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Sonic Unleashed

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One of the challenges is actually "Beat EggmanLand in under 75 minutes". It's complete bullshit. If I have to put in some negative info for this game, it would be that level.

the main reason for that is because of the werehog parts, though.

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Wait wait, what made you flip 360, then? The first level's hardly different from the rest of the game, if you ask me, and Team Dark's gameplay from the demo was a fair indication early on of how superficial and obnoxious the differences between playable characters would be...

The first level hardly being any different from the rest of the game is one of the game's biggest problems. When you have a game that doesn't continually throw new, more unique challenges at you, the game just gets boring quickly.

And I didn't play the demo.

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Yatzee pointed out basically what we've all said and thought already, but cranked the it up to 11. Not pulling any punches and sugar coating it, just calling it straight out bad. He even threw in the point that the reason why most people like the game or why the game is getting the wave bys by most people and reviewers is cause our lovable nostalgic Hedgehog is on the cover and is the main character. What made me think however is his view on The Werehog, he didn't attack that aspect as bad as the other ones just calling it a God of War clone and kicking it to the side.

Xplay however (as they reviewed it today) called that point in the game and the Werehog "possibly the worst character to be created in the genre." and stepped all over it.

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Xplay however (as they reviewed it today) called that point in the game and the Werehog "possibly the world character to be created in the genre." and stepped all over it.

Honestly, though, I don't think I've ever heard one good thing about X-Play.

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Honestly, I don't know about Unleashed.

On one hand, I actually liked it somewhat. There were some pretty fun moments, and I have revisited a couple levels.

Still, the "Werehog" just kills me. It's so ridiculous that explaining it to people makes me feel stupid(er.) While I wouldn't bash it as bad as some reviewers have, my expectations were fairly low, kind like "if it's better than watching paint dry, it's good."

My biggest problem is that I don't see how this could really appeal to anyone outside of the Sonic fandom. Perhaps that's not what SEGA and Sonic Team's shooting for, but you really can't prosper on a select fan base for too long.

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actually all 3D games seemed to be designed to atract others fans (from other genres) forgetting to please the existing fanbase

Well that's sort of what I'm saying. They've been making an attempt but it always fails so miserably. Sure, the Sonic fandom's not pleased, but that doesn't stop people from buying it. :/

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