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Sonic Origins


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Hi there guys!

I'm back to introduce you the new game I've developed with G!Soft, it's Sonic Origins a new 2d platform game inspired to Sonic The Hedgehog.




2d platform

Game Description:

Sonic The Hedgehog is back to his origins! Take control of the blue hedgehog in this old school platform game like the first unforgettable adventure of Sonic! In the game you will find 7 great zones, enemies, boss versus and special stage where you can get the 7 Chaos Emerald to defeat Eggman! It's an adventure like no other, don't miss it!




Sonic Origins (zip file, 4MB) (right click and save target as...)

Game Page:

http://www.lionsoft.altervista.org/lionsoftgames.htm (use this if the direct download doesn't work)


Lionsoft & G!Soft

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So nice. It was a fun game, but it is not very sonicish. Speed is slow and it has a few bug on movement. Also the lack of slopes makes it even more anti sonic. But actually it was so fun. I spent a few hours completing the game.

BTW: now you gave me a new question for level designing: why any carnival level is the most annoying level of any game?

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I can't download it.

You went to the first link right? Yeah, when it finished DLing it was corrupted.

Try using the second one, it will take you to his game page.

I tried to play, but the game kept crashing. I dunno why. =\

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Everybody, right click the link and "save as." It says so right there in the first post. Anyway, here's what I have to say:

Congratulations, Darkleo, on completing this game. In fact, everybody needs to congratulate Darkleo for completing a Sonic fangame. Secondly, finishing the game is only half of your congrats from me, because this game was quality. As far as Sonic fangames go, this is one of my new favorites. Usually, I'm turned off by the lack of slopes and other elements in the Sonic gameplay department, but for some reason, I cannot stop playing this game.

First off, your presentation is pretty awesome. It had me hooked right away and the feeling continued throughout my three zone playthrough (and yes, I will continue to play after typing this essay). The engine comes very close to being truly awesome, but I overlooked it all the minor quirks, due to the engine's high points. Seeing spindash and rolling in this game just made me forget about picking it apart for some reason. The minor (and I mean minor) quirks, such as getting hurt by spikes by touching them on the side, do not seem to get in the way of the game that much either. The engine is commendable and is so good that I forgot that I was playing a static game.

Level design is also above average. As Blue Frenzy said, it's not very Sonic, but for a platform game, it was great. The whole experience reminded me of one of the old games on the site, Neo Sonic Universe, one of my favorites. Let's not forget the element of exploration thanks to the 3 special rings. Nice touch.

The badniks...were awesome. They didn't just walk back and forth and do nothing. Well done.

As for ring loss, it is okay that you cannot collect them afterwards, because the system is like Sonic and the Secret Rings, in that you lose 20 for each hit taken. It's not something I particularly like, but you take the good with the bad, I suppose.

Continuing with the good, the bosses were fun, and some are deceptively difficult, like the drill boss in Zone 2. The inital unpredictabilty of the bosses is clever and even after having played a boss a few times, there can be still some fun in it still.

Darkleo, you made a fun game without anything fancy (namely 360 degree movement). You took a static game and didn't make it crappy (I'm looking at you Sonic Cage Dome).

Rep up and please submit this game to the submissions zone in this forum, so that it can be put on the main site.


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This looks great, I'm impressed with how quickly you finish fangames compared to the rest of us. It's nice to see someone getting something done. Here's my review:

The tidal tempest music fits perfectly for this level. I think Sonic's acceleration seems a little sluggish, but it's not too uncomfortable once you get used to it. I like how you bothered to make fallen platforms reappear.

I really love the different paths, your levels are short but complex. I love exploring, this game seems so retro. It may be a little slow, but I'd rather have it too slow than too fast.

I just noticed that there's no timer - did you forget to put it in or just leave it out?

The ground and walls are flat. You should've put in some of the indents that were seen in the original Palmtree Panic. It's not a big deal though.

I love the indoor paths in the walls, like the one leading to the special ring in act 2.

It just occurred to me that you had no opening cutscene in the beginning of the game. I don't see anything in the readme either. I guess there's no storyline?

Spindash is really slow.

The boss design is simple but it's okay for a first boss. Why does a log just fall out of the sky? You should show some sort of reason for it - like maybe he strikes the ground, causing a small earthquake that shakes a branch off a tree or something. Little things like that can really make a difference in presentation.

Why can't I grab my rings once I get hurt? This level isn't hard because it's early in the game, but I can imagine it'll get really frustrating when the game gets more challenging.

I love your menu screen, I got such a wonderful nostalgia rush. Moving on to zone 2.

Why do spikes hurt you if you touch them from the side? This isn't Mega Man. (at least I didn't blow up)

I like the yellow/red spring trick by one of the special rings, very clever.

The Hill Top mountains in the background fit very well with the rest of the Desert zone background.

Oh, I see that when you get hurt you lose 20 rings, not all of them. I guess that justifies your ring loss system.

I think spikes should be solid objects. Also, you need a score system.

I like the special stage. Reminds me of those bonus stages from Sonic Advance 3. I still haven't gotten all the special rings in zone 1, but I'll get back to that later.

