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Sonic Unleashed

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On his defense, 90% of the game Chip's only present during (skippable) cutscenes and you aren't forced to play his shitty story side complete with retarded game mechanics (telekinesis, fishing, weapons, car combat, etc) to reach the final boss. That's quite the improvement over past additions to the roster.

Also EGGMANLARRRGHH hotdog missions

what the fuck sega

Also the final boss sucked hard and the SCALE IS WRONG. It changes between like ~4 kms tall to 300 mts between sequences and it bothers me so much as stupid as it sounds. I am so enraged by this.

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How can anyone possibly defend that little purple snot? I'd pick Marina the Raccoon over that train wreck. Despite her not doing diddly squat in Rush Adventure, I'd definitely take Aussie McBoat Girl, over "Do you want some chocolate? Do you want some chocolate?? Do you want some chocolate??"

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XD That's great.

Honestly, even if Marina was playable, what would she able to do? Sonic Runs, Shadow skates, Tails flies with his tails, Knuckles runs - glides - can climb walls and can punch through them, Rouge is supposed to fly but is a Knuckles clone instead, Cream flies with her ears, Amy runs but can't jump on enemies, Silver has telekinesis (and doesn't do any of the good stuff with it. Shame) Blaze uses pyrokinesis, Big is fat and fishes, the E-series all use lock-on guns, Vector eats things and vomits them back up, Charmy's annoying, and Espio can camouflage.

Pretty much everything except heat vision is here so, I got nothin.

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I've played through the demo a few times now, and well... I have this one huge glaring example which essentially proves that this game was put together by a bunch of fucktards who had no idea what they were doing.

There is this one purple robot that looks kind of like a beveled cone with legs and arms. It has one attack, it tries to punch you when you are near it. That alone isn't terrible. What is terrible is that you can stand within a single foot of it and it won't even start trying to punch you for anywhere from 2 to 15 seconds. Whats worse is if the game is in 2D mode, it won't even advance to get to your position when you are standing a couple feet away. It just sits there waiting for you to get within a single foot of it so that it can wait 2 to 15 seconds to try and punch at you.

Robotnik you lazy mother fucker! Why even have robots if they aren't even going to try to be more than expensive looking targets.

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Either way, the camera doesn't swing around, so I don't know if I'm drifting too much or not enough.


Okay the A B X and Y buttons screw me up.

Fair enough, I suppose.

Is that logical enough to like the Werehog stages more now?

Lawl, nothing wrong with liking the Wedgehog stages more- I didn't even touch that.

...and the water sections on Adabat.

... Underwater sections? :D?

As far as that comic goes.. when did Tikal return? She was in Sonic Adventure/Sonic Adventure DX and possibly playable SA2:Battle.. but does that count? Meh, I was rather found of her and E-102 anyway. And for whoever listed what each character can do.. Knuckles should be like.. not constantly pushed to the side.

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