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The big E3 thread

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Man, you're gonna have to get used to it. They're all businesses aimed at getting your money as the bottom line. Casual gamers are the new target, and they're doing everything they can to rake in the casual players dollar.

I'm just praying ninty doesn't pull another fully casual show. I mean we've got the new zelda reveal (YOU KNOW ITS GOING TO HAPPEN), probably a new mario, the 3ds. From the articles going around, the 3ds is actually going to be quite a powerful little handheld. So I'm interested to see it in action tomorrow.

Sony's shows, while boring as shit, are extremely informative, and they show a LOT of games during the span of their shows. It always stands that you'll never be blown out of the water by sony's showings, but you'll never really be that disappointed either.

But yea, this casual bs isn't going away anytime soon. And until they figure out what's going to rake in the most cash easily, we're going to see it more and more.

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Oh I know its not going away anytime soon, and I got used to it before, but I'm probably never gonna stop bitching about it because I don't agree with it. Its not so much 'omg I'm a hardcore gamer and now these losers are enjoying MY hobby' its more like 'well...what am I gonna play D:?'. I don't like a lot of motion gimmicky games, or fitness games, or stuff like that but now they seem to be what a lot of companies want to focus on for the money like you said. I just hope it doesn't result in a lot of core games just all of a sudden dying out more and more that the selection ends up being the same three games a year.

It sucks haha. I just don't agree with it.

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EDIT: Funny what happens when one delves further into stuff. Sereph, you had good reason to be skeptical about the image in my post being a pre-render. Check this out, guys. I will show you 2 images that I found that reveal the "not-so-ugly-but-still-ugly" truth about what Turn 10 revealed.

Here is image 1. The Pre-render. Let's examine it, shall we?


It's obvious, this is NOT the same "version" that was shown at the keynote. As a matter of fact, it is an edit. Notice the text on the tires. The Michelin Pilot tires are the giveaway to the car being pre-rendered. Another hint of pre-rendering is in the environment. Look how detailed it is. Notice the smaller details in the Salt Flats. This is not an in-game model. Period.

Now that you've examined Image 1, let's take a closer look at Image 2.

Here is image 2, which is a screenshot of Turn 10's little "skit" in the conference.


Notice how much brighter the ground and the car are. The car shines a brighter hue of red than in the pre-render. Also, this image lacks the detail the pre-render has. Also, the car in the pre-render is obviously rendered in far more polygons than in this image... Or is it? It's possible that the alleged "pre-render" isn't a pre-render at all, nor an in-game shot. It's actually very possible that the pre-render is indeed a shot of an actual Ferrari 458 Italia on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were such.

I'm not the first one to find this out, given that alba of the GTPlanet forums has deciphered this.



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E3 has sucked for years now. Games are just not coming out like they used to. As for THIS E3?....I blame Nintendo for everything. A bunch of motion gimmicks for shit that is barely going to make a difference to me. If I buy it, it'll all come down to me spending $100+ on one or two good games that utilize the hardware. Aint happenin.

Im tired of fucking First-Person Shooters, and im REALLY getting tired of motion gimmicks. I just want GOOD VIDEOGAMES again. I want a new reason to go to EB Games or something again. I want a new reason to PREORDER something again. If people would get smart and make good motion gimmick games then whatever, but nobody is doing it, so i dont care.

If the motion gimmicks came out on the PS3 to BEGIN with then PSMove would be interesting, but it just isn't. I'd be happy that now Playstation has something that will make all those games that WOULD kick ass on Wii to REALLY kick ass now that 1:1 motion has come face to face with very powerful hardware...But gaming has changed already. People who develop those games, even if they ARE good, are still going to put them on the Wii since its just way easier and way cheeper to impress people with its shitty hardware. That and the system is cheep as well. Kinect? Ugh....Dont really care. Until you can show me something similar to what PSMove can do i dont really think ill care too much. I dont doubt that it can, I just have to see a game that uses it right for me to care. Kinect is awesome and all but there is no physical controller -- It'll have great motion gimmicks but fail when it comes to games that actually require you to move around, which likely means most of these games are gonna end up being On-rails or party games, which i could gives a fuck about. I hear you can hold a controller but still use Kinect...but that requires a minimum of 1 hand, and the 360 control isnt really 1-hand friendly.

It just feels like developers are all focusing on the WRONG things these days. Graphics are important, telling a story is important, but god dammit its a VIDEOGAME not a MOVIE or an EXHIBITION. Playing is the important part.

I guess thats why Metal Gear Rising made me happy, since it actually is showing an application of true NEXT-GEN capabilities being incorporated into making the GAMING experience more exciting. Its like they said "Well, In our cutscenes in MGS4, he was running around making confetti of machines. Okay. Lets give him a game where the PLAYER can run around, slicing through machines, people, environments and objects as well." I mean the video was only a few seconds and no in-depth footage was shown, but the difference between this game and other hack-and-slashes are already quite clear; this brings the far closer to the character than it would otherwise. And not only the character, the one in the CUTSCENES -- the one you really wish you could be.)

