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Michael Jackson DID compose sonic music.


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http://www.joystiq.com/2009/12/03/french-magazine-reportedly-confirms-mjs-involvement-with-sonic/ according to this french magazine, Micheal Jackson did help compose some of the beats for Sonic 3, buuuut he hated the quality of the sound output by the genesis and didn't want his name on it. Understandable as the sega genesis sounded terrible, but for people like me, I for some reason enjoyed the noise put out by that wonderful machine.

So there's that. Mystery solved.

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Oh come on we all knew he did. Its not a mystery its a known fact that just couldn't be proven if that makes any sense. But I better shut up I get into trouble when we talk Michael.

Don't give me that. I remember tons of comments on how it was just a coincidence, etc. And um, facts are normally proven.

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I thought it was just his song writers that composed it.

Ah well, he's full o' shit, cause then Moonwalker came out for the system, so it must have been magically worthy by then :V

Moonwalker was originally an arcade game, and arcade machines usually have far better sound and graphics. The Genesis Moonwalker was a port of the arcade game, and I'm assuming ports were Sega's call, not his.

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in all fairness, the synth on Bad sounds just a small step above the stuff the megadrive chip could produce.

there are some very obvious ones, but i do remember people started to really clutch at straws with some of the tracks.

"This song contains two consecutive notes similar to Baby Be Mine! MJ MUST have composed it!"

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Moonwalker was originally an arcade game, and arcade machines usually have far better sound and graphics. The Genesis Moonwalker was a port of the arcade game, and I'm assuming ports were Sega's call, not his.

The genesis moonwalker and arcade moonwalker were two seperate games with dif tracks.

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He did?

...Meh. It isnt surprising. Sonic's music in the genesis era was always EONS ahead of any game of its time. Think about it, you guys -- have any of you been able to enjoy a genesis sonic game without the background music? I would almost say the music of Sonic the Hedgehog was almost 50% of the ride. My favorite sonic stages just happen to be the ones with the best BG music; it doesn't matter how fun or annoying the stage is. And i dont think theres a stage I enjoy with bad or less-than-catchy music.

This is most prevelent in Sonic the Hedgehog 1, which i really dont remember enjoying that much until the levels with catchy music (spring yard, starlight, few others.) So im not surprised they got him to do S3.

Hell, Heroes wouldn't have been half as fun without the amazing music.

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@SG: Cos the French know everything. Unless MJ's office themselves say he did, or SEGA tell us he did, I don't believe it nor disbelieve it.

You guys are easily swayed by foreign text. Also, REPORTEDLY.

^ this

I find it hard to believe MJ composed something for the credits of a Sonic game and later based Stranger in Moscow off of it. Something doesn't sound right.

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hmmm...maybe that "UUH!" in the mini boss song at start was him....whatever. Anyway, UUH!, HEY C'MON!.

That pretty much was proven when they ripped the DAC files from Sonic 3. Carnival Night actually SAMPLES JAM. The hits in that part of the song are actually a downsampled clip from jam from the same part of the song lol. You can hear the guy saying "JAM!"


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That pretty much was proven when they ripped the DAC files from Sonic 3. Carnival Night actually SAMPLES JAM. The hits in that part of the song are actually a downsampled clip from jam from the same part of the song lol. You can hear the guy saying "JAM!"


Holy fuck, this is really awesome. A curious fact, when i beated the game for the first time, my mother recognized the credits music and she asked me if that music was some kind of remix of MJ's songs. Hell yeah, Carnival Night is practically the downsampled version of JAM.

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