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The SFGHQ Love Injection Project

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No. Get your mind out of the gutter. That said, this topic is for use as a suggestion box to brainstorm ideas to improve SFGHQ and make it more fun. Any ideas you got, thoughts, plans, etc. post them in here, so that we can change SFGHQ around to a far more awesome place than it is today. This project will hereby be referred to as SLIP.

Note: This topic WILL be updated DAILY.


*Fan Gaming Specialty Profile Option

*More Competitions! (implementation is on-going)

*Regular renaming of CAMP

*Submission process adjustments

*New BB Codes


*One big project, uniform project process: Damizean has something going with this (check out his Sonic Worlds when it's out!) and Smidge plans on something as well.

*A new template, or a little remix on the existing ones. Status: Takes time for organization and construction

*Add more emoticons (what happened to the Rael ones?) and some macros. Status: Takes time for organization and construction


*Adding graphics or letter code to General Fangame Discussion, to note screenshots, what program it's made in and if a demo is included, waiting on: Consideration and approval by staff, how it could be done, the graphics themselves.

*Letter code or graphics for solved or subject relation tags in help forum, waiting on: Consideration and approval by staff, how it could be done, the graphics themselves.

*Make an archive for questions that have already been answered: planning, approval from other staff, construction

* RSS feeds of the last topics and posts, waiting on: May not be possible

*Art tutorials, waiting on: Might just send me people over to Roareye's

*Story forum, waiting on: approval of staff


*Guilds idea, waiting on: planning of implementation, difficult to achieve, must be heavily streamlined and worked on before implementation is to be done. Requires a lot of community participation. Not sure how to do it.


*Gender profile field, reason: Not necessary, most of us are dudes anyway. If the ratio to dudes to gals shifts a bunch more, this will change.

*Rep abilities, reason: Allows "hoarding" of rep points, begging for rep boosts, etc. and we have no abilities to give

*Seph's rep RPG system, reason: Sorry dude, but coding that isn't exactly an easy thing to do.

*Splitting help forum apart, reason: Perhaps in the future, but not desirable at this particular time.

*Store system, reason: Sorry dude, but coding that isn't exactly an easy thing to do. VBulletin =(

*HMTL, at least on signatures, reason: Sorry, but this makes it possible to hack the forum or insert malicious code onto the forum. As much as I'd like to have html, it's a security issue.

*Uppercase filter removed in CAMP, reason: Not possible AFAIK

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Man, I don't know how much better it can get with my new holidays and the CAMP forum...

EDIT: Any reason we're doing all these fun suggestions now when I sadly watched them get shot down months ago? I guess better now that never I suppose.

Gender makes things fun? It's a sausage fest here, except for Ink, Pourcelaine, and Ilaine (that's all I know).

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"guilds". Basically, the artists join the art guild, modellers the modeler guild, programmers, etc. That way assmebling a team can bea easy and promote more games if everyone is dedicated to working together and FINISH THINGS. Also, guild subforums.

No more props. Sorry Slinger, but I think if someone can't deal with "I hate new Sonic" then just don't read the post.

integrate the forum a little better with...ya know...the site that this forum goes with. A submission forum with a specific procedure, which then gets passed on to the main site.

Pranks that don't happen 9 days early :3

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To start things off, we need more creativity and participation from the community. For example, I started off the sprite competitions in an attempt to turn them into a regular activity around here so we're not just twiddling our thumbs. Like there's always something to do. I'd like to see this idea used in various ways. Such as methods to draw more attention to the fan game aspect of our community. Mini game competitions, if you will. I also read another reply earlier that said something about junk games, that is actually a brilliant idea. Making games just for the hell of it without putting more effort into it than necessary. A lot of spoofs could come of this and I'd like to see how it turns out.

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Real-time weapon change?

I liked the props, but only when they are funny. Guilds would be nice, and so would more contests. Perhaps non-sprite art contests as well as those? I don't have anything against spriting contests except that I am not a spriter.

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I echo what I said in the nu-CAMP forum, though in a non-nu-CAMP way.

Let's have a comp where we rename the CAMP forum each week. Basically change what the C A M and P mean for funny and witty (but probably not) times. I would happen each week!

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Integrate the forum a little better with...ya know...the site that this forum goes with. A submission forum with a specific procedure, which then gets passed on to the main site.

This one is an excellent one, I'll see about putting this into effect as soon as I can.

Andrew, we're already doing that, only probably even more often than that.

Scratch what I said before, I managed to add it with Koray's help. We know have the Fan Gaming Specialty field available in your profile, which will appear in your posts under location as "SFG Specialty".

Oh yes.

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<3 Koray

A tutorial wishlist would be dandy. It'd motivate people to make more tutorials. Even guild specific wishlists. Then someone could submit it, and it gets checked off.

