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Metal Gear Solid 4

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Solid Snakes' last ride. Also known as the dealbreaker to sell ps3's this year.

So a couple of people have already had the pleasure of reviewing this epic game, and it's already received a few 10's.

I'm fucking psyched, rumors have already started floating that there may be a 90 minute cutscene in the game, yea that's right, cry now, but I love the fact that there may be something like that, I'm hoping the ending is the cutscene.

The game has already shown that there's going to be like a million twists, they've already shown quite a few just from the trailers.

So who else is in for the ride next month?

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it's 90 minute cutscenes....

i have been considering picking up a PS3 for this, but i'm definatly going to ride it out and see whether it's coming out on the 360 first. bit of an MGS nut, even if im not very good at it, i find the crazy plot and cutscenes better than the actual game mostly, but this looks more like splinter cell with some CQC and actiony bits, so you can't go far wrong.

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The one thing that pisses me off is that some reviewers have already spoiled the most important part.

Anywho, hopefully this game will be as good as the predecessors, because all of PS3's big guns have flopped. But this game's been getting awesome feedback, so I'm sure it's in good hands.

EDIT: Yea, I've heard about the 90 minute cutscenes. Was that a typo, or is there a cutscene that's really THAT long? I don't mean to be cynical, but I remember in my day kids PLAYED videogames. I'm hoping that was a misunderstanding, though :<

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Yea, I've heard about the 90 minute cutscenes. Was that a typo, or is there a cutscene that's really THAT long? I don't mean to be cynical, but I remember in my day kids PLAYED videogames. I'm hoping that was a misunderstanding, though :<

That's the rumor that's floating currently. I've attempted to not read any reviews yet, as there may be spoilers. I think I may take a peak at the IGN one, they usually keep their stuff spoiler free.

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Bullshit 90 mins rumor is bullshit

Haven't read anything afraid of reading anything due to spoilers. The fact I can't get on a PC for the time being kinda helps in keeping myself virgin for the awesome mind rape.

People on the verge of getting a ps3 for this do eet, there is no better reason for purchasing a new system than this game [/opinion of a mgstard]. Biggest release of the goddamn year along with GTAIV. And SSBB I guess.

The new controls (as I tested in MGO Beta) are much, much better. I loved hiding with octocamo in dark places then wait for a soldier then hug him from behind O:

and buttrape cqc ensues

but the damn tards spot me and I die because the person controlling the Metal Gear Mark II is always dumb and doesn't taze them.

oh my fucking god just a few days left Im hyped


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So EGM flatout refused to review this game. Why? Konami wants to make sure that no one reviewing the game mentions the 90 minute cutscene(s) or the long install time. EGM instead had a roundtable to discuss the game without having a full on review.

So I think this pretty much confirms the 90 minute thing, and that Konami is a bunch of dicks.

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lal, MGS4 will not be coming out for XBOX360 as you may have already known. Reason being is because of the Blueray disk has been filled (Yeah 50gb). This is most probably down to the cutscenes, its definetly not effected the ingame textures but the game creaters said quality could have been better if they didnt have to compress everything.

Maybe because they put MGS4: Online on there too but theres no way that would have effected it. Roumer has it that theres a 90minute cut scene FMV! Shame they didnt just use another disk for the extra content baring the prices. Its a bit too late for Hitatchi though as there working on stabalising 100gb blueray disks (Link here).

This is what it would look like IF it was out for XBOX360


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censoring reviews for negative points? imagine if every game said the reviewers weren't allowed to mentioned certain negative aspects, there would be anarchy! i know thats not quite whats going on here, but still, slippery slope, and, fanboyism aside, i can't say i'm entirely surprised it's for a flagship sony product, who are infamous for their dubious PR. boy that's alot of commas. it should be left up to the reviewers discretion whether they reveal 'spoilers'


lal, MGS4 will not be coming out for XBOX360 as you may have already known. Reason being is because of the Blueray disk has been filled (Yeah 50gb). This is most probably down to the cutscenes, its definetly not effected the ingame sprites but the game creaters said quality could have been better if they didnt have to compress everything.

Maybe because they put MGS4: Online on there too but theres no way that would have effected it. Roumer has it that theres a 90minute cut scene FMV! Shame they didnt just use another disk for the extra content baring the prices. Its a bit too late for Hitatchi though as there working on stabalising 100gb blueray disks a bit too late

clearly someone who knows what they're talking about, sprites? FMV's? it's my understanding all (at least the majority, if the previous games are anything to go by) the cutscenes are rendered with the in-game engine, which is why they are semi interactive (eg, switching perspective and looking around). the textures, from what i've seen arn't miraculously more amazing than offerings we've seen in most contemporary games, so shouldn't be disk spanning monoliths

resistance fall of man 'filled' a blue ray disk, but the majority of it was dummy files. storage insufficiencies wouldn't be the reason for MGS4 not coming to the 360, it would be Sony clinging on for grim death to one of the few exclusive franchises it has left, as several games have shown on the 360, disk swapping is hardly a barrier, if not slightly archaic in this day and age.

sorry, bit of a rant there

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lal, MGS4 will not be coming out for XBOX360 as you may have already known. Reason being is because of the Blueray disk has been filled (Yeah 50gb). This is most probably down to the cutscenes, its definetly not effected the ingame textures but the game creaters said quality could have been better if they didnt have to compress everything.

