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Sonic 4 Thread


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More like Sonic 1 Gaiden. The boxart was released yesterday. here's the side by side comparison of everything that we've seen thus far:


So, does this count as a remake, port, homage or extremely long self-reference?

Also, about the MM9 boxart: http://kotaku.com/5052089/yup-youll-be-able-to-buy-a-mega-man-9-box

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Wow, after seeing those boxart comparisions, I have to say that this game would be better of being named "New Sonic The Hedgehog" instead of "Sonic The Hedgehog 4". I mean seriously, look how the Sonic 1 boxart matches Sonic 4's boxart at 99%, minus the 1% for some of the background being a little different x_x.

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Open your eyes! Ep.1 is obviously a Sonic 1 & 2 remake, not Sonic 1 only.

It's not really a remake. The level design is totally diffferent, the enemies behave differently, and there seem to be four acts per level. It's just trying to milk as much nostalgia out of the Genesis series as possible.

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It's just trying to milk as much nostalgia out of the Genesis series as possible.

And thats what makes me hate them.

Nobody wants the genesis games back, we just want the "sonic" platforming experience that made it so insanely popular in the first place. Its too bad the fools don't realize all they're doing by falling back on Nostalgia like this is setting themselves up for horrible, horrible criticism.

The way i see it, if they model it after one of the genesis games, NAME it after one of the genesis games, and advertise it as a successor or progression of the genesis series, they're just digging themselves into their own grave. I just dont get them. Its like they enjoy being trashed by not only the critics but their own fans as well.

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It's not really a remake. The level design is totally different, the enemies behave differently, and there seem to be four acts per level. It's just trying to milk as much nostalgia out of the Genesis series as possible.

yeah, now the motobug can turn 180º. How great is that?

And if it's trying to milk nostalgia, then they're not doing it in the correct way. Bringing back zones and badniks won't do much good in a Sonic game as it's all by the looks (every Sonic game brought new zones and enemies) and the gameplay(Physics and level design). And in both cases, this Sonic4 it's not really getting my attention as much as the classics did.

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The best game in the series IMO (Minus lock-on) would definately be either Sonic & Knuckles or Sonic Advance.

Almost every stage in Sonic&Knuckles had an altered appearance from the first act, and it made you always feel like you were GOING somewhere. (Sonic 3 did this too, but S&K did it better imo.)

In my opinion, for a platformer to succeed in great level design, you need to have the feeling that you're actually traveling somewhere, or getting something done. But more importantly, you have to feel like you're in the place the backgrounds are saying you are in. All the genesis titles after the first one did this exceptionally well. With the new sonic games, they put too hard an emphasis on "GOING FAST" and not enough on "lets make it feel like sonic is in deserted ruins/old water palace/mechanical deathtrap land". Sonic Advance 1 didn't have this problem. With the others though it runs rampant.

Its likely going to do it in this one too, because these guys apparently forgot how to make their own franchise fit together. Every stage feels like the same one with different graphics, unless they decided to turn the gravity upside down or something.

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The Advance series would hold a higher place in my heart if the special stages were either slightly easier to either PASS or GET TO. Here's a run-down of how you access each special stage in each Advance game, with an "ADL" (meaning "Actual Difficulty Level") describing how hard the game's special stages are:

  1. Get to the ONE special spring in the act and get ONE try on the special stage. ADL: 2/5, not that hard once you actually get to them.
  2. Get 7 special rings and THEN beat the level. Also, EACH CHARACTER HAS THEIR OWN EMERALD COUNT, SO DON'T BOTHER WITH ANYONE BUT SONIC IF YOU WANT TO PLAY THE FINAL LEVEL. ADL: ~4-5/5, but I can't confirm personally as testaments I've heard have made me glad I never did get this one.
  3. Find TEN Chao scattered around the level, then get a special key, and then take that to the special spring for EXACTLY ONE TRY. ADL: ARGH/5. I actually used an AR code to skip the special stage garbage the first time I played and I do not regret that choice one bit now that I play again.

What I can say about the Advance series is that based on the actual games (and not the hard-as-hell special stages), Dimps may as well become the new Sonic Team; Dimps knows the blue speedster better than Sonic team does.

More on-topic: HELL YEAH SONIC FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUR. Hope it's good, but as usual, Dimps isn't really leaving any room for doubt.

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Even saying that is a stretch I think Sparks.
Well it has more original bosses, plenty of chunks of zone that have new original layout in some areas (part of Neo South Island 2, most of Secret Plant, a lot of Cosmic Casino, some of Aquatic Relix (?), Areobase is also mostly new, and then Gigantic Angel only vaguely resembles the original MZ layout, being much huger and more maze like)
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