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Everything posted by Sslaxx

  1. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/10601_10151875351727418_1142096002_n.jpg - and we have what appears to be an image! And a rather... bulked up Knuckles. They were talking about a redesign of the characters - looks like Boom might be where they premiere?
  2. Commander Keen, maybe. Jill of the Jungle, or Jazz Jackrabbit. Maybe King Graham or Roger Wilco from the Sierra adventure games.
  3. Dunno if you can mix it like that, not least because Unity is .NET and closed-source...
  4. Yeah, agree about the HUD not really being in keeping with the style of art. Archie or SatAM, by the way?
  5. Ever thought of making Elder Scrolls fan games?
  6. Nice one with the Jacques referene there. Always liked the PC/Saturn Sonic 3D Blast soundtrack. Might want to fix the stoned music playing at the end of the act though.
  7. He's also not been around since November. Looks like he gave up due to the lack of response. Pity.
  8. Looks interesting there, Streak. Not Mecha Madness? Or is it related?
  9. http://uk.gamespot.com/sonic-the-hedgehog-4-episode-2/videos/gameplay-trailer-sonic-the-hedgehog-4-episode-2-6350932/ - minibosses confirmed (the polar bear)?
  10. Looks promising indeed! Nice to see something using C++ too.
  11. The free adventure games will probably still be better than this. Last "Doctor Who" platformer I remember was "Dalek Attack"...
  12. http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum/showpost.php?p=147870&postcount=2 - did you install these?
  13. Maybe. The Internet companies have so far lobbied to the value of some $95m over the last 12-18 months. I think the movie industry has done so to some $500m in the same period.
  14. I think it doesn't take much to realise the bill isn't about piracy really, but about establishing/expanding corporate control over the Internet. People like Rupert Murdoch, companies like Disney and organisations like ASCAP (who want to make Creative Commons illegal!) want to control and censor what people can say/do on the Internet (especially about them), never mind the guff about piracy, and are using their paid-for congress and senate (via PIPA) to attempt to do so. As has been pointed out, this isn't so much unconstitutional as anticonstitutional.
  15. When it comes to games, more stuff like "Eggman Hates Furries" would be interesting to see, take the Sonic platformer in different directions. You don't really need to stray that far from the formula to make excellent and interesting games though - "Before the Sequel" is a good example of that one. But in terms of tech, UDK is perhaps the most mature platform for Sonic games to use in terms of 2D and 3D gaming, though as yet there isn't anything out there. I'd be happy to see anything good.
  16. Ran into a broken spring. If it makes any difference, combo was Sonic/Cream, and Cream was offscreen. Going to see if I can replicate the bug.
  17. A reminder: PNG is not the best format to use for uploading sprites here if you don't want them stolen. JPEG and/or watermarking them would be more secure.
  18. What's with the use of Arial (?) for the "SONIC"?
  19. Have you noticed they fixed the music? E3 had a version of Doomsday Zone's music. And I'm surprised that isn't Modern Sonic, because it sounds too (ahem) modern for Classic Sonic...
  20. Dunno if anyone else has seen these, but... So, we really will be seeing Mushroom Hill Zone in 3D. Nice!
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