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Eggman Hates Furries


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Aw thanks you guys.

I've fixed a lot of bugs since last time I posted, but there's no new content. I'm starting to feel like this game is behind me now, but I still don't have any major new project going on.

It was fun, and the overall response has exceeded my expectations. Generally, people are cooler than I thought.

This topic should have died by now.

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I logged in specifically to praise this, but got sidetracked in general discussion.

Basically, it was a good game. I'm a big fan of cinematic events and shit like what goes on in EHF, but don't have the patience to sit down and code them myself. If I had more skill and the aforementioned patience, I'd take you up on that "someone else could do it." But I don't so I can't and so I won't.

But I'll keep an eye on it, as I assume everyone else will as well.

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How did you accomplish all those effects in GM did you use the paticle system? Or are they mostly sprites? I'd like to have effects like that in Time Twisted but I always thought the particle system was too slow and I'm not so good at spriting convincing explosions.

I'm not so sure what effects you're talking about, but no, I did not use the particle system. I used objects for my particles. GM has crap performance but objects give me much more freedom and control as long as I watch out. Other than that I used some primitives and shapes I guess.

The (sparsely used) electric arcs consist of lots of joined line segments that go from one place to another, but have some random movement between.

I made these explosion things for the game(so they're public domain)




most of the others are ripped I think. Descent has some very nice explosions.

If you can't afford using lots of particles then you can sometimes improve the performance by using prerecorded animations

drill.gif(this was used for the drill)

Make a small test program with the particle effect you need and record it into a sprite.

For flashy things you should familliarize yourself with blend modes. Most importantly you should understand add and subtract. This chart can give you some hints with more advanced modes, but you rarely need them and you'll have to test them yourself:


I also used a lot of screen shakes, blending the screen with a color, and there is a system for controlling the time flow. Everything animates according to a global variable which says how fast time should flow. The graphics also rely a lot on stuff blinking at 60Hz =D

Proper use of sound effects is also very important.

The introduction has a lighting system which uses a drawing surface.

The surface has the same size as the screen, and it is initially gray. Darker spots are drawn on the surface on positions according to light sources on the screen. The surface is then drawn to the screen using bm_subtract in order to make the screen darker except for the places where there are lights.

There's a link to the source gmk somewhere in this topic. It's messy but if you know what you're looking for then you might find it there.

There isn't really much fancy technical programming behind most of the effects; you just have to use your selected devices in a way which gives them impact. If you're curious about some particular graphical element I haven't explained then I'll gladly explain the mechanics though.

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Any publicized original work of mine is, unless otherwise is clearly stated, immediately released to the public domain. However, if the work contains elements from other works, then the relevant parts of my work are covered by the laws and liscences which the other works dictate, unless fair use law can be applied.

For example, EHF is a derivative work which contains copyrighted material. Therefore EHF is, as a whole, not in the public domain. In fact, the game happens to be illegal because it contains material from which it is illegal to make derivative works.

For example, Sega does not give permission to make fangames, and about half of the music is proprietary. I am a criminal and so is everyone who makes a copy(but that is another story).

It also contains elements which are legal to use in a derivative work, but not public domain. For example, it contains code written by Mark Overmars because it was created with Game Maker, and therefore you are not allowed to reverse-engineer the executable file. I already gave you the source though, so you probably don't want to do that anyway.

However, it contains a lot of original work(like those explosions) which is in the public domain because I created it.

Licensed under absolutely nothing. Have a fucking field day. Abuse this for your own sick pleasures.

I am content releasing my work completely to the public without conservative, territorial, and possessive need to claim some sort of stake in it. I do not need thousands of cleverly written loophole-"some rights reserved" licenses, nor do I need to debate about the superiority of any of them, rather, I toss the entire equation out the window and render it effectively useless. I fully realise that a man in El Salvador could profit wildly from my efforts and gain the millions of dollars I never did, and could theoretically hunt down every copy and burn it, leaving him as the sole distributor; however, this does not offend me, rather, I allow all to be shared, taking the risk and fully knowing the potential repercussions, rather than let the menace that is copyright conquer yet another soul.

Still, please realize that even though I am a proponent of free information, I may still choose to work against you, but only if you use the results of my work for evil purposes. And in that case I can only do so without resorting to copyright rhetorics.

