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  1. I used to go by a different name on this forum which I'm sure you would remember
  2. You're going to ban me for not liking the Sonic Worlds engine? I apologize if my remark on Sonic Worlds offended, I just never liked everyone using it over and over.Relax Pooh.
  3. Well, it's been a while since I last posted on SFHQ. I've picked up mmf2 again recently, working on some stuff. I left a few years back because everyone was using that Sonic Worlds trash rather than making their own engines etc. What's it like now? Ah well, still better than MFGG. Ugh what a place.
  4. I LOVED your original graphics. And the new battle beatle looks perfect for the genesis style. =) Btw, is the old Sonic Zero still around anywhere? I'd love to play it again. I remember those little bad guys with the propeller, didn't they get electric shields around them? Epic. You got your own website Mckaosu?
  5. Ugh, I've been playing the old beta as well. This new one is brilliant! I'm glad to see you've still been working on this The level graphics are really nice, very original sonic 3 style, and the layout is unique enough for this to feel like a brand new sonic game. You've really made the most of the Sonic Worlds engine, this game is definitely up there with the likes of Sonic Nexus. By the way Mckaosu, seeing as you've ignored me That sprite I posted of the little turtle bot was from the original Sonic Zero.
  6. MCKaosu, do you recognise the sprite I posted?
  7. Hoj


    Sonic Dating Sim Fangame? Oh dear lord no.
  8. Hoj


    This topic frustrates me.
  9. This game looks bloody awesome. The graphics seem just fine to me <3 Awesome. Is there an update topic about this one anywhere or anything? How was spain? ^)^
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