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E3 2012 (See Last Post)

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No gamecube controller ports/gamecube backwards compatability, no ethernet jack, no optical audio out. That's three things already that immensely piss me off about the WiiU. This means at the bare minimum I'm going to have to buy a usb ethernet thingy, possibly a new surround sound receiver, and maybe even some lame classic controllers which aren't nearly as good as my Gamecube controllers.

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No gamecube controller ports/gamecube backwards compatability

Fucking hell. Wii and GCN are the same damn thing, so if WiiU supports Wii games... Argh, that really sucks.

Also, dat kirby. I'll be getting that.

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I'll keep my Wii for playin' my 'Cube games. EVEN THOUGH THE DISC DRIVE WANTS TO BE A FRIGGIN' PAIN IN THE ASS >:| DISC CAN'T EVEN STAY IN PLACE... (trashes Wii until disc goes in correctly) Ahem... er... ...That's better.


Forgive me for my constant mentioning of Forza, but I'm just too damned stoked for it.

So the folks at Turn 10 got this shot at their booth, which is conveniently located across from the Sega booth. It's like Sonic's staring Daniel Ardent (the name of the guy in the pic) down just for playing Forza, haha. Speaking of which, I'm stoked for the game after hearing more details about the lighting, shading and physics refinements that Dan Greenawalt made mention of in the interview he had with Gamespot.


Here's my crappy photoshop of the pic...


In other news, I'm even more psyched for Generations after seeing some City Escape gameplay. Classic Sonic's level looks like an interesting challenge, especially with the GUN truck destroying parts of the level. The remixing of elements in Modern's level was also pretty neat in my eyes. The boarding elements are interesting. Speaking of boarding.... skateboard item box ftw.

Also saw the Kirby trailer. The gameplay as it appeared really reminded me of playing Kirby on the SNES at a friend's house. It's going to be epic. Also, the co-op with Meta Knight & King Dedede looks polished. Finally, something (other than GCN compatibility) to convince me to keep my Wii.

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Expecting Ubisoft to only have straight ports?


Yes, a less-than-serious FPS with a "A-movie disguised as a B-movie" aesthetic. Not only does it look awesome, it also can use the WiiU controller itself to aim, according to the Nintendo third-party round table, and there's a local multiplayer mode where one player plays FPS, the other sends waves of enemies after 'em.

Oh, and even better?

WiiU has no friend codes whatsoever, instead it has a "gamertag" system. No comment on achievements, not that I could care less about those.

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Further Wii U thoughts:

Still not entirely sold on the system, especially the whole single player focused experience that Nintendo seems to be pushing with it. Having your own personal inventory/playbook/porn seems kinda silly in a multiplayer game when your opponents' personal inventory/fruit/magical unicorn will presumably be right on the main screen.

TV-less gaming interests me a little, mostly because a lot of my gaming free time is spent laid back with my PSP or 3DS.

Nintendo finally adopting some kind of user account is a good call, but I'll be interested to see if this extends to previously digital Wii Shop purchases. I've actually invested a pretty large amount into it.

Also, since the Wii U is basically the successor to the Wii, I think we can assume the Wii will pretty much be dead after Skyward Sword is out, and thus we'll all be forced to upgrade to Wii U anyway.

So hesitant enthusiasm, going to buy a Vita first though.

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E3 is wrapping up, so I want to top this thread off with two questions.

What were your highlights of E3 2011? What did you absolutely hate from E3 this year?

Here's what I thought was good this year:

-Hearing more about Forza 4.

-The unveil of City Escape for Sonic Generations

-Getting more info on PSVita.

-Luigi's Mansion 2. Nothing else matters.

-Wii U being unveiled

-Super Mario 3DS.

And here's my list of E3 fails:

-Microsoft: Trying to make more of a Kinection since 2010. </pun>


-Halo 4: Because we can really guarantee the need for 3 more Halo games. It's like the new Star Wars. Five bucks say the next 3 are prequels... tsk tsk tsk

-Wii U: Because a game console's name should sound like a siren.


Seriously. Don't tell me that Wii U doesn't sound like some sort of siren to you.

-Sonic Generations 3DS: If it's broke, don't fix the Sonic 4 physics. </sarcasm>

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Worst conference of the year hands down was Microsoft, the only exclusive non kinect offerings they showed were halo 4 and anniversery, both of which I don't give a shit about in any way shape or form. The kinect has and always will be a joke in my eyes, the fact that most demos had a good 2-3 second delay in response time drives me apeshit, I HATE IT.

Nintendo's conference was kind of a circle jerk IMO, too much talking about shit not enough games, though they showed up on the floor and put out tons of trailers. I'm not sold on the WiiU yet, I'm a little tired of this innovation kick, I'll have to see some serious games be put out before I'm sold in any way to this device. As for the 3DS, I think it's finally starting to pick up on its showing and I'm hoping we'll see more hardcore games to come.

Sony won best of the 3 IMO, their presentation was a no bullshit trailer/demofest and that's what I wanted. The PS Vita is shaping up to be a powerful handheld and I'm extremely interested in buying one myself, the Vita line up looked amazing, the graphics on the device are WOW, the touch pad on the back is a great addition without becoming too WIIINOVATION!Q111.

