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Sonic Worlds Delta V1.2


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Actually, I experimented a little with it and I set the water level to 2000 (from 1004 I think it was) and it took the water out as well as the bubbles. Very strange but it worked!

Guess i'm sort of a noob when it comes to the event editor and conditions, but it's not too bad. Thanks guys!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Download Version 1.2b

Besides using a better host (sorry), this build increases the spring animation speed so they don't appear sluggish, reworked destruction of enemies by flying under them as Tails to work better, and made the flicky attack much more efficient.

Is it possible for this build to be hosted somewhere else? I got bombarded with pop-ups when I tried to download the build from here.

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The problem is that I can't find a better file hoster, since Worlds Delta is too big a file to be hosted even on Media fire.

If anyone could please direct me to a better file server, I'd really appreciate it. That's about the only kind of help I can afford now a days.

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I've never had any popups going there, nor get any "pop up has been blocked" notification. I think they don't even do banner advertising, though I may be wrong as I have ad-block.

I suppose however I can upload future builds to thisisourcorner (was trying to shamelessly bring up my site points for that host). Speaking of which, I think it's still on me to patch up and complete the new version; guess I should hop on that soon.

Anyway, I'm pretty surprised by the Music Engine, well done guys.

Why thank you good sir.

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Thanks, Lark. Yeah, on your host, it says Worlds is Premium Content and has to be unlocked by taking a survey; I can't unlock it even by registering. Either it leads me to a bunch of pop-ups I can't close or, like today, it gives surveys which can never be completed despite actually being completed.

I'll see if I can find a good file sharing host for you guys.

[EDIT] Strangely enough, MediaFire's website states that you can upload up to 500 files at a time with no total limit, but another site says MediaFire's maximum file size per upload is 100 MB. Anyway, I'll keep looking.

[EDIT 2] I think I've found a good site, thanks to CyberKitsune via #retro; try Sendspace. I checked it out and tested it, and it works well. Interface feels a tad cluttered, but it's still workable. You can upload files up to 300 MB each, which should be more than enough for Sonic Worlds.

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  • 1 month later...

@SuperBlizhedgehog: The final version? What features are not here that you think should be included?

@Everyone: Just giving a little heads up. 1.2c is being delayed, apart from the lazy gap inbetween, due to a current implementation of input management, which will enable the game to detect all connected game devices, allow the user to select a device, and then proceed to give the player the ability to map inputs to every action using any available input mechanism on the game controller. This also means I plan to add analog support to the player's movement if you mapped an analog input to this. Force feedback may be implemented on a later build however.

Edit: WIP version of InputManager (will be simplified for Delta):


Yes, you will be able to create, save, and load control profiles too.

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The input management system has been completed! (In terms of use for Delta anyway.) It is still lacking full Player 2 support, but I'll add that in whenever someone actually needs it. (Need, not want.)


In this screen I have the left analog stick moved to the top-rightish while holding down the left trigger enough to pass its deadzone.


Youtube wouldn't take this for whatever reason; only uses the standard H.264 codec. *shrug*

Made a sloppy video of how it looks like in action, minus it working in an actual game (that would be better off for your testing pleasure anyhow once I get the system snuggled in with Delta).

For some quick information on the system, all digital inputs are converted to analog input values, and all analog inputs are converted to the same value range, being 0 is idle and 1000 is fully pressed (so buttons being pressed returns 1000 instead of the normal 1). This makes it as easy as it normally is to handle inputs, while allowing simplicity in retrieving a precise analog value to use for pressure sensitive actions, as well as letting any input be mapped to any control. Deadzone examples are shown in the mapping screen, as well as a test control layout which can be easily changed to the game's needs. I also spent specific attention in making everything as optimized as possible, without sacrificing user-friendliness.

Hopefully when the source is finally released to everyone, it proves to be very benefitial to fangames, and developers aren't afraid to work it into their projects. I'd also be willing to allow developers to contact me on AIM/MSN for support in getting it set up!

Edit: Forgot to mention that due to a detection failure with a small number of game devices when using the Joystick2 extension, the device manager will also detect and display Joypad devices, as even though the Joypad extension is from the same author, it seems to have better detection with console controllers than its newer counterpart. So to increase compatibility, if the player doesn't see their game controller listed but sees the Joypad device, they can use that as a fallback, and though they will not have rumble support (not yet implemented), the player will at least still be able to use their device with the input management system. Better than nothing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It can read inputs from any input, it's just up to you to set up the game to use it. In the screenshots I just showed an example providing deadzones for the directional inputs and the L and R inputs (in case of triggers). If you so please you could give two XY deadzones for two analog sticks, and make a Geometry Wars fangame. Right now though, you can map the second stick to any of the existing inputs, even the movement directions, but you should provide deadzones for something you think might commonly be mapped to an analog stick or trigger. ;]

Tightening up Delta while I can during freetime between classes. I don't want to put a deadline on things, but it should hopefully be coming soon!


If rumble support is added, should it be limited to Joystick2 devices only, or include a selection for rumble devices should someone have something like a force feedback chair that the game happens to detect? Also if the rumble selection is your choice, should it allow multi-selection? :3

Try to pick an answer you think is most sensible that compromises with flexibility, as IMO the rumble device selector might be pushing it.

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That's probably the best option Azu, especially since I was thinking on releasing a standalone version of the input manager with no features cut out. I was just wondering what people thought behind the practicality in selecting a rumble device in a game heh.

force feedback chairs? that sounds like something used while looking at porn

All the more reason to support them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hows that 1.2C or 1.3 coming along Larks/MCK? Keep up the good work guys, I love what you've done to the engine.

Oh, here are a couple more user friendly (no pop-up/waiting) mirrors to 1.2B

http://ifile.it/vm85boy/Sonic_Worlds_Delta_V1.2b.7z (Click request download ticket, then click download)


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Thanks for the mirrors flame6753. School work has finally decided to kick in, and "test week" is coming up/going on, so progress has been close to none, and the 3D engine I'm playing with has been eating any fragments of freetime left over. I should probably write a reminder for myself that Delta still needs working on. (Lark is fine btw, the SS is just tacked on for...tacked on reasons).

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