This brings me back to the Force Unleashed, which was in my opinion a grand waste of resources and what most of these "next-gen" games are looking like. You spend all this time developing something like DMM and Euphoria, in a STAR WARS game, and the best applications you can find are snapping a few trees and a few mallable walls? Nothing another game couldn't simulate. Pretty, yes, but worth the buy alone? No. The force manipulation was cool, but i should have been slicing through walls and dancing through crowds as limbs heads and torsos go flying everywhere. There is no FUCKING reason my force powers are more lethal than a slice of my Lightsaber. AND there is no reason you should still be in one piece after i hit you with it.

We need more games like GTA4 to come along. Did GTA4 deserve a perfect score? No, it didn't, but it DID however deserve the 10's that it got anyway, because it took the abilities of Next-Gen Hardware and turned it into something that BENEFITS THE GAMEPLAY. You spend half the game running around in cars and killing people? Sweet deal. Lets make the cars mallable to outside forces through a physics engine, and lets give all the people a physics engine that lets them react outside of scripted animations. Now the player actually feels like he hit a person (or another car) at 70 MPH, or that he just shot them in the leg or hit them in the face with a bat. Ramming that bastard that got in your way feels alot better when his door is in the seat with him. Thats what i think Next-Gen gameplay is all about. You bring the player closer to his character and his mission. Of course, this varies greatly for each genre and each franchise in each genre...but still.

That said, "PRECISION AIMING WITH A POINTER" is not a good selling point for me anymore, because god dammit i could do that with a mouse and keyboard. Think of something new already. It doesn't have to be big, either. Gears of War got smart and added something REAL simple -- fear of bullets, and a nice place to hide from them. Oh yeah, and a chainsaw. Crazy fun game, it worked wonders the WHOLE way through.

Im not downing everything about the whole "MOTION GIMMICKS SHOW YUR GRANDMA" thing, but i wish it was just watered down at least by some new games.

I only care about Nintendo's conference for the new Zelda. Metroid: Other M? Uh...looks gimmicky, all i can say. Team Ninja...I enjoy their games, but what Dead or Alive has been reduced to is kind of pathetic, it having such an awesome gameplay mechanic and all. I hope they can turn metroid out. If nintendo came out and said they're releasing some kind of update to brawl that made it not suck, I'd also be very happy. Other than that, Zelda or Bust; i could care less about your shitty statistics, Nintendo. I could have sworn you guys said "THERE IS NO CONSOLE RACE FOR US".

Edit: Forza Motorsport 4...thats a pre-render, right? It has to be. I dont believe that otherwise.

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I don't think you need any info to figure out what to expect out of GT5. Same as GT4, but with different/more tracks, different/more cars, and different/upgraded graphics. Maybe some career mode shit? Not that they would even bother to show that at E3.

Yea, I was very dissapointed with their psp offering, not a single career mode to enjoy, you just unlocked cars by racing, kinda boring to me, I like the whole aspect of starting out with a terrible POS car, getting licenses, and then gaining cash.

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I don't think you need any info to figure out what to expect out of GT5. Same as GT4, but with different/more tracks, different/more cars, and different/upgraded graphics. Maybe some career mode shit? Not that they would even bother to show that at E3.

I'd like to question that theory. Let's get down to the nitty gritty of Gran Turismo, shall we?

In some aspects, sure GT5 is the "same" GT we've known and depending on your case, loved. However, you're looking at some basic aspects and not the whole deal. GT5 is NOT the same as the other games before it. GT5 has an entirely new AI engine, and it will support up to 16 cars on a course, with the latter being something a full non-prologue GT has never done in the past few iterations. Also, the addition of Ferrari and Lamborghini is new to a Gran Turismo being released worldwide. (I say that because GT3 in Japan exclusively had a JGTC lambo, unlockable in the US by means of hacking). New to the franchise is the addition of penalties. You can get penalties for crashing into other cars, colliding with the wall, and taking shortcuts. There's also a tire grip penalty. Also new to the series is damage, which includes scratches, dents, and even falling parts (which is limited to the hood and doors). The ability to add your GT PSP collection is also a new feature. There is aslo the addition of WRC, JGTC, and NASCAR licensed cars. Like I said, it might be the same GT in basic, but once you see the whole picture, it's more different than it is the same.

Feature rant aside... Let's be realistic about what's to come today. Expect a release date because Polyphony Digital is looking to release the game this year. Kazunori Yamauchi (head of PD) himself said the game was "90% complete earlier this year. Even retailers such as Newegg are suggesting a fall release, perhaps even in November. More info will be unveiled. Believe it. I'm positive of it. If we don't get the info we're expecting from E3, we still got two major conferences for that info to appear: Games Convention in Leipzig which usually isn't too long after E3, and the Tokyo Games Show in August-September time.