What games was I personally pumped about this show?

Kirby Wii! finally a proper Kirby sequel, something we haven't seen since Dreamland 3, with 4 player co-op this game is looking like a true winner.

Assassin's Creed Revelations - I personally am a sucker for the Assassin's Creed series, it's been evolving with each game and becoming more fun each time so I can't wait to see what this one has in store.

Mass Effect 3 - of course I'm ready for the thrilling conclusion to a fantastic storyline that I've invested so much time into already.

Mario 3DS - The fact that they're doing plenty of nods towards mario 3 is amazing, I can't wait to get my hands on this beast and tear through the levels.

Zelda Skyward Sword - Ok I admit the last few E3's dropped this game off my radar, I wasn't pleased with the shitty controls when watching them swing the controller around. But, with the addition of the wii plus peripheral and some serious time to clean this game up it's now shaping up to be a proper zelda game rather than a gimmick game.

Sonic Generations - Fingers crossed for this game not to suck >.<

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The more i think about Wii-U, the less i can complain about it. Nintendo has developed a system that addresses all the Wii's problems and STILL adds something new to the table.

Designers can finally create specifics for the system that are a) hardcore B) HD and c) dont use odd control techniques. The remote has all the buttons of the PS3/360, while adding a touchscreen that streams HD visuals from the console. Including a camera and "sixaxis" shit as well as other features for good measure.

They've sacrificed nothing, but added tons. It has backwards compatability with Wii games, which means they could actually develop "Wii Wii-U" games for the hardware. Super Mario Galaxy 3 can be a Wii-U title that takes advantage of the horsepower of the Wii-U while using the old Wiimote/Nunchuck, as if it was a Wii game.

The ONLY strike against Nintendo on this will be its pricepoint. Nintendo finally has a current system that can roll with the punches of the others while simultaneously giving out the 1st party titles that make us care for them in the first place.

Sony equally wow'd me. Vita shits on the 3DS at an equal pricepoint and can theoretically allow Sony to walk onto Nintendo's playing field.

Microsoft...they're screwed. Kinect is trash, and honestly more gimmicky than anything Nintendo ever tried to pull.

I think Nintendo is set for a while. At least until PS4 and Xbox720 come out or something with a cable that jacks you into the matrix.

FFXIII-2 has me hype. Im still angry they didn't revamp the battle system like i hoped. FFX-2 still has my favorite feeling battle engine. It's pretty much the SAME thing as XIII's paradigm shifts with the dressspheres, except you can micromanage the skills for the classes and you can actually control all 3 characters. But XIII-2 looks to be adding stuff where i wanted it most -- everywhere else. And the fact i can Jump in my Final Fantasy is also a neat plus.

Shit on Square Enix for trying to pull a Mass Effect, though. I wish they'd just keep with their own thing, really...

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The good

  • The PS 3D TV
  • Sonic generations city escape
  • The awesome quad core monster that is the PSV (this abreviation will catch on, I'm sure of it)
  • Mario 3DS, making it that much harder for me to choose a new handheld
  • Halo 4, hopefully they release it for PC
  • Kirby wii (full of win)

The Bad

  • Microsoft conference (mainly because it focused on the next bullet on this list)
  • FUCKING MOTION CONTROLS (everywhere, sony, microsoft, nintendo)

The Ugly

  • The Wii u (im not say it's "bad" per say, it's just UGLY. The name, the controller)

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Seriously, people say that hate Halo 4 now, but in the past they said that they wanted Halo 4. And I'm pretty sure this is just moved by the fact that the part of Bungie that made all of the Halo games just got out of the company and changed the name to 343 Industries.


And WEEEEEYOOOOOOOU seems like a cowboy yelling in a farm to me.

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Seriously, people say that hate Halo 4 now, but in the past they said that they wanted Halo 4. And I'm pretty sure this is just moved by the fact that the part of Bungie that made all of the Halo games just got out of the company and changed the name to 343 Industries.


And WEEEEEYOOOOOOOU seems like a cowboy yelling in a farm to me.

dude the amount of xbox fanboyism that oozes from each of your posts is pretty annoying. Chill out, halo 4 is just another halo, I'm pretty much halo'd out at this point, plus I don't trust a new studio (which IS NOT being developed by former halo peeps) bungie made it clear that they were done with halo and moved on to their next project like they should have. Halo 4 is pretty clear cut franchise milking at this point.

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dude the amount of xbox fanboyism that oozes from each of your posts is pretty annoying. Chill out, halo 4 is just another halo, I'm pretty much halo'd out at this point, plus I don't trust a new studio (which IS NOT being developed by former halo peeps) bungie made it clear that they were done with halo and moved on to their next project like they should have. Halo 4 is pretty clear cut franchise milking at this point.

Agreed Halo needs to rest for like 3 or 4 years and wait for Bungie to get back to it. With maybe a few creative side projects to keep us interested and then when the dust has settled and the 4 main halo games have been analyzed to death. Then perhaps they could wow us all over again.

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I'm more interested in seeing a sort of 3rd person approach to Halo.

It'd be the perfect reboot, imo. Similar to how Other:M gave a different approach to Metroid with the action sequences.

You know...minus the completely shitty storyline and character destruction.

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