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E3 2012 (See Last Post)

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Pretty much confirmed that the Wiiyuuu can't handle 4 pads connected at once. Maybe it can't even get two.

So only one player gets the pad, and the others use wiimotes. Fun. (I'd pick a wiimote anyway)

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Get over it? The controller is hideous. It's taken years to get a pretty perfect ergonomical controller (PS3/360) and Nintendo have pissed all over the idea.

Can you really picture yourself holding that controller for an hour? I can't... jesus the bloody Wiimote makes my wrist ache after half an hour and that's just during a game where you don't even have to shake the bastard.

Hands-on impressions have stated that the controller is actually a lot more comfortable and lighter than it appears, believe it or not - not only is it quite comfortable to hold, it's also surprisingly lightweight.

(no HD, also lol battery life)

It's a six inch screen. Were you honestly expecting HD visuals from a six-inch screen? Also, it's a controller, not a handheld, the battery life will be MUCH better than the 3DS.

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Honestly, as long as they're SMART like sony and not retarded with the charging methods (include a USB to hook up to the console itself, just to make shit uber simple and convenient), i dont even see how battery life can even be an issue.

I lothe battery packs and batteries are fucking done for christs sake. Please just let us charge it on the system.

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Impressions of the WiiU from a guy on reddit:

I'm not gonna go into enormous detail just yet (have a ton to type up by the end of the night, and lots of footage to process) but here's the sparknotes version:

Wii U is great. It's exactly what fans have been wanting for two years now, which is a Wii HD. First and foremost, the controller is nothing spectacular, but it's completely functional, and absolutely adds to the experience. The screen itself it vibrant, with a pretty high pixel density. If I had to guess, I'd say around 200dpi... (Somewhere above a PSP, but well below an iPhone 4.) I'd say that the screen resolution is a "faux" HD screen, but technically 480p. More on that later.

It's light as hell. About as light as an original DS, or PSP. But it's sturdy. I was really concerned that a huge screen would make it more delicate... I would have no issues with tossing this controller across the room onto a bed or something. It's standard Nintendo-quality hardware.

The demos playable at E3 were pretty much shit, though. Granted, they were all attempting to showcase some "unique feature" or another. That being said, what people have to remember is this controller is far from being a "gimmicky" controller, like the Wiimote. Developers will not have to develop with motion in mind... The most standard thing devs will add will likely be a few virtual buttons, and maybe an off-screen HUD. Think about it this way: Every Wii U game will be designed to be played entirely via the controller, so there's really nothing that will absolutely require a second screen. In fact, if I had to make a blunt assumption, I'd say that every Wii U game might be playable with a Classic Controller, alone.

That brings me to the visuals. They're absolutely out of this world. Without question, the "bird" demo is on par with current PC software. The blurring and lighting were stunning, but the water effects were unreal. (Which is to say, they were absolutely realistic.) The "bird" HD Experience demo was, by and large, the most visually impressive thing I've seen at E3 so far. Furthermore, there were two camera views available simultaneously, one on the TV, one on the controller. Both looked fantastic, albeit the controller had just a BIT of compression artifacting, if you were specifically looking for it. Also, it seemed like the TV was at 60 fps while the controller was at 30 fps. Regardless, it was outstanding on both.

The Zelda HD Experience demo (which is not indicative of any future Zelda title, at all) was also extremely pretty. The player could control the lighting effects (changing it from day to night) and also change camera angles. If I recall correctly, you could shift around the analog slider to shake the camera around a bit. The Zelda demo (like all of the other demos, besides the "bird" one) had noticeable aliasing, and could very well have been running at 720p. (They wouldn't tell me.) It's not a stretch to assume that most of the demos were running at 720p, perhaps with the exception of the "bird" one. However, the sheer amount of geometry, soft shadows, and blurring effects really showed off what the console is capable of doing.

It is, without question, more powerful than the 360 and PS3. Noticeably.

Finally, let's talk about the controller, itself. The analog sliders are not traditional analog sticks. They're more like the 3DS slider, only with a wider range of motion, and a much more solid feel. I was really iffy about these at first, but after about an hour of playing around with them, I've got no more worries. I could easily play an FPS with those things. The buttons and d-pad are in marginally awkward places, but like any new controller, you'll get used to it. L1/L2 and R1/R2 were positioned properly, and the whole thing was very ergonomic. Overall, a pretty solid design.

But it is pretty fucking big. Almost as big as an iPad. (But, again, not nearly as heavy.)

Without question, this is what a vocal majority has been asking for. It's a Nintendo console that's not solely focused on motion-y gimmicks. Sure, that's what they showcased here, but the thing to take away from all of this is that the core controller functions just like the 360 and PS3 controllers, only it has a big fucking screen. In my opinion, that's kind of a plus. It'll make pooping far more enjoyable.

