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[GM7]Sprite Poll! Sonic Core


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ZFG, change your water's draw event to this:


if( view_yview+view_hview >= WaterLevel)
draw_rectangle(view_xview , max( view_yview,WaterLevel ) ,
view_xview + view_wview , view_yview + view_hview , 0 );
//the water itself, y is the water level, so you need to put WaterObj at the right height
draw_set_color(c_white);//we reset the alpha and color to avoid bad things happening.

// Render water horizon
draw_sprite(sprWaterHorizon, floor(current_time*0.1), view_xview[view_current]-(view_xview[view_current] mod 32), floor(WaterLevel));[/CODE]

And for the actual ocean surface, please change it because it's exactly the same as Dami's example.

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I like the new water in the zone. Big improvement there. But like Chaos Rush said, you should bring back the surface line. Also, you still need floor tiles in there so it's easier to differentiate it from the background.

As for Angel Isle, it looks good. Like what you've done to Palmtree Panic's tiles. The giant crater in the background is an interesting addition. Is there anything significant about it, or did you use it simply because it fit the stage well? If it's supposed to be a volcano, might we see some fire- or lava-based hazards later on in this zone?

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The background is nice and all, but I think that the logo itself is a bit too "cluttered" looking. How about Centering the text? It might be a good idea to resize the text a bit too since I think it'll look better if it was smaller than the Banner it is sitting on.

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Well how about getting rid of the banner all together? Maybe aim for something new, so you can keep the logo as it is? Maybe have something similar to my Signature, with the Logo and Sonic Standing next to it? But bigger than my signature, of course.

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Very nice concept! I was planning to do this for a Rom Hack once. =P I'm guessing that if you jump into one of the Zone Rings that you have to play all acts of that level, or can you choose which act would you like to go back to?

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Looking nice! Although the shadows and light source on the loops could do with a bit of work, the shadows look like the edges are burnt. =P Oh and one more question, relating to the previous screenshot, when you go into the Zone 1 area, I'm guessing the art used in the wrap zone would be the art used in the actual level, right?

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Looking nice! Although the shadows and light source on the loops could do with a bit of work, the shadows look like the edges are burnt. =P Oh and one more question, relating to the previous screenshot, when you go into the Zone 1 area, I'm guessing the art used in the wrap zone would be the art used in the actual level, right?

Mostly like yes, but with a little Influence of Robotnik Technology. You see, Every zone is being under control by Robotnik. Your mission is to free the Zones(kinda like Sonic CD) and obtain the Chaos Emeralds(Possibly Super Emeralds as well). Some of the Emeralds contains new Skills needed to proceed to the next level. Like Super Peelout, Spindash, stomp, and maybe some more. Each Emerald represents a zone though it's elemental power.(Lightning, Water, Fire, Stone, Wind, etc) So wind is like super peelout and instashield is like electric power.

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Mostly like yes, but with a little Influence of Robotnik Technology. You see, Every zone is being under control by Robotnik. Your mission is to free the Zones(kinda like Sonic CD) and obtain the Chaos Emeralds(Possibly Super Emeralds as well). Some of the Emeralds contains new Skills needed to proceed to the next level. Like Super Peelout, Spindash, stomp, and maybe some more. Each Emerald represents a zone though it's elemental power.(Lightning, Water, Fire, Stone, Wind, etc) So wind is like super peelout and instashield is like electric power.

Does this mean you can't progress from one zone to another until you've collected the relevant emerald(s)? Or that you're going to get stuck in that zone if you haven't the needed emerald(s)?

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