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Dr. Mecha

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About Dr. Mecha

  • Birthday 03/29/1987

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  • AIM
    Nash The Mutt 2
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Dallas TX
  • Interests
    Computer Graphic, Drawing,
  • Fan Gaming Specialty
    Modeling, spriting
  • Current Project
    Project Hound

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  1. You never ceased to amuse us, so keep up the good work.
  2. a few weeks back, I saw V or Vedetta. It was awesome.
  3. Ditto. The plot is predicable as hell, but the creatures and environment is spot on.
  4. My greatest concern is not the copyright of the characters, but the content themselves. We've been using sprites and music that is illegally ripped from illegal copies from trademarked game. But then again, I'm not sure about these myself: I've seen Insomniac games use a megaman sprite from MM7 in their Ratchet and Clank Future: TOD.
  5. How do you know anyways, though there's a chance that they didn't finish the calender when they we're wiped out by explorers. Though after some thought I do agree: Solar Rays from the sun cause the crustal displacement to speed up and cause the planet to shift its axis? That was fucking Bullshit. Not to fucking mention all the land mass should be distorted at the end, and yet it show the same fucking Africa in a new position. Where's the fuck is my super continent Pangaea 2? Hell, if they're going to use the Noah's Ark method, why couldn't they use submarines to evacuate the people from their doom and use the arks for the animals and plants instead. Hell I bet Subs can survives tsunamis anyways. It got some moments but that still doesn't save it from falling into the mediocre level. The character are too easy to see through. It like watching two guys argue whether they save people or ditch them to their doom (which it did happen). Not to mention the guys who argues contrast with each other, one have friends and families that he was concern about, while the other don't give a damn. Tough I do admit that the special effects are good, but that's the problem: they took up too much of the film to even be believable. Why the fuck should a tsunami be as huge as an empire state building and yet be enough water to turn Mt. Everest into a fucking island. But that what it is, a fucking generic disaster movie with more shit going on than Day after Tomorrow. At least the latter have an original disaster to back it up (Freezing the northern Hemisphere is fucking extreme), but the former just ripped off existing disasters from the Yellowstone Eruption to the Great Flood. All I could say is that 2012, while is NOT a simulation of what could happen, is a popcorn flick. It's just there for your enjoyment. Sure there is some boring parts to it, but other than that it's watchable. Just don't expect it to get any nominations for plot.
  6. Went to see the movie, and besides the fucking date, it was somewhat believable. I'm glad that they didn't do one apocalyptic disaster after another, just the crust disturbance (thank god they didn't include Planet FUCKING X). Though the Noah Ark bit kinda drew my attention.
  7. And that is why "Day after Tomorrow" is more believable than this shit mainly because it serves a purpose: To warn us that soon the world will fuck up and it's entirely our fault that it happened.
  8. I may think of going to see that movie to see how ludicrous the world will end. Besides, I know that it wasn't about the end of the world, but the end of mankind. It can continue to exist long after we're gone. If they ask me that question, I simply say "we fucked ourselves to extinction", because that is the most likely way that mankind will end.
  9. In other words, F*&^ the models and graphics. Get as much contents in there as possible so that we don't want to lose the game in the first place. Sonic Adventure one and two (along with Gamecube Ports) succeeds that with emblem, trial mode, ranks, and, of course, chao gardens. They lose the Chao part in Sonic Heroes, but then its all downhill from here. Sonic Unleashed maybe a step in the right direction, but that is just a step. It still rely on gimmicks to be a seller. Sure, Sonic Adventure done the same thing, but at least it got variety (the fishing stages are the S*&^). I'm sure you guys have to continue with what you have and stick to it. Just get the overall game done, then you polish it and get rid of all the bugs, and then you release it and start working on another game on the new engine. We don't want a cheap game, but we also don't want it to go through Development Hell like Duke Nukem Forever.
  10. It depends, Blenders is good for UV and texture creating. However, it mostly for beginners anyways. Real Professionals use XSI for it quick smooth and superb animation and rendering, but that is the most expensive 3D animation software on the market.
  11. Here's what I think, Apple may be able to attack Windows, but the main problem is the Hardwares itself. The OSX is only compatible with Apple computers, and any other PCs is IBM based. In other words, unless they made a OS that runs on a IBM based computer, then the entire thing is too expensive to even keep up. Not to mention, once a OS is released for the Macintosh, Future Games and Softwares that is Mac compatible will only work for that OS only. Hell, I'm still on OSX.3 for crying out loud!! The thing is, If there was a computer format wars, then IBM won along time ago, due to multiple manufacturers and brands. Macintosh only have Apple as it brand and manufacturer. Not to mention that Macintosh can't be custom built like IBM based PCs.
  12. No way that'll ever happens; maybe on the PSP/DS game, but still...
  13. Isn't there a sticky that tells us that?
  14. You forgot trademarked materials, but you're right on. This also cause controversy because it effects fan communities as well. In other words, anything fan related will be prohibited until they get obtain the rights from the company that hold the franchise in question. But with the economy in this condition I doubt that they'll spend money to obtain every computers and servers in the country that happens to have internet support. It like saying that Computer are made for business and not playing games. If you asked me, I say they made this law so that they can force us to get a real jobs and make a living out of it. Not to mention by more shit from companies that don't care about the quality of their products. They want us to improve the economy by being more involved in it.
  15. You forgot trademarked materials, but you're right on. This also cause controversy because it effects fan communities as well. In other words, anything fan related will be prohibited until they get obtain the rights from the company that hold the franchise in question. But with the economy in this condition I doubt that they'll spend money to obtain every computers and servers in the country that happens to have internet support. It like saying that Computer are made for business and not playing games. If you asked me, I say they made this law so that they can force us to get a real jobs and make a living out of it. Not to mention by more shit from companies that don't care about the quality of their products. They want us to improve the economy by being more involved in it.
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