For example, if you say that you created a song which I have created, sell copies of it, and then use the money to fund terrorism, then it is likely that I will work against you because

Firstly, you are a liar because you did not create the song(note: I only demand that you do not provide false information, not that you credit me. Though I do appreciate that in most situations).

Secondly, you are dishonestly taking money for something which is free(note: You may use my work in some money-making scheme, but if it does seems selfish or dishonest then I will simply do my best to inform people about the truth).

Thirdly, you should not support terrorism because there will always be opposing wills and if you accept resorting to violence in conflict resolution then you accept that no one will ever be safe.

In contrast, I see absolutely no logical explanation for why I should try to stop you from using those explosion sprites for reference.

Finally, I also believe that a person has a right for privacy, and therefore I may choose to keep certain pieces of information from the public altogether and I beg you to respect this. But, if I personally post something on a public internet space then this does obviously not apply.

If any of this offends you then I apologize. I can't change the law, and the rest is just my current policy on these things.

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Okay, thanks. ^_^

Perhaps I should clarify what I mean about "reference." xD; Whenver I say that I use something as a reference, I don't directly rip it for my personal use, but I create an original work that is heavily based on it. I'm really bad at drawing explosions, for example, so I need to look at something else in order to see how it's done. In the end, I make something unique enough that you can't tell I used a reference.

In other words, I'm not going to copypaste your special effects (as they wouldn't fit my graphic style anyway), but instead study them, much like a person who makes an original Sonic sprite must first study one of the Genesis or Advance sprites.

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I'm not so sure what effects you're talking about, but no, I did not use the particle system. I used objects for my particles. GM has crap performance but objects give me much more freedom and control as long as I watch out. Other than that I used some primitives and shapes I guess.

I was speaking in general your game has a lot more graphical effects than most FGs.

The (sparsely used) electric arcs consist of lots of joined line segments that go from one place to another, but have some random movement between.

This effect I found extremely neat. Might do something like it in Time Twisted if you ok with that.

I made these explosion things for the game(so they're public domain)




most of the others are ripped I think. Descent has some very nice explosions.

These are nice explosions especially that electrical one. But who is Descent and where are these explosions?

If you can't afford using lots of particles then you can sometimes improve the performance by using prerecorded animations

[qimg]http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/6316/drill.gif[/qimg](this was used for the drill)

Make a small test program with the particle effect you need and record it into a sprite.

That's a good idea perhaps I can get Mercury to make some explosions that way.

I also used a lot of screen shakes, blending the screen with a color, and there is a system for controlling the time flow. Everything animates according to a global variable which says how fast time should flow. The graphics also rely a lot on stuff blinking at 60Hz =D

Proper use of sound effects is also very important.

The introduction has a lighting system which uses a drawing surface.

The surface has the same size as the screen, and it is initially gray. Darker spots are drawn on the surface on positions according to light sources on the screen. The surface is then drawn to the screen using bm_subtract in order to make the screen darker except for the places where there are lights.

There's a link to the source gmk somewhere in this topic. It's messy but if you know what you're looking for then you might find it there.

There isn't really much fancy technical programming behind most of the effects; you just have to use your selected devices in a way which gives them impact. If you're curious about some particular graphical element I haven't explained then I'll gladly explain the mechanics though.

That won't be necessary. I'm sure Mercury who is the programmer for STT can figure everything out. But I appreciate you taking the time to explain some of this stuff. Its nice to see a GM game that has such pretty effects, and to have a game that can act as an example of what can be done with GM and some creativity.

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There's totally no need to ask me for permission to make a lightning effect d00d.

The description was a bit sub-standard, but here's the code I used for drawing it. It's not exactly self-documenting but it's fairly straighforward.

Arc goes from
for(i=1; i<=mm; i+=1;)




As Candescence explained, Descent is a game. If you have it then you can use a program called DTX to extract textures and audio. I'm guessing you don't want to do that though.

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Har har, somebody mistook Descent as a person. Actually, oddwarg used a song from Descent in the soundtrack for EHF: Io Sulfur Mine. You hear it when you fight the drill boss. It's one of the more exciting songs from the game's soundtrack, if the only really exciting one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to come by and tell you too how awesome is this fangame. It´s truly original and inspiring, some bosses are really awesome (specially all the final bosses, I love them). Great graphics and awesome selection of epic musics.

Sincerely, it´s one of the best fangames I´ve ever played.

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