Ask me anything else you might want to know.

Edit: Here's a preview of the camera footage I took of the Zelda HD demo. Removed, check below

Edit 2:

(Please ignore our silly commentary. NOS was giving out free energy drinks all day.)

Edit 3: Might as well toss these here for anyone interested. Hands-on impressions of: Super Mario 3D, Mario Kart 3DS, PS Vita.


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there is no need for that second screen.

the zelda stuff looked good once, don't need it twice.

How about I list some uses for the second screen, shall I?

- Playing console games away from the TV (eg. in the bathroom or when someone wants to use the TV for something else)

- Touch-screen based stuff that you can't do on a TV, such as quick and handy inventory management, controls that can't be accommodated by the buttons, etc.

- Multi-screen gaming that Nintendo have been trying to perfect since the Four Swords Adventures days (granted, apparently they're focusing on 2 WiiU controllers at most for multiplayer, but it's a start, no more screen-watching!)

- Multiplayer gameplay hide that can't be done with a single screen (Nintendo is demonstrating a couple of examples at E3 right now, such as a 5-player game where the first four players have to catch the fifth, and the fifth has the WiiU controller which allows him/her to see the entire playing field and their pursuers, giving him/her an advantage)

- AR capabilities like the 3DS. While I haven't seen the Playstation Eye's AR first-hand, I can't imagine it being more 'immersive', considering it's practically like watching security camera footage rather than looking through a 'window'.



Not actually real, I know, but a Pokemon Snap sequel using the WiiU controller would be godly.

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Don't do that to me! My heart can't handle it.

Before I was pretty iffy on the WiiU controller, but my friend showed me all of Nintendo's video and shiz and I'm pleased now. I just need to see how awesomely they implement all of this in the future.

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We could argue for days over this because there's no right and wrong answer. I'm not denying it's good at all, I'm sure there will be games that really prove me wrong, I just find Nintendo's quest to be the most revolutionary developer to be pretty haphazard. The majority of nintendo's own games for the Wii were pretty tight, but 3rd party games (Tiger Woods in particular, putting with the Wiimote is like fisting a rabbit) were fucking awful.

Maybe when I was younger I'd have been all over this like a 40 year old business man over a drunk college chick; but I'm a big boy now and I have a different perspective on games and shit like that now.

How about I list some uses for the second screen, shall I?

- Playing console games away from the TV (eg. in the bathroom or when someone wants to use the TV for something else) I have a TV in my room, so I don't have that problem. I also don't play games as intensely as I used to, so if I were to have a Peeyew then once I'd turned the TV off, the console would be switched off.

- Touch-screen based stuff that you can't do on a TV, such as quick and handy inventory management, controls that can't be accommodated by the buttons, etc.The inventory management I agree with a little bit, but I don't like the idea of having to look away from the TV to look at another screen to quickly select a different item. Imagine battling Ganon in OoT, you have one heart left, you look down at the controller to select some LonLon Milk but OH SHIT DAWG, Ganon just fucked your shit up with his swords. Also, touchscreen controls have just pissed me off 99% of the time. Even in games like Phoenix Wright on DS, most of the time I find myself pressing the buttons instead of tapping the screen. I will admit that the one thing touchscreen controls have improved is entering your name.

- Multi-screen gaming that Nintendo have been trying to perfect since the Four Swords Adventures days (granted, apparently they're focusing on 2 WiiU controllers at most for multiplayer, but it's a start, no more screen-watching!)One screen is more than enough, for the simple fact that your eyes and brain can only concentrate on one screen at a time. You'd have to look away from one screen to look at another, so why not save your eyes travelling time and just bring up another window on the screen?

- Multiplayer gameplay hide that can't be done with a single screen (Nintendo is demonstrating a couple of examples at E3 right now, such as a 5-player game where the first four players have to catch the fifth, and the fifth has the WiiU controller which allows him/her to see the entire playing field and their pursuers, giving him/her an advantage)That's one use for it. But people can come up with all sorts of uses for all different gadgets. Some are good, the majority are shite. I understand Nintendo are trying to blur the line between reality and gaming, but jesus, when I play a game I want to see unreal worlds, not Mario and Luigi having a great time on my sofa.

- AR capabilities like the 3DS. While I haven't seen the Playstation Eye's AR first-hand, I can't imagine it being more 'immersive', considering it's practically like watching security camera footage rather than looking through a 'window'.AR is nothing more than a gimmick, and a flawed one at that. For a start, you have to generally use those silly cards. Another thing is that you'd have to hold this controller in an unnatural position to play these AR games. Maybe I have weak arms, but my preferred position for a controller is in my hands, resting on my lap or knees.



