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Trailer for new sonic game: Sonic Axiom


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Some bgs are very hard on the eyes while others look very good! My largest complaint was that you should really play around with multi-level paralax to give your backgrounds a greater sense of depth ( super foreground elements are always nice too ).

Well, actually, another complaint was that you need to update your bg positioning AFTER the camera is moved! This way, you don't get any stutter when the camera scrolls.

In regards away from the backgrounds however, the game is looking rather well. I'm guessing you're going for a sheer extendedly original Sonic experience rather than changing things up to a whole original plotline and gameplay, which is fine by me ( and should be socially acceptable considering we're about Sonic fangaming ;> ).

Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay, and feel free to post screenshots next time for those less willing to check out a video. =]

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looks pretty interesting really...some parts looked really neat but some other parts looked kind of rushed or strange...it looks kind of mixed with good and sloppy parts...but I'd have to say I'm looking forward to it and its hard to judge how well it will play from short clips like that. (not that I want a demo or anything...I generally try to wait for more complete versions)

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Really nice game!Evenwith old sprites it looks awesome!Great work!

Good luck with completing it!

Only one suggestion:Change "Axiom" word in LOGO to better design.I think it looks poorly

And,btw there will be some ports of it?For PSP for example?There would be great playing it on PSP...

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Also, Lark... could you expand on how to fix that issue?

I'm guessing you're talking about the issue I noticed and mentioned in the spoiler tag?

If that's the case, it's really no biggy at all. Predicting that the game was made in MMF2 ( since the title card's movement looks exactly the same as what's used in Worlds ), it's just a matter of checking the event order.

When you bring up the event list, everything at the top of the list is ran before everything at the bottom, or in other words, whatever comes first is ran first. ( There are of course exceptions for fastloops as they pause the normal execution process to handle every event with the "on loop" condition, but the order that these "on loop" conditions are ran is still sequential. ) If the camera is positioned after the background is positioned, or the events for the camera positioning are after the events that position the background, then the stutter problem will arise as the camera will be able to "get ahead" of the background.

To fix this, simply move the events that position the background below the events that position the camera. With the camera being moved first, the background can then be positioned with the camera before the scene is redrawn ( the scene is redrawn every time the last event in the list is executed ) so that when the scene updates, you'll see the background in sync with the camera and hence, no stutter.

tl;dr : Make sure you only position your background layers AFTER the camera is positioned. This is also true for anything that is positioned based on the camera's position. Just know that you can't position something to the camera if you don't know where the camera should be for that frame yet. ;>

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It's definitely MMF2 with Sonic Worlds.

Nice game! I will look forward to this. I love the graphics you've made for this, and the previous posters have said what I was thinking, basically.

Btw, you don't have to use attachments, try uploading images to a site like

imageshack.com and using (IMG)link here(/IMG) (with [] instead of () )

PS - Welcome to the forum.

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