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Who are your favorite fan-game authors? (+ about me)


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Hey guys, I know I haven't posted here a lot since I first joined (lol 2006) but I'm getting back into fan-gaming, starting with the mini-game contest, and I thought I'd re-introduce myself to the community along with a thread I think may at least be interesting.

My fan game company is called Flame-EX, and I've had it since about 2003. However, I've been a regular visitor to sonic fan-games HQ since waaaaaay back in the day when sonic fan games hq used to be part of emulationzone.org (I was either 8 or 9 when I first cam across the site) and when instead of sprites there used to be a full page of animated gifs, back when the sonic velocity demo, sonic ultra 1, and tails adventure were big things. Back then, I had a copy of the games factory 1 demo (couldn't make stand alone games), and I used to feed off of tutorials and sprite packets that were in the tgf format. Now I use TGF Pro and MM1.5 Standard. (I know still kind of primitive lol)

Anyway, as to the question. My personal favorite game authors are Oogaland (Gregorsoft), James Mcmorick (TGF Team X) and BlazeHedgehog (Blazefire). I've been a fan of all 3 of them since the releases of their very first fan-games lol. Sonic Ultra 3 and Bladerunners SX are definitely in my opinion, although not the greatest fan games ever made, a standard that every person should go by. If it weren't for me playing their games, I'd probably have never gotten the interest to learn to code in TGF and MMF. I feel sad that Oogaland quit, and that TGFTeamX seems to have vanished off of the face of the web. But I love the fact that blazefire is still working on The fated hour, as I've seen that project begin and grow also.

If you want, tell a fan game author(s) that you respect the most and which of their work you like the most. :)

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Might as well have some fun...

Martin Braid ~ Sonic Boom!

While his game was buggy as hell, it was actually somewhat funny. And you gotta have balls to make original sprites, back then spritesheets didn't really exist. Grab Sonic KNP Collection for a slightly fixed version. It was the first Sonic fangame, apparently!

Aytaç Aksu - Magicgrafx ~ Sonic Chaos/Sonichaos series

He made the first Sonic-ish Sonic fangame, I think. And with KnP. Back then, it was goddamn awesome. Still fun to play, but the bugs in Sonic Chaos 2 are really frustrating.

Sonichaos Revolution kicked ass. Please, anybody, do you have any idea of where the hell did Aksu get the MIDIs for SCR? I don't recognize them at all (sans Sandopolis' midi) and they're great.

Oogaland - Gregorsoft ~ Sonic Ultra series

Sonic Ultra was simple but fun. Compilation's good too, too bad that SU3 never made it.

A very nice series, with its own problems, but decent enough.

Now, let's pass the more classic era and move towards the 'Static engine era', or Generation 2, like I call it (lol.)

TRD ~ Sonic Turbo

While the game had a huge-ass window, and is the only MMF1.5 game AFAIK that has the annoying 'soundloop bug' (weird, only TGF games have that problem on XP), this game had a neat storyline, very funny moments 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?'

But Atlantis Zone is a pain. I beat it only once.

Hey TRD, will Turbo 2 see the light someday?

Jamie Bailey ~ Time Attacked & The Fast Revelation

Being a KnP game, you can open TFR to see the events. Holy shit, Bailey's awesome. As you may already know, KnP did not support scrolling, but Bailey got around it, the game was buggy thanks to KnP's huge limitations, but it was the only KnP game that reached such a point. And the midis are nice too.

On the other side, Time Attacked is still the best (complete) fangame ever.

RedXVI/DragonXVI ~ ThirdScape & MAdventure

Thirdscape, aside from being so damn hard, has great graphics and good gameplay implementations.

But MAdventure, oh god, even though the annoying bugs are frequent, I always have another go at the game every now and then. A funny story, great quotes 'I'll SMEGGIN' kill her!' mix up and create this neat (but short, sadly) game.

The sequel has a demo 'till now, thanks a lot to USC for linking it recently.

I'm still looking forward to see MAd2 complete.

BlazeHedgehog ~ Shadow of Chaos, The House, The Fated Hour

Great variety of games, good physics, neat implementations, good stories... Blaze has 'em all.

ssbfalcon/ShadowSonicBeta ~ Sonic Velocity

I'm not really sure, but this (incomplete) game is so good that I always have another go at it. It has different characters, some story, and somewhat varied zone style. Ah, and it made the Homing Attack in 2D work well. That's a huge feat.

...maybe more... later.