Not actually real, I know, but a Pokemon Snap sequel using the WiiU controller would be godly. A good idea. Shame pokemon snap was pretty pants :P

and also, nothing can really beat the comfort of this controller: http://www.axess.com/twilight/console/detail/genesisb.jpg

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It would pretty cool if I could choose plays on Madden without my buddy knowing what I was doing.

BAM! Right on my uPad, with the action playing on the screen.

I actually just bought a Wii, but I sold it another Soldier in my unit because I'll buy a Wii U when it comes out.

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You can bitch about the remote all you like, but in a year's time you'll probably have changed your mind.

There's absolutely nothing to lose by having that second screen there -- it has all the buttons the GCN remote has. You can only add to the experience with that second screen.

Whats the big deal. There are so many ways around your issues Ristar that they arent even worth bringing up.

Edit: And you think the SEGA GENESIS controller is unbeatable in comfort? Apparently you've never gotten blisters from the buttons on that remote, then. I could understand Dualshock 3 or maybe even the 360 remote, but...

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but 3rd party games (Tiger Woods in particular, putting with the Wiimote is like fisting a rabbit) were fucking awful.

Well, not all of them - there are some fantastic third-party Wii games out there that make great use of the controller. You just need to know where to look.

But yeah, I know, no right or wrong answer, so I'll just focus on the ones that can't be summed up with "fair enough".

One screen is more than enough, for the simple fact that your eyes and brain can only concentrate on one screen at a time. You'd have to look away from one screen to look at another, so why not save your eyes travelling time and just bring up another window on the screen?

I don't think you understood what I meant - I meant using multiple controllers, one for each player, meaning you wouldn't need to look at a quarter of the screen just to play local multiplayer, and as I said, no screen-watching.

I understand Nintendo are trying to blur the line between reality and gaming, but jesus, when I play a game I want to see unreal worlds, not Mario and Luigi having a great time on my sofa.

Um... What? What does that have anything to do with my point? Sounds more like a response to my AR point. XD

Shame pokemon snap was pretty pants :P



Also, the screen could be used for FPSes, using the controller itself to point, and depending on if you're willing to stand up or not, in the case of the latter, the right stick can be used for quick-turning instead, with the controller being used for accurate aiming. Sure, it's not mouse+keyboard accurate, but it's better than dual analog.

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Honestly i can see the hatred for the wiimote because it actually took away most of older control schemes in place of another one. But the Wii-U offers the older control schemes as well as multiple others.

And, more importantly than new control schemes, it offers new features to be implemented into gameplay. The Wii-U remote would, for example, allow Halo to be the exact same Halo it always was, except give you a second screen for even more options. FPS's can now have guns that give you different ways of using them in junction with the new remote screen.

The more i think about it, the cooler this shit is. And to top it off....it has compatibility with the Wii Remote too? Dis shit is coolbeans, yo.

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I'm aware that a 6 inch screen won't have HD, of course. One of the major turning points on the Wiiyuu is the higher resolution, though. (But yeah, overall it's not essential. Games on 480p won't be that bad.)

However, what's kinda disappointing is that the Wii and DS don't interact. Unlike that GCN Zelda 4 player adventure, Four Swords, you can't use the DS as an extension on games. (I think there's DS game that can connect to the Wii version to unlock levels, or it was viceversa. But that's about it.)

The only thing I can do with the DS and Wii (in my case) is try out demos from the Download Play feature in the Nintendo Channel. There isn't anything else.

Sony, on the other hand, lets the PS3 connect to a PSP, and even provide game features (right, the rear-view mirror thing isn't particularly interesting, but it's a feature after all). So why is the 3DS left alone?

I know, the pad has more buttons, and the pointer. I'm not saying the pad should be ditched, but having a 3DS serve as an extra controller could be an interesting feature: Friends store in their 3DS custom control configs for the new Smash Bros. and use them, or store character data for versus battles (connectivity with the Pokémon games would be VERY nice for a WiiU Stadium style game), and store Miis just like it works with the current Wiimote.

It just strikes me as a bit odd, the N64 could connect to the Game Boy for transfers, and the GCN did the same with the GBA. It was harder back then, with all the cables and accessories... But hey, wireless simplifies it considerably.

TL;DR version: I'd like the WiiU and 3DS to interact more with each other just like it has been with previous Nintendo consoles and portables. The uPad has potential, but only being able to use one (maybe two if lucky) at a time sucks though.

Meanwhile... I'm still quite interested in a Vita. PS3's price is a lot more accessible for me, hopefully I'll get one soon.

