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E3 2012 (See Last Post)

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Here's a list of things I actually have liked at E3 so far:

In no particular order:

The Last of Us, Persona 4 Arena, Persona 4 Golden, Pokemon Conquest, Theatrhythm, Paper Mario, PSOne Classics on Vita, Wonderbook, and Portal 2 In Motion.

As you can see, Persona 4 Golden is named golden, therefore it must have gold and be up to my incredibly high standards. Now where did I put my monocle?

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It's not only about originality, it's about the industry in general. I believe it has grown and reached a point where it's begun to overreach itself. Could just be me and my own personal bias, but i highly doubt this.

80% of my favorite developers no longer make games with the amount of work ethic and creativity they used to. They simply cater to what sells and what doesnt. Of course this seems like an obvious observation that could be made for any industry, but that really doesn't change anything. Games are now more expensive than ever to create. Big titles have sunk into selling gimmicks now instead of actual ideas. "Reboots" are rampant and all running with the exact same idea behind them: darker filters, realistic characters, emotional cutscenes, cinematic action. Wouldn't bother me in the slightest if they actually had some sort of real direction behind the shift that didn't include abusing the now 12 year old idea of mapping buttons to cutscenes.

CoD gets alot of bad rep. Personally, Call of Duty is NOT a bad game to me because it's not a fun franchise. I enjoyed MW2 very much, actually. Call of Duty is a bad game to me because it has blatantly proven to the game design industry (quite rapidly in succession, mind you) that game design is no longer the selling point of giant videogames anymore. Call of Duty is a carefully scripted, interactive cutscene. With some shooting. This has pushed it much farther than any truely innovative idea applications or gameplay could EVER hope to do.

On the other hand, i think games like Naughty Dog's Uncharted are truely innovative titles because it does a WONDERFUL job of blurring the line between cutscene animation and REAL character control gameplay. You dont NEED QTE in Uncharted when a rock falls from under your foot. You just keep playing the damn game. This looks to be improved upon even more in Last of Us -- i could barely tell what was automated or not. Of course not everyone going for that cinematic feel can accurately pull this off. And this is where QTE spam and unoriginality sets in. Im not going to knock Call of Duty for exploiting what made it work all these years, but god dammit i am sick and tired of every other IP REGARDLESS of its genre taking the same route.

Honestly, the most innovative thing Call of Duty has done was allow stronger rounds to pierce walls, which is extremely basic and has yet to be expanded on past this basic function. Not to mention you can be shot with a .50 bullet and not explode. So yeah.

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I'm pretty excited for Rayman Legends and NSMB-U. I might pass on NSMB2. The coin power up doesn't look that interesting to me. Kind of wish they had made 3D Land 2 instead or something.

My Mom came in while I was watching Nintendos conference on Spike (I crawled out of bed right as it began and just sank on the couch and flipped channels, unaware they were even airing E3 on TV lol), she thinks the way the Scribblenauts characters run is funny.

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DmC:...it does look better but then again, I'm anti-Capcom so meh, I''ll pass.

Dishonoured: HOLY SHIT. Thief, Deus Ex, and Assassins Creed combined into a steampunk setting. Day 1 purchase

Halo 4: Not bad. Forerunner weapons and improved gameplay. :D

Persona 4 Arena: Looks pretty good as well

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From a technical standpoint, the Wii U does interest me. Hell it even looks like a sexy system. The problem I have is the lack of any compelling games for it. Zombi U looks like another Red Steel tech demo, and Batman's extra features look kinda awkward. I'm sure in about 3 years after it's release the Wii U will find it's stride, just like the Wii, PS3, DS, and practically every other system before.

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Serephim, you're just growing up, bro. As you get older, your brain slowly starts to reject what is new. Same thing happens to people and their tastes on music. Call it rose-colored glasses or whatever.

Happens to the best of us.

Thats what i initially told myself. I love older games, but in all, I dont really find myself to be much of a nostalgic gamer. It's just that newer games have such a narrow range of forumla that it's sort of becoming overwhelming. Everyone bitches about QTE, but things as simple as control schemes and camera angles can drastically change things about a game. But it's like nobody really cares to change anything around anymore because they're too afraid of the response.

Which is understandable because of how picky people become. I can't imagine how quickly someone would bitch if headshots wern't the driving focus of every FPS game on the planet.

It's the simple things that snowball and drive me crazy about games today.

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Just google'd it.

Square's been talking about the Luminous Engine, saying they're using it's tech in Final Fantasy XIII Versus (which im expecting to be godlike btw) which would also explain why they aren't showing it anymore. But this video was apparently just a tech demo, similar to the Final Fantasy 7 one they did for the launch of the PS3.

but the designer kept tweeting that the game looks significantly better than it did during the gameplay showing. I find that very hard to believe given console limitations, but...perhaps i could be mistaken. If they can manage that in real-time, then the same techniques downscaled on PS3 could still be astounding.

That video claims to be Realtime, but i can't possibly see it running on anything other than currently cutting-edge PC hardware. But regarldess of what it's realtime on, beard rendering that awesome in realtime period is amazing.

Reminds me alot of

. Star Ocean 4 had a very odd look (extreme anime faces with realistic lighting tech), but this looks promising also for the future of their RPGs. (or whatever they use it on.)
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That video claims to be Realtime, but i can't possibly see it running on anything other than currently cutting-edge PC hardware. But regarldess of what it's realtime on, beard rendering that awesome in realtime period is amazing.

I -think- the demo was realtime for next gen, not something that runs on this generation of hardware (except for PC obviously). But I could be wrong.

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