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Super Sonic Knockout: DEMO 5


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Having the players make contact with each other, as opposed to simply passing through, is actually an important part of games where the primary focus is beating someone's face into the ground, especially with the speed of gameplay this has. So definitely make the players stop when they collide.

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I'd go with this:

1. If both players are dashing into each other

- Make them collide

- Make them take a lil damage

- You can add knockback for the lulz... (Imagine, you're playing with a friend and you collide with each other... How fun is that?)

2. If only one of them is dashing

- The other players gets stunned for a lil bit. (Since that's what would happen to someone if someone ran into him... actually they would fall, but whatevers..)

3. Both of them are just running into each other

- They stop

I know that programming all this is a pain but I also think that it's fun to try...

Right now I'm trying to program that when Sonic hits someone with his "Sonic Boom" they take damage...

Well you can always throw the 2nd part into trash can, I'm just suggesting anyways

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@sayi50: Point 1 of your post is quite interesting, it would be a bit difficult to add though, so I'll put that on the back-burner.

This week I've managed to fully implement 'Free Aerial Combos', the ability to Air Combo at any time (rather than after an Upper Combo or Throw). Every character also has a 3-hit Aerial Combo, meaning some characters have an extra attack.


Character collision has also been implemented, thanks to the great response that I've gotten over last week. Its a simple 'run and stop' system, but it works. Here is another question, Are there any other moves that you feel are restricted or just not well implemented?

Full blog post Here!

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I wish I could give you some feedback, but I would actually have to play the game, and for some reason, this PC doesn't run certain games anymore. I can't play this, Sonic nebulous, or Super Smash bros. Rumble ever since this PC brokedown a few months back. My PC at home is the same way, except it never brokedown.


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This week's update is a bit different. Aside from more tweaking work, feature testing and bug-fixing, not a lot of visible work got done. This gave me an opportunity to work on some concepts. Here is a sample of what to expect in the future:


Now, for the more interesting part. To make a long story short, I'm looking for a character sprite artist. Some who I can keep in contact with me that is able to create character body parts.

Since I don't want this post to become an even larger advertisement rally, please look at the Full Blog post for a more better explanation and application details.

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Chaos Zero is now a playable character for Demo 5. Chaos is also one of the new LIGHT type character class, who specialize in giving special attack special enhancements when they Chaos Charge. There was going to be screenshots released today as well, but this week has been one of my busiest. I'll post those up before next Sunday.

You can see this week's blogpost HERE.

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This week, the game's main menu is complete with the addition of the Music Player option. Now you can play all the tracks and sound effects within the game. The main menu itself has also gone through some tweaks, one of them being an animated background just like the title screen. As usual, the blog post is HERE.


I'm going to be busy for the next few weeks, so expect less substantial weekly updates for a while.

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Wow, lovely concept art! Really good.

I'm looking foward for a Chaos gameplay. About the Music Player, well I can't say much... The design is pretty, as always. But there's no much to say of a screenshot of a music player.

It's like:

- Hey, have you herd that awesome band, The Beatles?

- No, show me something of 'em.

*Sends a picture of the band*

Anyways, waiting for more updates! :)

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This week, I didn't get much done on the actual game due to being busy with assignments. However, I did manage to get all my video software working 100% properly, so I managed to create this little treat today!

As for things that were actually done this week, its mainly been a case of bug-fixing. I managed to add was a No Itembox Option for Vs Matches though. Check out the full blog-site post HERE.

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This week, I've been doing a lot of university work (and birthday celebrating). So little time has been spent with programming the game, short of bug-fixes and optimization.

Fortunately, a sprite artist has offered to lend their skills to the project. LoneWolfProductions9 A.K.A Zemian will be working with me doing more character sprites like the mesmerizing image below (all of this character's non-aggressive animations have been completed):


I would still enjoy more assistance with sprites. Contact me by PM if your interested.

The full blog-post is HERE.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know how I missed posting last Sunday's update here. I must have been really damn tired. Here is the update:


This week, I didn't manage to get much done, but it did remind me that I never showed much of the new step-by-step tutorial, so the screenshot is a snippet of that. However, the screenshot shows an item called the Equalizer, an item I want replaced...


Anyone got a decent idea for a new power-up? I want to know your thoughts about what kind of items, or anything for that matter, you think would make battles that bit more awesome. Be sure to pitch your opinions in the comments!

Click to see the full blog-post.

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Anyone got a decent idea for a new power-up? I want to know your thoughts about what kind of items, or anything for that matter, you think would make battles that bit more awesome. Be sure to pitch your opinions in the comments!
Elemental Power-Ups, like the classic shields (Fire, Eletricity, Water) but instead each one would make your attacks based on that type. For example, if you get a Fire Power-Up, all your attacks for a short period of time (like 10~20sec) would be fire-based, so you can hit the enemies with those and may even cause colateral damage like "Burn" status, wich would make the enemy take a hit every second maybe, like Pokemon battles.

With this idea you may even consider make some foes weaker for some element (stronger as well)... Sonic can't stand water, so water hits would cause more damage then normal or other elemental hits.

The elemental power-ups would be:

Fire - May cause 'burn' stats on the enemies wich would drain some of their health every second for 10 seconds.

Water - May cause "slow down" on the enemies wich would make then slower (oh rly?) for a period of time.

Eletricity - May create a eletromagnetic field around itself, wich would give damage to all the enemies (not the player) around it. Also if would deal a large damage if the enemy fall into water.

Stone - May make the enemy 'petrified', this make the enemy unable to jump for a short amount of time.

Psychic - May have a chance to make the enemy confused, wich would change the controls for a short time. Like when it press right it would go left, when presses kick would punch, etcetera.

Speed type of characters recieve more damage when hit by water elements. Power types when hit by Psychic. Light types when hit by Stone and Tech when hit by Eletricity. The Fire type of attack would go for a mid damage on every type of enemy.

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  • 3 weeks later...


That's a really cool idea. I have considered adding proper shields or element shields. One problem that sticks out in my mind though is the idea that certain characters will be weak to certain status effects. And while status effects will be present in the game, I think that would start making things complex and hard to program. I have something in mind though...


Its time to start working on this again, and things are starting out slow because there are still some things I need to clear up before moving at full speed. What I have done is started working on Story Mode once more. I plan to get at least 3 more stages done for Demo 5. Here is a shot of Cutscene 3, which needs completing...


Sometimes, sprites aren't enough... Stay tuned for next Sunday!

Click to see the full blog-post.

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This week, Story Mode has taken up a lot of my time. I've now finished the new version of the Stage 3 cutscene and I've already begun work on Stage 4. Since I don't want to show the cutscene in full just yet, I've got these screenshots lined up instead.

I could upload the new cutscene to YouTube, but I want to see how many people would want that first... so if you want it, ask for it.



Click to see the full blog-post.

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