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Hilarious comment from a complete fucking tool

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Because this guy sounds like Yoshihisa Hashimoto after a drink or two.

Aaaah, so that's where the werehog came from.

You're an insult to Sonic Fans, if you actually call yourself that...You Sonic retro___s need to perish back in the 90s.

Is there any reason why the new-school kids have this obsession with killing people? It's a game about a motherfucking blue hedgehog.

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Aaaah, so that's where the werehog came from.

Is there any reason why the new-school kids have this obsession with killing people? It's a game about a motherfucking blue hedgehog.

Blame Shadow, Guns and Bad Music?

It's a shame that so many retro games back in the 2D days are being ignored by current fans and even put down. Same goes for other franchises such as Zelda and Metal Gear. Especially in the case of Sonic where Sega brings out crap on a disk then claim its a game.

New school Sonic died with Sonic Heroes. (as in THAT game was the first bad one, NOT aftwards)

I agree with this comment and I'm struggling as to why Sega wouldn't go back to this formula. Sonic 2K6 would be an ok game if they actually fixed the gameplay and took out Elise.

Back on topic though there are stupid little preteen shits all over the internet with their shitty opinions and claiming they have a right to voice them. It's a shame and really unfortunate. Logic and reason will not get through to them. The only thing to do is argue once then leave, hoping maybe one of them will realize their position and make a more intelligent stance in the future.

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Can't deny Sonicteam's mastery at 2D sidescrolling, though I would say they've done a pretty good job with the 3D ones, considering how odd transitioning to full 3D must've been.

Of course that never gives these biased angry kids the right to say these things though.

Looking at this and the KRR forum lately as well, I also don't remember kids being this disrespectful a few years back.

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If platforming is boring wtf is he doing playing a platform game? There are lots of racing games out there, much better, and blowing off boxes while running is not even fun enough to make the difference.

Talibans who claim respect to their ideas while bashing the oposite ones.

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Do NOT bash all of Unleashed; from what I've seen of Unleashed, it looks like they did a good job in taking all the (gameplay-related) crap out of the game for the day stages, but then smelted all that crap down and smeared it back on for the night stages. You might say the difference really IS night and day. *shot for incredibly lame pun*

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Do NOT bash all of Unleashed; from what I've seen of Unleashed, it looks like they did a good job in taking all the (gameplay-related) crap out of the game for the day stages, but then smelted all that crap down and smeared it back on for the night stages. You might say the difference really IS night and day. *shot for incredibly lame pun*

Yeah, they did take out a lot of things.. they took out everything. They thought "Oh, sonic is about run, then, make it run *creates run button*".

They still have the same problem: levels are empty or filled with useles things, platforming, what builds the gameplay has been reduced to "jump from here to here", enemies are simple, repetitive, the same behaviour for most of them, and hazards and miscelaneous gameplay objects are... where are they? The number of them has been drastically reduced. So the gameplay is based on "run from here to here and the stop to do a stupid jump, kill 2 enemies and grab some rings".

They key was the mixture of speed and platforming. You were able to build your speed while platforming, killing enemies, using hazards and everything. Speed was kind of a reward for doing things well. In unleashed i do not get any speed for rolling down at the slopes, neither reach an higher path jumping in the right angle for higher jump. I can´t jump in the right moment to kill the enemy without being stopped or calculate the jump strength to pick a slope down in the right angle. Now, they can get to this mixture, or you stay running, or you stay platforming, so the multiple situations generated by this mixture don't exist. SU can be resumed on "here run, here jump, here kill".

Now it is like "hold boost and watch". In a 6 hour game like s3k you had endless situations, endless challenges, and you wonder what new ones will you find in other paths. SU is filled of deja vù everywhere. The enemies works all the same, but stronger or more resistant, or with larger shoots. Hazards and challenges are repeated all over and over and when you have something new or innovative is overused so you get bored of it soon.

Not to talk about speed issues. Before, speed was a reward you get by your own hability. Now, it's free, it's always turned on. There is no emotion by seeing how sonic doubles his speed when rolling down the slope and killing everything in his way. That situation doesn't exist, simply because you are already at full speed. In older games each situation were different, and you gained some speed or not through those situations. The only way in SU for getting speed is by getting rings to fill your energy bar. The possiblities are reduced from endless to 1. And do not say that you can choose to go slow, because you can't. How is it supossed to be fun to walk on a 3 miles' road with... rings?

Yeah, they fixd most of the SNG bugs, but SNG did not fail only because of the bugs. Design has a greater role on game entertainment. Creators themselves said it and werehog is the proof that things don't go well: "We don't know how to make the sonic levels variated, so wee add another gameplays to give some variety -werehog-, 20 levels of doing the same would be boring and repetitive-".