Maybe because they put MGS4: Online on there too but theres no way that would have effected it. Roumer has it that theres a 90minute cut scene FMV! Shame they didnt just use another disk for the extra content baring the prices. Its a bit too late for Hitatchi though as there working on stabalising 100gb blueray disks a bit too late (Link here).

This is what it would look like IF it was out for XBOX360



Corrected Sprites to textures

C+. Might be trolled again.

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Its a good point most of it could possibly be just dummy files, and knowing that SONY prefers to cling on to them since they have from the start. Maybe its down to the PS3 being un hacked at this moment in time. Like always the game has been run using ingame cut scenes and still hope that it remains this way.

Im no fanboy but I do have both (PS3 mainly for these kind of exclusives) and my point in the game being widely available is so they can profit more and hopfuly continue the series. Not to mention that more would be online with XBOX.

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PROTIP: "I'm not a fanboy, but..." means you're a fanboy.

Also, Khorney, publishers try to flub reviews all the time. Usually they request to be at a certain point range (see: Kane and Lynch fiasco at Gamespot). This is the first I've heard of publishers requesting certain aspects to be omitted, though. No clue on why they'd be so desperate; the game's guaranteed to sell incredibly well.

EDIT: So I picked up this month's EGM, with next month's issue having an actual review where they mention everything worth mentioning. They definitely got me pumped, because they gave it some pretty good praise. Some points worth mentioning:

1) The story gets cleared up. You learn just who the Patriots are (La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo) as well as find out about Snake's comrades. And that's before you finish the whole game.

2) Gameplay can be handled however you want. On lower difficulties, you may find yourself getting into more gunfights, while higher difficulties require more stealth.

3) Camera isn't shitty anymore. Controls are improved, but there's no cover system. One of the staffers still prefers Splinter Cell's controls.

Other things they mention are the usual stuff; environments are great, the story and missions fuck with your expectations, etc. Shit's bangin'.

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i can't say i'm entirely surprised it's for a flagship sony product, who are infamous for their dubious PR.

Can't say I'm surprised about that kind of mindset. For the record, Konami Computer Entertainment of Japan isn't a SCE subsidiary nor are their PR departments interconnected in any manner.

This "NDA of what you shouldn't talk" tactic has been used at lot actually. Recent examples would be GTA and Halo, where 1Up/EGM surprisingly didn't feel the need to discuss it publicly much less to hold off on their reviews. On Konami's behalf, the great majorty of MGS NDA concerns spoilers though.

This reminds me of the Ubisoft fisaco where they actively "punished" EGM for giving Ass Creed (much deserved in this case) negative sounding previews and review lololol publishers

it's my understanding all (at least the majority, if the previous games are anything to go by) the cutscenes are rendered with the in-game engine, which is why they are semi interactive (eg, switching perspective and looking around)

Yeah, practically all of the MGS cutscenes are rendered on the fly. It leads to cool stuff like keeping whatever equips/camo you had on during the scenes (Raiden mask) or real time boob sighting action (EVA). You can also zoom in and move the camera during them, sort of an easter egg.

Like hearing Raiden thoughts in codec convos. The MGS dev team loves that shit.

So I think this pretty much confirms the 90 minute thing, and that Konami is a bunch of dicks.

The KojiPro crew mentioned in their podcasts a couple of individual cutscenes can be indeed long (~30 min they said iirc), so it's probably a case of exaggeration. But it's pointless to speculate about this point when in nine days I'll be experiencing the full product.

The ending now I could see around or passing the 1 hour mark but after MGS3's, Kojima can make it last as long as he wants.

Still, can't see why some people are bothered by this, when super-long cutscenes are a MGS trademark and 4 is said to have the best gameplay/story ratio in the series :3

Snake and Otacon better do their secret handshake at some point in the game before epic happens.

And I'm missing MGO so much. I was just mildly interested - "hey, Metal Gear multiplayer? wat wat" but maaaan. It's unlike anything else out there and I LOVE it. I can see now why the one in Subsistance gathered a loyal following.

Bet Konami deleted the Beta stats so I'll have to get my JAWS award back. Should be easy with the influx of noobs.

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fair play on the other games having restrictions aswell, and i knew the main purpose of them was to contain spoilers, but you'd have to think they'd be some pretty bad stuff on that list for a magazine to delay their MGS review over a couple of plot points. the fact that i wasn't really aware that other games had similar restrictions on their reviews would suggest that MGS has an exceptional amount of restrictions, as most (good)magazines just tend to avoid spoilers as a matter of course.

