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Sonic: The Fated Hour - July 2009 Update

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I'm posting it here, but December's TFH update might be kind of meager. A lot has been going on behind the scenes, but it's not really things that can be shown - mainly discussions. I've got a friend who's in a game design course in college, and he basically yelled at me over certain elements of TFH that he thought might not be very fun, and basically, I'm getting ahead of myself regarding certain elements, so at his request, I'm going back and trying various a few new things.

Basically, it's trimming the fat. The guy's sort of an asshole, though, but we'll see how it goes - I've been working on TFH so long, I definitely know that there are certain elements of the game that I can't even remember why they're still in there. We're going back through and looking at everything I want to do with the game and basically testing it a bit more to see what it does with the dynamics of a Sonic game and if it's beneficial or not. It's a bit deeper in to the design side of things to work out some of the kinks that I might not have been aware of from a guy who is a little more "in the know" than I am about how this stuff works.

Besides that, the most recent coding addition I've done to TFH is I've enabled Sonic's running animation to move beyond MMF's animation speed limit. Sonic has 17 frames of running animation, which means that even if he's moving really fast, he's always going to be showing all 17 frames of animation. Now, as Sonic speeds up, his running animation will start to skip frames very slightly. It's subtle, but it really helps the sense that Sonic is moving very quickly.

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So, depending on whether or not you read the Sonic Retro Wiki entry, you may find this interesting:


The History of Sonic: The Fated Hour - Part 1. A detailed recounting of all the various incarnations the game has taken over the years, with video. I guess I'll do Part 2 next week?

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From Moddb (it hasn't been approved yet):

So! Hey. January Update.


What happened in the month since the last update? Stuff. Still more behind the scenes stuff, which actually brings me to something kind of important for a change rather than just goofy update fluff like there has been basically since October.

So you may have noticed that recently, I put up a two-part feature here on Moddb called "The History of TFH". If you haven't read these features yet, please do (part 1, part 2) - each one has tons of video so you can look at all the old embarrassing demos (and believe me, I am not proud of some of the older content related to this game). While the first feature (Part 1) was initially done to scare up some support for Moddb Awards nominations (thanks to all who voted, even if I did not end up with the finalists), it presented an opportunity for me to segue in to something I've been meaning to do for a while now:


Basically, for the health of this project, there are certain things I need to know going forward. This survey right here should give me the answers I need. The questions are fairly simple: How long have you known of the project, what of it have you played, what is important to you in a Sonic game, things like that. Your answers to these questions will help me to better understand what people expect from it and with help me figure out key hurdles I am currently facing. Even if this is your first time reading anything related to the TFH project, it would be kind of cool if you could take this survey. All I ask is that you answer each question thoughtfully and truthfully - there's no rushing here, no race. You will not be graded.

Depending on the answers I get, there may be another survey later on, simply because for a free account, Survey Monkey limits you to ten questions per-survey. I am also on the fence with regards to publishing the survey results publicly, so if you think that would be interesting to see, sound off in the comments.

That's basically it! Check out The History of TFH, Take the Survey, and I'll see you guys soon.

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