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Keep SFGHQ Skin system?


Keep or discard the skin system on the main site?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Keep or discard the skin system on the main site?

    • Keep it, it's neat.
    • Ditch it, it's a waste.
    • Never used it / Never knew it existed
    • ...what site?

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I'd like to pose a question to you... would you mind if the skin system disappeared?

I'm rewriting the main site scripts, and I'm divided over whether or not it's worth trying to preserve that feature. It's a bit of a pain to keep as I'd like to do away with the rather bulky template backend and go towards a more lean (bandwidth and computational) AJAX system.

I'd like to hear your opinions on the matter.


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If the themes were done in CSS instead of throwing markup around the page, it would be a trivial matter to switch between them, but...

It doesn't seem that anyone really thinks it should be there. If anyone changes their mind, I can't see how it'd be difficult at all for the page to just load a different stylesheet. style would need to be abstracted from content first, though.

Also if you're redoing things the template really should be moved from tables to divs, and cleaned up.

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Dude, W3C's own website for CSS doesn't even comply. In fact it seems about a third the site fails in some way or another...

There isn't a reason in existence why W3C standards should be implemented in full. It bloats documents, 99% of browsers don't support it anyway, and the only people who actually care about it are neo-IT dickwavers or the college students who will grow up to be them.

It breeds the mentality that systems should be highly fault intolerant. By the very letter of the XHTML 1.1 standard, any error in the code should cause the browser to reject the entire document with no attempt to render it - no matter how trivial the error might be. From my perspective as an engineer, it's simply bullshit to make a system so tight unless it is absolutely required - and it's a fucking webpage, not a nuclear reactor.

If it can render and function in the "Big Four" (IE, Opera, Mozilla/FireFox, Safari) then you've got 99.9% of the web covered. (And no, being in strict compliance will not get you that last 0.1%)

But you know what? If you feel that strongly about it you can go ahead and do it. Let me know if you want to accept that challenge, 'cause I'll gladly put it up on the site if you pull it off.


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it doesn't need to conform. it just needs to not be a hideous clump of style data embedded in html. if it's cleaned up a bit you can style it much easier just using css. then you could also have more themes because they'd be easier for people to make.

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