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SoaH City Message Board

Freedom Planet (v. 1.4)


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My attempt at a replacement for the rings. They're supposed to be crystal flower petals. If I should stick with this, I could replace the ring monitors with large flowers that would drop all of their petals when struck.

I'm still figuring out the best way to tweak the HUD to accommodate them. I'm wondering if I should make the life bank into a circular ring with the petals lining the outer edge, though I don't see how it could be done without cluttering the screen too much.

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My attempt at a replacement for the rings. They're supposed to be crystal flower petals. If I should stick with this, I could replace the ring monitors with large flowers that would drop all of their petals when struck.

I'm still figuring out the best way to tweak the HUD to accommodate them. I'm wondering if I should make the life bank into a circular ring with the petals lining the outer edge, though I don't see how it could be done without cluttering the screen too much.

Any reason behind you choosing flower pedals?

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seriously though what on earth is the infatuation with these ponies

I remember those cheesy MLP commercials back in the 90's while trying to watch Rugrats. I honestly do not understand. They were gay even then.

From what I've read, Friendship Is Magic is actually, well, good. The 90's cartoons were cheesy and heck and none of the ponies had any personality other than "lookit me, ima girl who likes sparkly stuff", while FIM has solid character development and plotlines on the same level as other toons. I'd ask Blazefire about it, though, since I haven't watched it yet and can only make assumptions.

Presenting a palette courtesy of the variations tool in photoshop:

Ehhhh... That looks almost volcanic, and it makes the character/enemy sprites stick out like sore thumbs. If I had a choice, I'd much rather lift the sun up a little bit to justify the original coloring. ^^;

Any reason behind you choosing flower pedals?

They're the only item I can think of that hasn't been overused in games but could still reasonably provide magical protection. Feathers are another idea, but beyond that I'm not sure.

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(Dont want to seem like I'm back seat developing) If you want to use flowers, why not make them purple lilac pedals?

For the HUD, you could design it like a stylized flower... Have the pedals at the top left corner then have the stem coming out of it to represent the charge meter. You could make it so the player wouldnt notice it at first glance but after the first pedal falls from the player taking damage, they look up and go "Oooohh haha thats pretty cool".

Doing this will allow you to place the timer either underneath or above the flower and the HUD wont get clogged ^__^b.

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Hey, that's working pretty good. The HUD actually looks less cluttered now. xD

I would probably have to rethink my petal placement in each level, since the player now only has room for 6 instead of 20. It should still be a good amount of HP, considering that shields are now implemented.

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I'm not too sure about dropping the HP that much though. A greater buffer allows you to go a little crazier with enemy/boss design while maintaining accessibility which in turn makes good plays shine all that much more.

Dragon Valley is the first act in the game and already subjectively quite 'hardcore' as far as introductory levels go. I'd say throwing a bone in the form of 10-12 hp slots would be better than nerfing difficulty because I'm really liking what I see designwise and wondering how much more complex it goes from here.

Maybe another layer of petals behind/between the current 6? That'd make 11 and you could come up with some concept of how 11 is a personal lucky number.

11 petals also give you 12 hits from full to death which is a pretty versatile number since it's divisable by 2/3/4/6, if you want to get creative with how much damage bosses do with a single mulligan petal somewhere on the screen that lets you take an extra hit from the boss

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That's a valid point, actually. I could try and put another layer of petals on top of the first 6 and bring the total cap up to 12. (I'm thinking I would just put make the second layer have larger or different-colored petals.) I should also note that the way the current system works, the player can never die from an attack if they have at least 1 petal, so if the player has 3 petals and is hit for 5 damage, they'll just be reduced to their final hit point (i.e. no petals). It remains to be seen if this will create balancing issues, but I kinda like the idea of making bosses as powerful as I want them to be without worrying about them 1-hit KOing the player.

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My attempt at a replacement for the rings.

A replacement for rings? It sounds good, but rings are a part of Sonic gameplay, why try to remove them from the game? Main character is a hedgehog, main villian looks like Eggman... Why try to deviate from "Sonic" that much, if you are still following the pattern?

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A replacement for rings? It sounds good, but rings are a part of Sonic gameplay, why try to remove them from the game? Main character is a hedgehog, main villian looks like Eggman... Why try to deviate from "Sonic" that much, if you are still following the pattern?

Because, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the game appears unique enough that he can go away from the Sonic theme. It'll no longer be a Sonic fangame. It will be an original game. The hedgehog character is a big iffy but whatever.

To be honest I'm a lot less interested in the idea of a Sonic fangame that doesn't have Sonic and instead is filled with a bunch of furry self inserts, and am more interested in what is looking to be a colorful original game with characters not simply recolored from the Sonic games.

Anyway, that new hub is excellent, and a classy use of the flower petals with the flower at the top. I like it! I like the idea of dropping the HP as much as you did to be honest. Not too sure how I feel about the new item boxes, but at least they aren't just sonic-style item boxes anymore.

edit: also yes, as DW said, marketability. Does he have any plans on actually trying to make money off this game? No probably not. He probably just wants to make a fun little game for people to play. But you never know. Make it unique enough and suddenly you've got a new iphone app or steam indie game for people to play for like 5 bucks.

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Considering it's built off the Sonic Worlds engine, there might be some complications if he wants to make money off of it in its current condition. He'd also probably have to buy the rights to the title character he's using with permission from that artist on dA.

Planet Freedom: Powered by the Retro Engine..? Wonder how much Taxman would work for.

Then again, I doubt we have that kind of money.

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To be honest, the first reason I changed the rings was because I was spooked by that SOPA anti-piracy bill and how it might impact Sega's attitude towards fangames. While they probably wouldn't pay attention to Freedom Planet if they don't pay attention to other Sonic fangames, I'd prefer to be on the safe side since I've spent so much effort on the game so far. Basically, I'm trying to do the same thing that Epic Megagames did with Jazz Jackrabbit - pay homage to Sonic without plagiarizing him.

As for marketability, I never planned on selling the game for money. If I did, I wouldn't have used another person's original characters or hired people to help me with the music. I would like to sell games someday, but I would prefer to start with something that is 100% my own.

That being said, here's the current version of the petals, along with a new item box for them:


The item box "blooms" open when struck. I'll leave both of these as they are for now, since I've already spent a great deal of time on them. ^^;

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So you compromised between 2 of the designs? It looks great and I like the way you described how the flower/box/thing works, very nice.

Offtopic: I doubt that bill will be passed. It limits all forms of art too much and seems way to ludicrus to be passed.

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