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Columbia Pictures- "2012" & The End of Times

Power Hedgehog

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I went to see this movie when it came out yesterday, and I've gotta say I didn't expect what I saw. The CG effects in this movie were amazing, and even better than "The Day After Tomorrow". The story was okay, as there were some boring parts in it, but the graphics and effects made up for that. When the movie was over, some people from the theater staff team questioned a bunch of people asking if they thought something really would happen to Earth in the year 2012.

This is how I feel about that:

"I really don't know what to believe, since doomsday threats are always happening, like the Y2k in 1999. But since the end of times had "so-called" been predicted by the highly intelligent Mayans, I don't know if I should believe it or not. Right now, December 21 2012 will be considered another day on my calender, but if something is going to happen, maybe this movie is a warning on what could happen."

There are many different websites around saying so many different things, with the people behind them claiming either to be scientists, or having heard there information from scientists.

So, with that being said, I gotta ask you guys, did you see the movie and if so, what do you think about it? Also, do you think that there is significance behind the year 2012?

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I may think of going to see that movie to see how ludicrous the world will end. Besides, I know that it wasn't about the end of the world, but the end of mankind. It can continue to exist long after we're gone.

If they ask me that question, I simply say "we fucked ourselves to extinction", because that is the most likely way that mankind will end.

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Nope. No significance. You'd have to be a fucking retard to draw the conclusion that there is some significance, and this movie is just there to prey on retarded fucks who are willing to give the idea some credence.

Fancy CG effects be damned, there is nothing to be gained out of this except a cheap disaster film thrill. And frankly, I've always despised disaster films.

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Owww,shit,i'm fucking tired of those movies that show our "good final".Honestly,who cares about the end?.We are going to die and nothing more.Enjoy your life until the last second and,and,and...eeerr...uuhh...

I'm mad,just ignore me.

Btw,2012 is the year of the flying cows.Prepare your umbrella because it going to rain milk...

...meh,i like Day of Independence.Roland Emmerich is a crazy old man...

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Everyone needs to read this site. Every word. It is a page made by some intelligent people around the world to disprove 2012.

Summary of it all:

The Mayans died before they finished the calendar, it was NOT a prediction, nothing was predicted at all, the planets will align, but nothing will happen, no volcanoes will explode, nothing.

Most people who believe the shit are just trying to freak out little kids.

Honestly, even if it does come true, what can you do about it? Just live life to the fullest. Make the best of it. And I would still reccomend going by that rule even if 2012 wasn't the end.

Regarding the movie "2012";

I find it abit unrealistic. I haven't watched it, but jumping into an airplane after the earth splits apart seems abit unrealistic. I mean, where could you go, really, to avoid death? The government can't pull out rockets out of their arse.

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Nope. No significance. You'd have to be a fucking retard to draw the conclusion that there is some significance, and this movie is just there to prey on retarded fucks who are willing to give the idea some credence.

Fancy CG effects be damned, there is nothing to be gained out of this except a cheap disaster film thrill. And frankly, I've always despised disaster films.


The whole 2012 thing is retarded. That movie was nothing but a good excuse to waste money on CG effects.

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Did they mention planet X? I hope they did!

Jokes aside. I'm seeing this everywhere, and it annoys me somehow. 2012 to me is just where the Mayan calendar "resets", and I'm not believing in that until concrete proof is shown.

Because the world did end in 2000.

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From what I've heard, as we have years the Mayan calendar has "cycles" or "worlds", currently at 5 IIRC.

So in short, apparently December 2012 marks the beginning of a new "cycle/world". But of course, drama and false information always show up.

2012 will be another regular year. Simple as that.

2012 to me is just where the Mayan calendar "resets"

This. Basically, Mayan years or whatever they are called are long as shit. Just like we go from December 31 to January 1, but with a different kind of calendar.

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Yeah, the only way the world's likely to end in 2012 is because we make it end.

And that is why "Day after Tomorrow" is more believable than this shit mainly because it serves a purpose: To warn us that soon the world will fuck up and it's entirely our fault that it happened.

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Seriously, the Mayans had a cyclical calender, which would just loop back once it "ended". The calendar is a fucking circle for crying out loud.

The 2012 apocalypse will be a disaster on the level Y2K was.

I agree. Even though the Mayan's calendar ended in 2012 doesn't mean that ours does. I mean, I don't think that their calendar would have lasted for eternity as it had to come to an end at one point, and they chose to end it at the end of the Winter Solstice. I just see it as more of a beginning of a new cycle than the end of anything.

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and even if their calender DID intend 2012 to be the end of the world...who cares? Unless it was some amazing spiritual or extraterrestrial being giving them this infinite knowledge, there's absolutely no way they could predict something so far off.

Thats about as vauge as the apocalypse being described as "death by fire". The chance of it actually happening is anyone's guess, but destruction on a worldwide scale has a pretty large chance of dealing with some sort of energy in the form of heat. (Unless a giant meteor hits the ocean somewhere, in which case it depends on the size, but if its large enough the world's still likely going to end in fire so whatever.)

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Went to see the movie, and besides the fucking date, it was somewhat believable. I'm glad that they didn't do one apocalyptic disaster after another, just the crust disturbance (thank god they didn't include Planet FUCKING X). Though the Noah Ark bit kinda drew my attention.

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The world will end in 2012, I have seen it. No words can describe how horrifying it is, but I can prove the world will end by showing you what it will look like, and this is how the end of the world will look...


In other news, I saw this 2012 film yesterday and found it rather boring despite all the amazing effects. Shame really, Independence Day was and still is an awesome film.

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Also wow, the ancient mayans were so wise and smarter than us that they could predict the end of the world.

Same group of people who thought human sacrifice was the only way to keep their imaginary deities happy.

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The world will end in 2012, I have seen it. No words can describe how horrifying it is, but I can prove the world will end by showing you what it will look like, and this is how the end of the world will look...



I'll see it when it comes out on "DVD." My mom and sister saw it. They liked it, but there were too many close calls.

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