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but you'd have to think they'd be some pretty bad stuff on that list for a magazine to delay their MGS review over a couple of plot points. the fact that i wasn't really aware that other games had similar restrictions on their reviews would suggest that MGS has an exceptional amount of restrictions, as most (good)magazines just tend to avoid spoilers as a matter of course.

Knowing how half the EGM staff operates, I'd say they wanted to get some outraged/delighted fanboy hits and attempt to "secure" some streed cred lulz. Didn't stop any other mag or site from posting their reviews so I think we're overblowing the importance of a very, very common practice here - is it fair? probably not, but neither are reviewers for the good or for the bad.

And it can't be worse than the Halo 3 NDA. From what I was told it basically forced reviewers to ignore the underwhelming graphical performance (except for the lighting system which was actually pretty damn good) and have it deliver a "positive impression" on the reader, something like that.

MGO was quite the experience, definitely a lot of fun, the control scheme was a tad complicated, but I'll get used to it, especially once I play MGS4 itself. One more week and I'll be in fangasm heaven!

Haha, I couldn't shoot in MGO to save my life and everyone else in my clan was making headshots left and right, so I opted for knifeplay. Setting porn mags in the most unexpected places, hiding in boxes, using the camera and knowing how the average player thinks and reacts to approach him and perform CQC/tazer stun, then stab stab stab

Even with my average skills, I attained JAWS (master of knives) and CROCODILE (killing machine) condecorations. And never got SLOTH (prone to get headshotted) :3

And I just read one of the unlockable Metal Gear Online special characters is


I hope we can force players to switch controller ports XD

And read other people's saved games

"You bought Ass Creed? LOL!"

(No MGS4 spoilers -it's not even a MGS4 char- and MGO is an entirely separate game with no plot or impact on the MG timeline but I tagged it just in case)

Also I'd like to know what the fuck is going on with the special edition here in europe because if it's coming I'll buy it but if it doesn't I could get a headset or import a white dualshock or get some hookers with the spare money I just want to know in advance to decide already konami kthxbai

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isn't europe getting this one on time? oh wait lol, don't joke like that. fucking foreigners, lets make everything unduly more expensive over here and takes weeks/months to come out. THHEE RRAAAGGGEEE

Worldwide release is june 12th, konami is looking to avoid spoilers getting out to the populous for everyones' sake! I'm thinking there are gonna be some aeris dies style spoilers coming out of this game...and I can't fucking wait.

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isn't europe getting this one on time? oh wait lol, don't joke like that. fucking foreigners, lets make everything unduly more expensive over here and takes weeks/months to come out. THHEE RRAAAGGGEEE

The game's coming out the 12th, like everywhere else. It's the special edition that I want to know of, since there's going to be just a *few* units and when I call my local game stores to reserve it half of them are like "we can't because we haven't recieved the data yet" while the other half is like "special edition? wat?".

With the game out in a week you'd think this crap would have been sorted already but nooo :<

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So the game's been let out early in some stores. My friend's attempting to track a copy down.

Meanwhile, screens have been popping up on the net of some early stuff. One thing I found awesome was the ability to customize your appearance (for multiplayer, I believe?). One of the faces was the old PS1 model of Snake, complete with shitty texture. Awesome. Even awesomer is the loading screen of Snake smoking, with a warning notice telling you to stop playing if you feel sick. Because that's how awesome the game is.

Also, lol iPod.

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Meanwhile, screens have been popping up on the net of some early stuff. One thing I found awesome was the ability to customize your appearance (for multiplayer, I believe?). One of the faces was the old PS1 model of Snake, complete with shitty texture.

Probably the MGO character creation. Was very limited in the Beta and once you picked your attire you couldn't change it (despite the char. creation screen stating otherwise) because Konami forgot to make the clothing accessories you didn't pick appear on the customization menu :E

It's the problem with Betas I suppose. For the final version I hope you can unlock moar suits as you level up and get medals and stuff, I like that aspect in multiplayer games.

Now that you mention old shitty PS1 models, remember the Casting Theatre in MGS2 where you could replace Snake and Ocelot models with the PS1 counterparts (and use the Middle Aged Lady in the Ray fight scene for badass results)? Would be pretty rad if one of the suppossedly numerous unlockables/easter eggs in 4 is that feature IMO.

Also, lol iPod.

Custom soundtrack feature :P Wish GTAIV had done something similar, as in a "Custom FM" radio channel that loaded mp3s off your HDD.

And I'm quitting the internet. Well, the little access I have to it right now. Wouldn't want some retard to surprise spoil my virgin butt. See you all in seven days!

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So my friend secured a copy of the game and has been powering through it. I've been watching bits and pieces myself; I won't have a PS3 until later on, and I can't understand MGS's plot anyways.

We found out about the Patroits. Kinda plot twist-y, but not a real shocker. What irks me is the fact that, once again, nobody ever stays the fuck dead. Goddammit.

Also, Snake kills Dumbledore.

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