I probably already said Guild-specific subforums, but I just woke up, so I'm groggy >.>

Maybe a game specific forum? General has become game chat, so maybe separating them would be best, so that "US is down the gutter...again" wouldn't have to be on the same forum as "New Sonic sux."

Also, regarding the submission process for things (games, tutorials, sprites), I thought that a sort of entry form should be filled out. This is so someone doesn't just pop in an say "hey I made this game it's kinda cool ok bye." Just simple stuff like name, purpose of the tutorial (if it's a tutorial), description of the game (if it's a game, duh), credits, etc. I never submitted anything directly to the main site, so I don't know if that's already done.

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"Also, it'd be sweet if there weren't all crazy projects going on. One big project and a few simpler ones scattered about would be ideal. That way, no drout (sp? whatever)"

We can't exactly make people work on small-scale games. ..unless I misunderstood you.

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I still think the store where you could by certain features (CUSTOM TITLES >.>) with points earned from posting and such is a great idea.

I think more competitions need to be started, the more people start to jump on the boat, the more people will start to join in and create things.

BTW...since I was late to that topic that was locked, I just want to throw in, PC0 is my homie...and I've never had a problem with scatt's and his lovely long posts (I actually read some of them!). So keep doin your thang.

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"Also, it'd be sweet if there weren't all crazy projects going on. One big project and a few simpler ones scattered about would be ideal. That way, no drout (sp? whatever)"

We can't exactly make people work on small-scale games. ..unless I misunderstood you.

Well, let's say that a guild system is set up. There's the visual art-oriented guild, programming guild, sound guild, etc. (this is all hypothetical stuff, BTW.) Different people from each guild could be "recruited" to work on different projects (we could even include a pseudo currency for forum stuff.) That way, projects become organized.

With different projects in the forum going on, we could, theoretically, set up a social system where we could limit how many massive, 100000 hour projects. If too many massive projects are going on, we have a shortage of new games coming in. So if a big project is going on, but I want to start something up, I'd know that it would be better to create a smaller game, recruit a smaller group of people, and bust something out in a few months.

I dunno. I'm just throwing stuff around.

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I just think SFGHQ has hit a standstill point for game creation.

Back when everyone whored the tutorials and having an engine that can go fast and not shoot through/get stuck in walls, making fangames were a bit easier.

Its just gotten a bit harder now, with 360 engines that take forever to understand making Static engines and even Pixel engines seem kind of low.

I believe we should:

a) Change the fangame Helpdesk forum and split it up into 2 different sections: Gamemaker and Multimedia Fusion 1&2.

B) Make an archive when each reletively hard or repeating question is answered, where you can click said problem asked and get a list of solutions.

c) Add a few graphics to add to Titles for General Fangame Discussion that show 1.) Which program its made in, 2.) weather it includes Screenshots or not, and 3.) wether or not it includes a demo.

d) I believe the Rep system should be revised too. Along with normal Rep should be Developer Rep or something, which shows your repetition of successful fangames/tutorials/answered questions in the help section/engine achievements.

In fact, it could actully tie in with Midiman's Profile idea. Each time someone reps you it should add to a list of things you got rep for, which gets a Precentage or a gauge each time it gets added to. Perhaps you could go a step further and actully add in an Experience/Level system for your screenname. When you choose to rep someone, you choose how much rep to give them (Experience.) in the form of a precentage. (from 100 through 1000 rep. points, or you can use a smaller scale.). Lets just say 1000 points is a level. As each section level's up, it would choose your profile for you.

For example :


Billy is a pretty funny guy, right? He posts stuff in General discussion that makes people laugh, and he gets repped alot. His popularity level is about 4.

Well, Billy also happens to be a pretty damn good Spriter. He takes up lots of sprite requests, draws nice pictures in the Art forum, and also is knowlaged on MMF to a reasonable degree.

Because billy does good art and helps lots of people with spriting, he gets repped in the "Spriter" or "Artist" areas alot. Occasionally, he makes a decent engine, and gets a rep or two in the "Fangamer" or "Engine Maker" areas.

Here would be his stats. (Any area you have over lvl 1 would show up on your screenname table, so..)



(insert title here)

Join Date : 10/10/2001

Location: Delaware

Posts: 983

Main Member Profile:

~Experienced Spritist~

Spriter :Lvl 15 [******----] 68% 15,651 exp.

Artist : Lvl 7 [**-------] 24% 7,254 exp.

MMF Proficency : Lvl 2 [*********-] 97% 2,974 points


The Main would be determined by the combo of the 2 highest level groups he has experience in. I dont think every stat would have to be included on the forum, but if you maybe click on them you would get everything above. (while just normally browsing, only the titles, level, and exp bar or simply precentage can be present.)

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