And lastly, I hope Atlus makes a completely awesome Trauma Center game that uses the uPad efficiently. That would practically be a "SOLD" point for me.

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I'm pretty sure there has been interaction between the Wii and DS before (mainly being able to download DS game demos off the Nintendo Channel via the Wii onto the DS), they're wireless-capable devices, so it's only natural that they can connect. What gave you the idea that they couldn't?

It was also implied that there might be some WiiU/3DS connectivity, especially with Smash Bros 4.

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(I think there's DS game that can connect to the Wii version to unlock levels, or it was viceversa. But that's about it.)

(EDIT: It's "Geometry Wars: Galaxies". Connects to DS version for more levels)

The only thing I can do with the DS and Wii (in my case) is try out demos from the Download Play feature in the Nintendo Channel. There isn't anything else.

^ I mentioned that. But even if they can technically connect, there aren't many uses you have available. That's what I meant, interact more with each other.

I hope that many more games will have such a feature, not just the new Smash Bros.

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You can bitch about the remote all you like, but in a year's time you'll probably have changed your mind.

There's absolutely nothing to lose by having that second screen there -- it has all the buttons the GCN remote has. You can only add to the experience with that second screen.

Whats the big deal. There are so many ways around your issues Ristar that they arent even worth bringing up.

Edit: And you think the SEGA GENESIS controller is unbeatable in comfort? Apparently you've never gotten blisters from the buttons on that remote, then. I could understand Dualshock 3 or maybe even the 360 remote, but...

was joking with the genesis controller tbf, the best controller for my hands is the 360.

ways around my issues? probably. I'm just explaining why I think the console is silly from my point of view and why I probably won't buy one. There will be some games that benefit from the second screen, but chances are those games will be tailored for the whole extra screen set up anyway.

Analog sticks and wireless connectivity are the best things to happen to controllers in the past 20 years. In my eyes extra screens are not.

I love the whole reports of "YES! It has better graphics than 360 and PS3!!"... of course it should! The 360 is like 6 years old.

I doubt I'll change my mind, I wouldn't spend money on this thing for a start. The Wii was ridiculous with its controllers as is. around £30 for the Wiimote, an extra £15 for a nunchuck. Want to play some N64 games on VC? That's another £20 for the classic controller (if you don't have any old gamecube controllers knocking about.).

Maybe if they find a way to make these controllers on the cheap then I may consider it, but I really doubt they'll make them inexpensive.

I haven't changed my mind about the 3DS. The ONLY tempting thing for me is Ocarina of Time 3D, and that's just a remake of a game that's over a decade old.

also: remember how awesome the VMU unit was on the Dreamcast? Oh wait it wasn't.

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I liked the VMU actually, but that could just be because I was a Sega fanboy until they died. I mostly like the WiiU controller for being able to have your own screen for local multiplayer. The rest of the stuff is just kind of neat but doesn't make me want it more.

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I want this thing to amaze me, I really do.

PSVita looks amazing though. I'm excited to see what this back touchpad will do. Graphics look amazing which is always nice. Maybe they'll port Disgaea 3 to it.

Also, Peace Walker on PS3/360 gave me a superboner.

I liked the VMU actually, but that could just be because I was a Sega fanboy until they died. I mostly like the WiiU controller for being able to have your own screen for local multiplayer. The rest of the stuff is just kind of neat but doesn't make me want it more.

yeah the VMU was nice but again flawed. if it's battery life lasted longer than a few minutes it would have been great.

I was recently playing resident evil 2 on dreamcast and I really did enjoy being able to check my health and ammo on the pad.

Maybe the Weeyoooooooooooowwww will be amazing, but I'm really not impressed with what I've seen so far.

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The Gamespot Live E3 Tour just talked with the guys behind Sonic Generations. Once it loads, use the seek bar to go to 4:10:35 to watch the segment from the beginning. It runs until around 4:25:00. Make sure you're watching Day 2. Enjoy!


They showed off Green Hill Zone and City Escape remakes. Super Sonic was more-or-less confirmed in some fashion. Additionally, no "friends", just classic Sonic and modern Sonic confirmed. Lastly, no multiplayer on the TV consoles, but there will be multiplayer on the 3DS. Some more cool information is in the video, but I'll just let you all watch it for yourself. Definitely worth the view, I'm excited :).

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Doesn't really matter. You've seen what nintendo did with Super Mario Galaxy, what Sonic Team has done with Colors and what Square Enix did with Crystal Chronicles. And if the bird demo is any indication....yeah.

And it should be no surprise at this point. The PS3 and 360 are using 6 year old technology. For Nintendo to match or usurp it should really be a no brainer.

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