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New Years Resolutions


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Personally I believe all New Years resoltuions and the magic of a new year is complete bullshit, but hey, like Christmas, its the thought that counts. Or something. Anyway post your goals for the new year that will probably be forgotten in a week.

Myself, I plan on keeping up with my workouts and dropping another 15 lb. Also eating better, and saving up my money so I can move up to Minnesota to culinary school.

NOTE: Any and all computer related resolution jokes will be met with a one day ban.

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Oh well, i'm gonna try finish the High School of once for all. Also, i want to improve my english skills and why not, become a talented and recognized fangame programmer and an skilled cartoonist. Those are my goals for this year. (ooh, and get a job to move out from my parents house and get my own space)

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Some of you guys need to set more concrete goals! "Losing weight" or "getting better at [something]" is too vague. "Losing x pounds" or "accomplishing [something]" gives you something specific to work towards!

My biggest resolution is to start doing work as soon as it's assigned and as a result sleep more. Other than that I would love to finally be able to compose a song I'm proud of ;_;

edit: Oh also I'm going to do a site update. I swear.

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Well, you know guys. A good workout that works your entire body is swimming. I know you've heard this from me before but it seriously works. I don't mean monkeying around in the pool. Learn how to lap swim and you can probably lose 10 pounds in one month. I lost 37 pounds in 4 months. I had lots of football weight from highschool and I started to swim. It works wonders. I also blow up during the summer because of inactivity. Swimming gets rid of all that. Just try it out. Swim for an hour and see how much it changes practically your entire body.

Also, for those of you doing cardio or weight lifting to lose weight, I also recommend you looking into something called a "Sauna suit". What it is... It's basically a plastic suit you wear which traps in heat as you work out. while you work out, it makes you sweat and keeps your muscles nice and loose. The excess sweating you're doing releases the water trapped in the fat around your muscles and purifies your skin as well. You release all the toxins trapped in your body that you normally cant secrete unless you sweat. Believe me, you sweat buckets. That's like the fastest way to shed pounds. Boxers use these to make weight if they're too heavy for certain classes.

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Also, for those of you doing cardio or weight lifting to lose weight, I also recommend you looking into something called a "Sauna suit". What it is... It's basically a plastic suit you wear which traps in heat as you work out. while you work out, it makes you sweat and keeps your muscles nice and loose. The excess sweating you're doing releases the water trapped in the fat around your muscles and purifies your skin as well. You release all the toxins trapped in your body that you normally cant secrete unless you sweat. Believe me, you sweat buckets. That's like the fastest way to shed pounds. Boxers use these to make weight if they're too heavy for certain classes.

All that detox shit is grade 'A' bullshit, but yes, sweating a lot is an easy way to drop a lot of water weight.

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Well, you know guys. A good workout that works your entire body is swimming. I know you've heard this from me before but it seriously works. I don't mean monkeying around in the pool. Learn how to lap swim and you can probably lose 10 pounds in one month. I lost 37 pounds in 4 months. I had lots of football weight from highschool and I started to swim. It works wonders. I also blow up during the summer because of inactivity. Swimming gets rid of all that. Just try it out. Swim for an hour and see how much it changes practically your entire body.

Also, for those of you doing cardio or weight lifting to lose weight, I also recommend you looking into something called a "Sauna suit". What it is... It's basically a plastic suit you wear which traps in heat as you work out. while you work out, it makes you sweat and keeps your muscles nice and loose. The excess sweating you're doing releases the water trapped in the fat around your muscles and purifies your skin as well. You release all the toxins trapped in your body that you normally cant secrete unless you sweat. Believe me, you sweat buckets. That's like the fastest way to shed pounds. Boxers use these to make weight if they're too heavy for certain classes.

that's bullshit, i prefer to throw up everything i eat. best of both worlds! :scool:

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I'd really love to swim for exercise... it's a shame I don't live in Florida anymore though (had a pool in the back yard of every house I lived in), Westchester NY is one of the worst places for swimming in the country.

And lark I will totally help you with your goal :aparty:

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