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Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot... oh well, here goes:

Clwe ~ One Girl Army, Sonic DIY

Clwe is among the people who did practically 'the impossible' with TGF and MMF1. Sonic DIY had a full-blown level editor and online play. How's that for innovation in fangaming?

And One Girl Army... probably the best alt-genre Sonic fangame. Fun, good difficulty, many moves, and funny parts, too.

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Darkleo - Sonic and Knuckles Flicky Panic, Sonic and Knuckles Double Panic, Sonic Origins

This guy's just plain awesome. Not only does he create cool, fun, and innovative games, he FINISHES them. When most people here haven't even finished one level of their fangame, he's finished three whole games. Maybe more that I haven't heard of. Now that's admirable.

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Slingerland, and the rest of the Nexus team. They are awesome.

get offa mah dick lololololol

Darkleo - Sonic and Knuckles Flicky Panic, Sonic and Knuckles Double Panic, Sonic Origins

Dude, yes. He's my favorite from the past few years for the reasons that you cited. I wish that he would hang out here more. He seems to only come around when he's done making another game.

I'm going to throw in @lex, the guy who made "Neo Sonic Universe." That was the first Sonic fangame that I played to the end. Upon reflection, the design of all the levels are exactly the same (find switch, open door, bounce on rows of bumpers over spike pits), but I didn't care when I was playing it. After I played it, I e-mailed him to tell him how much fun I had playing his game (oh, and if he'd give me some pointers, too).

Clwe ~ One Girl Army, Sonic DIY

I haven't seen Clwe since SAGE 2006. He came back to talk to me about Nexus' direction after I released that casino demo. Oh, and to demonstrate the finer points of MMF1.5 acceleration. I wish that he would pop in one more time.

I'm surprised that none of you guys have mentioned Damizean yet. I mean, he practically set the foundation for just about every fangame that is, or was, in development. He hasn't finished a game per se, but, in my opinion, doing an entire engine is like doing a game. Let's face it, we've all gone and asked him for help at one time or another.

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Well, topic title says fangame authors, but oh well, here goes

Damizean ~ Tons of tutorials and engines, including Worlds

He's THE guy behind the engines and tutorials. Back on MMF1 days, his tutorials about 360º based engines were the best you could find, easy to understand and well explained.

Now we have Worlds, which is basically the 360º engine with so many additions in exponential level that reeks of 'awesome'.

Also... another one:

Matt Newman (Sonic Vegemite) ~ When Tails Gets Bored & Sonic Stash

WTGB was a simple but somewhat fun game, based in a collection of hoaxes. Yeah, hoaxes, lol

Sonic Stash is like a 'Sonic meets Chu Chu Rocket' title. It's extremely addicting, 'least for me, heh.

And I also put Alex, not only 'cause of his game, heh

Alexandre Martins ~ Neo Sonic Universe & GamingBrasil (community)

Alex was the one behind GamingBrasil, perhaps the biggest Brazilian fangaming community, now somewhat succeeded by BRMaker.

Too bad it had to die (full story in the 'What happened?' topic, search for it).

NSU is also a pretty good game, with weird level design but a fun battle minigame.

EDIT: Can I put a composer for a fangame? =P

Hunter Bridges ~ Nexus OST

Namely, Sunset Shore & Cosmic Chaos (CC is way beyond awesome)

Whoever made the SCR MIDIs (sans Sandopolis)

Years have passed, but I still don't know where the heck did these midis come from.

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Aytac's games were great. Sonichaos is the first fangame that actually had badniks with some kind of AI (like in the Genesis games.)

I could never get any of his incomplete games' demos as the MGX site is quite borked. Anyone have 'em?

I'd like to hear 'bout him again, heh.

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My favorites would be:

Damizean: He made the Sonic Worlds engine and the Batch Image Deformer. This guy is a genius. Also, he helped me to become a better spriter.

Taxman: Not only did he create the Retro Sonic engine, he took it one step further and ported it to the Dreamcast, too. He also works on Sonic Nexus and Retro Sonic XG, both of which are shaping up to be undeniably phenomenal games!

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Oh... well I admire BlueFrenzy for her work on Sonic Frenzy Adventure, I'm not sure if it is released or not, but I'm dying to try it!

But hey, I'm like you, but I'm still new (2008). And it's nice to meet you!

*Shakes hand.*:ssmile:

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I love no one!


Damizean, Streak, Slingerland, Sir Euan, Nitemare, Taxman(orTaxaman?), BlueFrenzy, Gamerdude, and freaking Blaze. Seriously, 10 fucking years and he still works on S:TFH. Half of us don't even last a month.

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