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Sonic Attitude; video on last page


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Well yeah, I imagine it will be just as big as previous years. I just assumed that even with all the games, it wouldn't reach 1 gig... but after reading flame's post, I guess that wouldn't be too unrealistic. I calculated it in my head wrong, I guess.

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Insta-reply I see, huh...

The rings radius is the same as Sonic/Knuckles' radius when rolling. Therefore, they are not too huge at all.

Also, when the camera is far, if the rings are smaller than this, they doesn't appear to be as the same size as the rings in the genesis games...

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If this game plays as good as it looks, then its already taking sage! And also, please don't force people to play in full screen. Could you make the default screen size somewhat like that screenshot that you just posted, and then people can put it in full screen if they choose?

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Maybe its just because the camera is too close. Is that just zoomed in to show off the models or is it actual footage? Remember that the faster the gameplay, the more of the stage we need to be able to see at once.

There were quite a few games for the Game Gear that were ruined by the small screen. Sonic 2 had that boss with the offscreen boulders and Sonic Blast was more to look at than it was to actually play. Sonic Unleashed occasionally fell victim to the same type of problem in 2d.

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By the way, every video configuration related to screen and graphics are actually defined by the user.

When you run the game for the first time, the configuration window in prompted. Also, you can change it later, in the game's launcher window, using the config app, editing the .ini file manually, or, alternately, in the game options.

You can play in whatever resolution (if supported by the monitor/videocard).

The screenshot resolution is 480p (720x480px).

By default, the standard resolution is 640x480px 16dbp windowed. If you happen to have HD ready monitors, you can choose for one of the standard HD resolutions (480p normal/wide, 720p or 1080i or 1080p).

The game doesn't force you into fullscreen, however the use of fullscreen is encouraged, since you might get a considerable performance speedup in some PCs.

About the camera...

The camera is pretty smart, it shows what you need to see. In the screengrab there, the character had just hit the dashpad. The camera naturally starts to get far from the character.

Yet, there's indeed a problem it. Sometimes the camera is way too close. Mainly it's due to screen resolutions artifacts. I'll try to get it sorted out until SAGE, since I was mainly working with the game in a 720p resolution, and I had to have a suddenly and desirable change to 480p :(

The game plays pretty much as the genesis games, but in a 3D prespective, so it's not THAT fast at all. So the camera been close isn't a problem, as long as it shows where you're going.

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I cannot even choose the right words to say what I'm going to say now, but...

I come here today to inform that, for several, personal and social reasons, and reasons related to the execution of the project itself, I will no longer attend 2009 SAGE event. Therefore, Sonic Attitude will not be featured in this year's event anymore.

According to the website logs, apparently someone mananged to hacked my password and, since I (used to) use the same password for most Sonic-related sites, managed to enter my website's server to grab the game, plus all the source and related data, and deleted it afterwards. I believe I fell victim of phishing.

The culprit is probably misusing the game's sources and information and laughing at this situation right now.

But not everything is bad news.

I have now tightened the security, and I hope this event no onger repeat in the future.

Even though Sonic Attitude will not be featured at SAGE website, I will work effortfully to make sure a demo and/or video footage in presented during the days of the event, most specifically annoucing at the IRC Channel and this topic.

I apologise to everyone for any incovenience caused.

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Damn man, sorry to hear that. You still have a copy of your game stored onto your hard-drive though I take it? It'd be a shame for all of it to be lost.

I really have nothing else to say but that blows terribly. I hate people who steal work like that ._.;

Good luck with the project in any case. Don't sweat trying to get too much out during SAGE, just do what you need to first. I'm sure we're all willing to wait until you're ready to show more of the project.

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Damn dude, that sucks. My condolences for your unfortunate circumstances, especially not being at SAGE this year. I have this game on my list, twice. No need to apologize to us, the blame is on that hacker. I'll still be eagerly waiting for a demo.

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Thanks everyone for the comprehension.

man, you're having the worst luck of the century or what?
Well, it's definitely not the "BEST" year of my life, but, then again, it's not the worst either.

Well, related to things that might impeed the progress of the fan-gaming:

HD failure / Monitor failure / Server hacking

They are not big deal at all (well, the monitor IS, then again), I've been able to overcome them. It's not like someone coming here and deleting everything, so I would need to do everything from scratch all over again. Besides, even if it wasn't the case, I still have loads and loads of backups of the game's resources in every medium format available to prevent loss (been the most recent dated from today). The leecher just happened to snag a private demo and delete it afterwards. Pst, big deal. It's just a matter of re-upping it.

However, this dude might as well leak it... Oh...

Damnit. People who do shit like that need to be bat in the face with a pickup truck.
Hmm... I don't don't know his/hers reasons, but certainly he/she had one I believe. Not that this person is in his/her rights to do such a thing, though.

What comes into play however is, "who" and "why". The responsible is most likely someone who is into Sonic Fan Gaming or Sonic in general. But I have no idea why would someone do that. I mean, I would relase the project anyway at SAGE. I don't see any point in doing it really.

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