Defending SU will only bring SU2, the same mistakes, plus new ones in different coloured areas.

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The problem I've always had is that Sonic Team are always so focussed on trying new things instead of trying to improve on what was great in the first place. This is why we get all this swords, guns, werewolf bollocks.

Take Mario for example (I know, EVIL). The reason the Mario series has been so successful is that it still contains everything that made the series so popular but the developers add to fundamentals instead of scrapping them and replacing them with new ones.

For instance, how can the logical progression from jumping on enemies heads be cutting them up with a sword? That's the issue here; it isn't logical. Almost everything people associated with Sonic has been lost. For Christ's sake, the only original sound effect is now the ring noise!

It hurts me to think that new Sonic fans are introduced to this crap and generally think it's good. In true spolit-kid fashion they also have to go around defending the game's of an international, successful game publisher. SEGA don't need you to fight their wars, they couldn't care less about your "opinion". They need you to buy their games!

Seriously though, thank God for guys like you who put the effort into keeping the Sonic dream alive. This place is probably the last bastion for fans of classic Sonic games to go to and not be flamed for being a "retro___".

Who needs marketing and PR when you've got a load of stupid fanboys to tell you you're wrong?

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How can the first games be against what Sonic "has always been about"? That's just the as ironic (and retarded) as you can get.

That's like saying "I dyed my hair blonde, because I was born with brown hair! It completely went against my natural hair color!"

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Hmm.. I still stand by what I said when Heroes came out- I wish they'd of just stuck with the original Sonic Adventure formula. That was the game I had the most fun with and that's the only game that was even remotely old-school without having to drag older or an unnecessary amount of new characters into it. Arguably they created four: Tikal, Chaos, Big, and E-102, but three of them were basically killed off. It was the only one that even remotely tried to have any sort of personality or character development or, rather, left room for in a direct follow-up. Everything else, Sonic Adventure 2 included, has just been them flinging from one idea to the next without ever looking back and wondering what the hell happened: (sides -> teams -> guns -> ??? -> children's book -> RiStar -> children's book).

I left question mark's in Sonic Next Gen's place because I don't really know what the deal was with that one. Arguably it was an attempt to go back to Sonic Adventure gameplay- but it wasn't really an honest, true attempt. It was more a combination of Sonic Adventure's adventure fields, Sonic Adventure 2-style speed stages, Shadow the Hedgehog-style game play, and a bunch of random character thrown in for the hell of it. They put out videos that enticed us from the get-go, but as far as I can tell none of it ever made it into the final product and it was basically a sham.

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As much as I didn't enjoy the demo for Sonic Unleashed, I can't deny how freaking pretty it is.

Keep the 3D gameplay that progress players towards the back of the screen, which was something adapted since Sonic Adventure.

I think this is the main problem, really. I feel like this mentality makes it so that the levels end up being tracks because rather than just the perspective being behind Sonic, the levels are built so that you alway are moving forward, and at speed- so the levels end up being built like F-Zero tracks. Whereas when you look at a platformer like Mario the levels are more sprawling and not as narrow-minded. Don't know how this would be fixed, though.

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Good god, is our forum like the last haven for people that still enjoy the genesis classics and the adventure games? Kinda makes me sad to see the new breed of fanboy ___gotry that we have nowadays, give these kids a genesis collection copy and make them sit through that for a good 10 hours...good times :D.

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Good god, is our forum like the last haven for people that still enjoy the genesis classics and the adventure games?

Actually... yes.

It's also the most chill, imo. When's the last time there was a huge fucking fight? I can't even remember. Probably last SAGE. There's usually a fight there, haha.

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genesis collection copy and make them sit through that for a good 10 hours...good times :D.

That doesn't work D:

I was playing a Genesis Sonic game while my brother had a friend over (both 12 years old), and they watched me play, and his friend is like, "Boy, that game is ugly." And I was like, "It's freaking old. What the hell do you expect?" And he just says, "I don't care. It's ugly."

What happened to people who liked games because of their entertainment?

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Actually... yes.

It's also the most chill, imo. When's the last time there was a huge fucking fight? I can't even remember. Probably last SAGE. There's usually a fight there, haha.

I'll have to agree here. Even though I do like some of the newer games (like Unleashed for example) I find that if I do mention it I don't have a zillion people jumping down my throat for it. Of course I like the genesis titles more, but it doesn't stop me from also appreciating uhm...different aspects I guess of the newer titles.

There are many other forums where it is either you hate the new ones and you get flamed for it, or you hate the classics and you get flamed for it. I find that here the community is pretty nice. That is one of the major reasons why I stayed after being here for last SAGE =). I was sad I couldn't nominate this place for a Sonic Site Award for best community actually haha.

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