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Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)


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Shadix: Too bad. Zebrahead's not punk. That's already been cleared up. Deal with it. And I know no true punk bands that have rappers. Emphasis on the "true" part being that true punk rock movement has been over for quite some time now. Punk rock was an anti-establishment movement. :P

Aerosol: As far as I know those vocals were simply a test. Afterall, they've changed the music since then. We're not going to know for sure for a bit now.

They even classify THEMSELVES as punk.



Wikipedia even considers them punk



I also listened to a few of their songs. How are they NOT punk? They have the riffs, the vocal style, drumbeats, everything. RHCP or 311 for example, both of which have punk roots and both of which have "rapping".

Plus, just because Zebrahead has an element that distinguishes them from the rest doesn't dismiss them from being heavily influenced by Punk. It doesn't have enough difference to classify itself as it's own genre :\.

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o.o... Thats a tough one.

Tails USED to be very emo in his own respect. Now he is just an animated doll who has an annoyingly chokey voice. (Tails has virtually no depth now.)

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Try clicking that link on Wikipedia that say's they're "punk rock," kay?



Meh there was a whole spill on how just because some of the things are there it doesn't mean they necessarily fit that genre. But labels are stupid and I don't feel like bothering with it. Bottom line: they classify themselves as both punk and pop punk. They sounds tons different in a song like "Anthem" than the 5 or so pop punk bands I can think of off the top of my head. But like I said this is why labels are stupid in the first place especially when they end up being misused so severly as the term "emo" and the like. Listen to "Anthem" and "the Setup." The clangy, hi-pitched riff during the break isn't something I normally hear from bands who generally classify themselves that way. This stuff really does remind me a lot more of songs from the Disney movie "Brink" than they do of anything else I've heard wear the "punk" label.

At any rate, for those complaining about the song "His World" go on their MySpace and listen to Zebrahead's "Anthem." Sounds overly awesome in my opinion and makes me hope to bob this really was just a run-through.

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It was a european chick? All this time I thought it was a bunch of black women

Why the hell do they have to be black?

And yea, sonic team is killing Tails. (one of the only characters i serioulsy care about, he was just cool to play as. AND he saved sonic's life in like every game he appeared in.) Sonic, Shadow, and im sure just about everyone in 360Sonic has gotten a more realistic makeover (fur, a little height), but tails looks the exact same as he did in Sonic Adventure.

Sonic goes from 16 to 20. Tails goes from 10 to 12.

Wtf? They diddnt even give him Fur, and hes a goddammed fox.

The only real problem i have with shadow is that in his last game he swared for no freaking reason, and his new voice sucks ass x100 million compared to his orginal voice.

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"Sonic, Shadow, and im sure just about everyone in 360Sonic has gotten a more realistic makeover (fur, a little height), but tails looks the exact same as he did in Sonic Adventure."

Err.. no. He's been adjusted to realistic proportions as well. However he's still short because he's supposed to be 8 (or 10?). Most 16 year olds tend to be taller than 8 (or 10?) year olds. And none of the other characters are given fur so I suppose they decided not to give him fur either. Granted his chest fur could've been like Shadow's but whatever really.

"And I love how you sound offended."

The fecking hell?

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Rael, its true that alot of people think racist thoughts when a comment is mentioned that includes a race in it. So its better to just avoid it. As sad as that is, majority of people take things to heart to much, like I dont really care if my race is mentioned just as long as it wasnt intentionally made to insult.

Back on topic, I agree, either everyone has fur or no one at all.

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"As sad as that is,"

Sereph was offended, and then he flat-out said "I love how you sound offended." That comment doesn't exactly come off as a good thing to say at that point. I didn't really care up until that point. And no the sad thing is that he couldn't just say "Her voice gave me the impression she was black" and left it alone.

Granted not all black people sound the same, hell I'm a testament to that, but it'd of been a better thing to say then "I love how you sound offended." That just comes across as.. well.. it comes across as negative.

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Rael, its true that alot of people think racist thoughts when a comment is mentioned that includes a race in it. So its better to just avoid it. As sad as that is, majority of people take things to heart to much, like I dont really care if my race is mentioned just as long as it wasnt intentionally made to insult.

Yeah. I'd also like to point out that Espio sounds like an old chinese guy and Shadow sways like a Mexican beatboxer on rollerblades.

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Do Tails screenshots in his profile imply that he is playable at some point? Or is Sega just ____ing with us? Because it would be nice to play as Tails in 3D again without him in a mech and/or chasing down something.

