually I never really liked E-106/SA2Tails/Eggman gameplay. It wasn't too Sonicish to me.

I like Knuckles/Rouge gameplay though but there was too much of it for me.

But still I NEVER wanted to play only as Sonic. Having Sonic only as playable character doesn't mean cool game constantly. And I actually don't really care of all that retro goal.

Game should be good. It should give pleasure from playing it. Sonicteam should just TRY HARD that is only thing I want from them.

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And really, if they just reused old badniks, what would be the point? if they reuse enough stuff, it just ends up being an overglorified rom hack with better graphics. I want a new game damnit!

The last few trainwrecks were also completely new games. S&K was released 16 years ago for crying out loud, even if it's just a full HD remake with fancy-ass graphics, I wouldn't mind paying money for it. I mean, seriously, Tomb Raider Anniversary was mostly the same as the old game content-wise (mostly), just fancy graphics and mechanics, and it wasn't a waste of money.

This doesn't look like a pixel-perfect remake, but even if it were, the old games are 20 years old, and people have done remakes for stuff that was half a decade old (movies and video games).

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The last few trainwrecks were also completely new games. S&K was released 16 years ago for crying out loud, even if it's just a full HD remake with fancy-ass graphics, I wouldn't mind paying money for it. I mean, seriously, Tomb Raider Anniversary was mostly the same as the old game content-wise (mostly), just fancy graphics and mechanics, and it wasn't a waste of money.

This doesn't look like a pixel-perfect remake, but even if it were, the old games are 20 years old, and people have done remakes for stuff that was half a decade old (movies and video games).

I can play Sonic 3 and Knuckles any time. Fancy graphics won't make it much better.

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No, they'll have some credibility if that statement turns out to be true.

Oh yeh, but knowing Sega they might keep the promise but put in one of the shitty characters like whoever was in Sonic Riders...

The Sonic Cycle has now reached the point I'll say that you can make an opinion on how good it is once a gameplay video is released.

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Actually I never really liked E-106/SA2Tails/Eggman gameplay. It wasn't too Sonicish to me.

Well Tails/Eggman's gameplay in SA2 was really cheap. Knuckles and Rouge's gameplay wasn't very Sonic-ish either. But at least it played decently and they used the character well, which was my point.

The last few trainwrecks were also completely new games. S&K was released 16 years ago for crying out loud, even if it's just a full HD remake with fancy-ass graphics, I wouldn't mind paying money for it.

If I remember correctly their port of Sonic 1 to GBA- a port- was ass. I'm not sure I want them to remake it if they can't even get it on a different system.

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If I remember correctly their port of Sonic 1 to GBA- a port- was ass. I'm not sure I want them to remake it if they can't even get it on a different system.

By that theory we shouldn't be discussing anything, because everything Sonic related recently has been average to bad. They are looking somewhat in the right direction, but who knows how the game will turn out (probably like shit).

Still, I agree with Brad. Everybody has been saying how they want the old Sonic back, and when Sega claims they want to do that, the whole community bitches how they are unimaginative.

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