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Another fine example of a game that was cool 2-d but didn't quite transition well to 3-d.

Are you crazy? Wasn't Rayman 2 one of the most highly regarded platformers of the 32 bit era? Not that Rayman 3 didn't undo some of that. Anyway what's important is that Michel Ancel is back he's the brain behind the first 2 Rayman games.

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Are you crazy? Wasn't Rayman 2 one of the most highly regarded platformers of the 32 bit era? Not that Rayman 3 didn't undo some of that. Anyway what's important is that Michel Ancel is back he's the brain behind the first 2 Rayman games.

I know, I was reffering to 3.

And, lol on sonic cycle.

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E3 has sucked for years now. Games are just not coming out like they used to. As for THIS E3?....I blame Nintendo for everything. A bunch of motion gimmicks for shit that is barely going to make a difference to me. If I buy it, it'll all come down to me spending $100+ on one or two good games that utilize the hardware. Aint happenin.

It's funny because everyone is waiting for Nintendo to swoop in and be big damn heroes. Make the Wii, bring in a new flood of casual games, everyone else gets wrapped up in it, then heel face turn with some Zelda, Metroid, 3DS, Mario Galaxy 2...if I didn't know any better, I'd say Nintendo totally played the entire industry and made a shitload of cash in the process. Haters gonna hate.

Im tired of fucking First-Person Shooters, and im REALLY getting tired of motion gimmicks. I just want GOOD VIDEOGAMES again. I want a new reason to go to EB Games or something again. I want a new reason to PREORDER something again. If people would get smart and make good motion gimmick games then whatever, but nobody is doing it, so i dont care.

And eventually people got sick of platformers too. And sandbox games. And now music games aren't doing jack shit. The industry cycles through genres. All you can do is support the games that are really interesting like Last Guardian or whatever, and hope it works out.

If the motion gimmicks came out on the PS3 to BEGIN with then PSMove would be interesting, but it just isn't. I'd be happy that now Playstation has something that will make all those games that WOULD kick ass on Wii to REALLY kick ass now that 1:1 motion has come face to face with very powerful hardware...But gaming has changed already. People who develop those games, even if they ARE good, are still going to put them on the Wii since its just way easier and way cheeper to impress people with its shitty hardware. That and the system is cheep as well. Kinect? Ugh....Dont really care. Until you can show me something similar to what PSMove can do i dont really think ill care too much. I dont doubt that it can, I just have to see a game that uses it right for me to care. Kinect is awesome and all but there is no physical controller -- It'll have great motion gimmicks but fail when it comes to games that actually require you to move around, which likely means most of these games are gonna end up being On-rails or party games, which i could gives a fuck about. I hear you can hold a controller but still use Kinect...but that requires a minimum of 1 hand, and the 360 control isnt really 1-hand friendly.

I think Kinect actually shows the most promise. It has a lot of unique functions (face recognition XBLA login, voice commands, and all the fancy stuff that it does in games like head tracking and such), but developers don't really know what to do with it. I'd like to see a Time Crisis where you move the camera around by moving around the room to get a better view, and aim some silly blue or pink gun at dudes.

It just feels like developers are all focusing on the WRONG things these days. Graphics are important, telling a story is important, but god dammit its a VIDEOGAME not a MOVIE or an EXHIBITION. Playing is the important part.

I'll go inform the young that your lawn is not an acceptable venue.

Though it's funny that you're talking about Rising's gameplay when, if any game is MOST GUILTY of being a movie, it's a Metal Gear game.

And Metroid looks superb. Aside from my worries about controlling with the D-Pad, I'm totally looking forward to it, and knowing that Sakamoto and his team are still the head honchos of the project leaves me confident in their results. Team Ninja's just working with them to A) Help the team work on their first 3D game, B) strengthen their relationship with Nintendo as a company and vice versa, and C) Get good PR for both companies (Nintendo tells the hardcore to shut the fuck up, Ninja gets to say they worked with the biggest developer in the industry.)

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I have a good feeling about this years ninty offering, I know it's bad to show some hope but who cares, if the 3DS is as powerful as I've been reading, I'll at least be happy about that

EDIT: AND WHO CALLED THE NEW ZELDA??? Glad to see one of my predictions got shown right off the bat.

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Cel shaded Twilight Princess? Sword beams? Yes please.

Now if they'll let me pick my handedness...

Still, looks like they're hitting a lot of right notes with this one. Interested to see what the press will say about it when they try the demo.


EDIT: Okay, Project Sora's 3DS title looks awesome. Drop dead gorgeous, and the gameplay looks fantastic. I hope to god it's a launch title. I really want it.

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