I just played through zone 3 and don't have that much else to say. I'll finish playing through it and post again. I think my only real problem with this is the lack of gimmicks (swinging vines, pushable blocks, pulleys, etc) that would be unique to different levels. Another suggestion I can give would be to make the bosses more varied. Maybe when it's halfway dead it could change its pattern or do something different. Other than those two things, this game is amazing. Rep up. How long did you work on this?


CrazyMrBrad: a great static game

CrazyMrBrad: they are once in a blue moon

Rael0505: holy shit

Rael0505: i just noticed it's a static game

Rael0505: it's so good that i didn't notice

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You guys made me want to play again. With much frustration from the spikes and pits, I toughed it out.

I'm glad I did. I can finally post a serious review, because this game deserves it.

First off, I would like to say that I wasn't impressed by the engine. The movement is too basic and slow for a Sonic game. However, throwing Sonic aside, it's an alright platformer engine.

Like I said before, the pitfalls of doom are a pain in the butt. They don't belong in the first level. Maybe they would work once the game got more challenging, but it really hurts the presentation at first. It might just be me, but I look at pits as a lazy way out of finding challenges for a level.

Touching the sides of the spikes and getting hurt is a huge, huge no-no. Like Rael said, this isn't Megaman. It seemed extremely unfair, espescially in areas which you need to jump over multiple sets of spikes to continue.

The ringloss system grew on me after a while. It fits the slow, explorative feel of this game. The levels aren't short on rings, either, so there is nothing to worry about there.

I must say that this game is very fun in it's own way. It feels like it could be a GameGear Sonic game, in the way that it feels like an odd side story. The most fun that I got out of this game way finding and collecting the special rings hidden throughout the levels. The Special Stages in themself were great fun. (The Zone 2 special stage was hard as hell though, just because of the glitchy Death Egg enemies that seem to kill you 50% of the time you jump on them, no matter where you hit them.)

I am still playing this game at the moment, as I am stuck on the boss of Metal Sunset Zone. It's impossible, I swear to god. I've tried 3 times to no avail. It always bounces me back into it's spikeball when I hit it. That's a real nuisance.

All in all, I give it a B+. Good job.

Little quirks: All emeralds are green, Too much water in Zone 3, spikes, pits.

(If you tell me how you made that awesome pause screen, I will rep you. The only way I know to make one is with an invisible error message, since they freeze the game while they are open...)

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DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSION OF THE GAME (WITH SOME BUGS FIXED) BY CLICKING HERE (right click then save target as...). Overwrite the old files (don't worry, your save file will works on the new version)

P.S. you can use the old donwload at the top of the topic.

If with your browser the link doesn't work, go to the game page HERE


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Spike: for the third boss, spindash under it as it goes close to you (be sure to move under it when the spike ball is above it so you don't get hit). Then when it's damageable, spindash and jump at it. Again, you'll have to time this right. It's best to do it right after the spikeball went around so you have the most time. As soon as you hit it, press the opposite direction on the arrow keys to try to get away before the spikeball comes back around.

It took me fewer tries than the second boss.

Edit: Also, to be safe, don't try to hit it more than once every time it exposes itself. I just got hurt trying to.

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I love exploring, this game seems so retro. It may be a little slow, but I'd rather have it too slow than too fast.


The anti-version of this statement is Sonic RunDrive. It's static, but let's hold right all day and zoom by at a ridiculous pace shall we?

Again, Darkleo...thanks for the change of pace. Maybe that's why this game struck me as such a surprise. :3

EDIT: After looking at your game site, I forgot that you made Lizardmen as well. Man, you're just pumping games out and at a good quality too.

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Wow, you did a good job on this game! My only real complaints are the difficulty of the Special Stages and the fact that spikes damage me from the side; the latter got really annoying at certain parts of the second level. In regards to the former, the Special Stages are not too hard, but some of them seem to require nigh perfection (e.g. the third one.) Still, all in all I really like this game. I would go into more detail on the matter, but it seems others have already done that.

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*blinks, flickers into forum activity*

I finished this game the other day, and it was quite enjoyable. :) For the most part, it felt like there was a definite structure to each level, except for perhaps the second carnival level, where things were confusing and it was not too clear what switch affected which door. (For that matter, the switches could have been more visible and obvious in general.) Other than that, though, the designs were quite sound, and I never felt like you didn't know where a level was going.

I would also question the Floating Island graphics - the bricks look a bit too plain - but my main concern is in levels like Emerald Resort. Your engine, though clearly based on big block tiles, obviously allows room for transparency and tile variation, and it seems odd that Emerald Resort is so bland and unbordered. It, the desert zone, and maybe some others, could use more graphical variety, or generally look less flat and straight-lined. Especially when the blocks are used in diagonals and don't go smoothly together at all.

I don't mind the spikes hurting from the side - it was easy to learn, and contributed to the level design. :) There were a few occasional engine bugs, where I would get stuck eternally trying to walk into a corner until I let go and fell, but other than that, it felt movemently quite solid. A solid, fun game, good on replay value! Nice work.

(The special stages had interesting variety... for the most part, the hardest ones involved killing enemies, while the rest were pretty simple once I figured out what to do. Pretty original all round!)

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