Anyway despite what I've heard from the demo I am sort of looking forward to this game, however NOBODY I know owns an XBox360, and like hell I'm going to buy a PS3... unless its from Koray for $400... but then I have to be careful that I don't buy an empty PS3 box instead :P

Also though, I'm still not too keen on more lyrics in the themesongs, butI can put up with it, and also, I know that one chick who voices Princess Elise says sonic and elise have some appropriate realtionship.. but after watching that trailer... yeah, bad thoughts.

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Try clicking that link on Wikipedia that say's they're "punk rock," kay?



Meh there was a whole spill on how just because some of the things are there it doesn't mean they necessarily fit that genre. But labels are stupid and I don't feel like bothering with it. Bottom line: they classify themselves as both punk and pop punk. They sounds tons different in a song like "Anthem" than the 5 or so pop punk bands I can think of off the top of my head. But like I said this is why labels are stupid in the first place especially when they end up being misused so severly as the term "emo" and the like. Listen to "Anthem" and "the Setup." The clangy, hi-pitched riff during the break isn't something I normally hear from bands who generally classify themselves that way. This stuff really does remind me a lot more of songs from the Disney movie "Brink" than they do of anything else I've heard wear the "punk" label.

At any rate, for those complaining about the song "His World" go on their MySpace and listen to Zebrahead's "Anthem." Sounds overly awesome in my opinion and makes me hope to bob this really was just a run-through.

As far as I'm concerned even those said songs, which I had reviewed as I was looking at their myspace, screamed punk.

Punk I don't think can be really defined as one sound or another. Look at the crap they classify as rock now compared to what Elvis defined it as and what the people in the 70s developed it into. In the end, genre borders are very blurry, and it ends up being that the only thing you can depend on other than your own interpretations is what they classify themselves as.

and rap... Looking back at early-mid 90s with stuff like Will Smith, Candyman, or 2pac. Thats nothing like what we have now. Do people still classify it as rap? yes. Then look at acts like Eminem or Jay-Z, the former more than the latter, which just seem to slap "genre conformity" in the face.

Genres develop off of originality in those genres, and every band\musician\rapper should have something that seperates it from others, whether it be a certain beat, vocal uniqueness (overdone... I call it the cheap way out), mood, composition uniqueness, etc. Zebrahead is a punk band that gets it's originality from the fact that it has rapping in it. Is it still a punk band? Yes.

I guess I should ask though... What exactly do you consider them? If you were forced to slap a "label" on them what would you have to say?

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I love how you got offended over something that isn't at all offensive.

Actually, I love it how whenever a white person says anything about a black person, it automagically makes it offensive.

Actully, i dont like it when ANY race sterotypes mine. ESPICALLY when its my own. (Then its just plain sad.)

Sure, some are simply jokes and are ment to be laughed at. I just IMed Midiman a while back and asked him to remove that retarded avatar of the black guy with the gold teeth, simply because it offended me. And incase you all dont know, Midiman the Breakfast Pirate, is indeed, Black. (SPILLED THE BEANS.)

But you see, this is the Internet. Conversations held on this board can be shared with pretty much anyone who cares to listen, of any age, sex, or race. And because there are so many people [that potentally can be] watching, i dont find it funny when someone insults my entire race. Black, White, Blue, Mexican, Indian, Martian, whatever. Maybe its not offensive to you because you've never had anyone deny you something, look at you a certian way, fear you, or flat out dislike you because of your race.

I dont think that any amount of speakers or television broadcasts can ever stop people from making retarded racist jokes and evil racist statements, and i dont really plan on ever trying.

But i like to, at LEAST, make sure that where i am, i dont have to put up with them.

All that aside, i diddnt think that comment was racist or anything. Hell, it was just a joke. But the only reason that joke was a joke is because it had "black" in it. Had it said "White", it wouldnt have been funny. Not because 98% of this community is white, its because thats how people think.

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Hello, I'm white, and I'm trashy, lazy, and rich, not to mention my peepee is small.


Actually there is a little irony in your post. You use your stereotypes of typical internet users to presume that 98% is white. You take the stereotype for the typical white american male and presume everyone in the world has the same views, even though a fair chunk of this forum consists of people from England, Australia, and Canada (I know the latter is probably going to behave about the same due to it's geographic location and inadvert influence we are constantly having over them.)

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