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Sonic Boom Video Game (Wii U/3DS)


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Ooooooh. Shiny.



Alright real talk

The back and forth needs to stop. People have opinions, everyone posting in this topic needs to accept that fact. I can easily take any two pages out of this topic and they will be practically identical to any other two pages. This is a game that isn't out yet, people are going to make claims. Claims both GOOD and BAD. That's fine. Quoting people and immediately trying to disseminate their opinions is not productive to the topic though. Everyone calm down, relax, and take a freaking breather.

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So some of you may've seen the footage of Shadow in Sonic Boom (Admin passed it onto me), but, as authentic as it looks, I wouldn't go batshit crazy over it right now. Yes, I know it looks just like the real deal and I'm pretty sure it is, but let's step back a minute and review the facts:

  •  First and foremost, this hasn't been referenced AT ALL on any official/related Sonic site, including SEGA Blogs and the official home site, leading me to believe it's a leak.
  • So, if it is a leak, why has no other major site picked up on it or SEGA took it down? I mean, when Bowser Jr., Shulk, Duck Hunt and the like were leaked for Smash, it spread like wildfire before Nintendo shut it down, so why not this? I mean, I get that I'm comparing a Bonsai to a Redwood here but Sonic's still pretty huge.
  • The YouTube channel responsible for the video seems pretty amateurish and unprofessional so, unlike the ESRB leaker, it's unlikely they could procure this.
  • On the subject of our "leaker", they claim to have cut it from the Gamescom trailer for the 3DS version, Shattered Crystal, yet there is not a single fucking trace of this ANYWHERE.
  • Also, remember me saying how this should spread like wildfire? Not even Google images or any other major Sonic fansites have acknowledged this.

This is our current situation, though it will likely all change seeing as we've got it up front page, but it's just so confusing right now...

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I dunno if you guys rememeber but back at the days where SU was in development Shadow was supposed to appear in that game because he had a pic at the official page also Knuckles if im not wrong, now what i want to say is even if this 2 characters were "announced" in the official page none of them were actually in the game.


I mean not even in unfinished stages or just the model, just 2 pics and that's it, i think its kinda the same here, all we know is shadow and metal is suppoused to appear in the game, well metal is kinda confirmed for sure but shadow only showed up in a few seconds of a trailer.


Yes he COULD make it to the final version, or maybe he could be later on a DLC character i dunno but the chances are that maybe he could be dropped out from the game as well, just look at what happend with him at SU.

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  • 2 weeks later...

for a moment i thought it was a cutscene showing more of shadow or maybe the second part of the "why dont you come down and face me" scene thingie, but what was that? i mean it look kinda funny and all but i think that was kinda pointless, i mean i repeated the video like 10 times paying attention to all the detail (sonic looks kinda funny actually maybe the fact that he has shoulders or something like that and amy i think she is still the dummy head that she always is, i mean she is standing there doing nothing but look with goofy eyes the enviroment) but i dont see the point in the video, could somebody tell me what was going on on that video? and dont you think guys the rings are way oversized?

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But, they didn't had too much gameplay, and dear good i just hate when japaneses KEEP TALKING the whole damn video!! i know they have to talk about what's new and stuff but jeez is like they talk when the characters are talking, as far as this is is nothing much than i have seen before in other videos i mean, where is the gameplay? in the last one it was just a tidibit of gameplay and just that...cutscene of amy goofing around, and this well was just that a cutscene, i didnt saw any kind of gameplay in the first one, now in the second one yeah there is gameplay, but i still think that sonic and the guys kinda attacks or moves a little stiffy. i mean even in SU or Sonic Generations, sonic moves kinda more natural in stage, and i still dont see the point in sonic being all karate champ doing those combos i mean if you have that big pile of muscles called Knuckles why sonic and the others has to brawl their way out as well? i mean sonic still has the runs, amy now is kinda of a badass ninja...kinda, and Tails is still the geeky but even for tails brawling is what Knuckles is all about, is kinda "meh, i dont think doing a scenario that could make use all the natural abilites that sonic and the others has is a good idea, instead let's just make them all punch and kick like we did with Crash Bandicoot at the last games and maybe we can add some robots that sonic and the others can use" sorry i want to see something good from this game but the more i see the more i remember how crash, jax, and ratchet went down the hill with this kind of stuff.

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am i the only one who questions why they even make 3D gameplay if they make you play the boring zoomed out wannabe good platformer 2D sections for half of every level 



Also, the attacking animations look really jerky, dont convey weight or motion very well, and every action has these terrible trail effects tacked on that just makes it look even worse. Like, indie unity engine beta build worse.

Edited by Serephim
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am i the only one who questions why they even make 3D gameplay if they make you play the boring zoomed out wannabe good platformer 2D sections for half of every level 



Also, the attacking animations look really jerky, dont convey weight or motion very well, and every action has these terrible trail effects tacked on that just makes it look even worse. Like, indie unity engine beta build worse.


The WHOLE game has this 2005 aspect to it that is worse, i mean the graphics are pretty cute and all but it doesnt look half good as Sonic Generations or even Sonic Unleashed did, that's my point right there it seems that they just spend too much with the redesign of the characters and 0 with the actual engine, i mean why in the first place they wanted to do a new engine when you had the hedgehog engine? maybe because its for sonic alone and making other gameplay for the characters wasnt going to work out well (Werehog) and i mean even the werehog brawling thing was cool back at SU and had an amazing animations very fluid and very detailed, even the werehog had like a billion of combos to do.


I mean i think its a good game actually because it reminds me some of  ASotH and SATAM but its kinda raw in some points, like you said with the jerky animations and those trail effects and of course the 2D sections, i think it breaks totally the flow of the game and that's a bad thing in a sonic game i think.


For what im seeing so far (that isnt going to be different when the final comes out) its kinda far from finished, even they changed the release date, so that and this i think its back at Sonic 2006 i guess (i hope not)

Edited by Gear_The_Hedgehog
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The Hedgehog Engine was an internal Sega thing, i doubt the Sonic Boom team would have access to it. And about the details surrounding the hedgehog engine in the first place, I doubt even Sega will be using it anymore. I agree about the werehog combat vs. this combat. The werehog combat was decent in its own right, everything worked the way it was supposed to and Sonic had interactive abilities and different combo paths when it came to how he controlled. 


This game...Viewing it as a sonic game, the speed sections look very Sonic 06 Mach-ish. Viewing it as an action game, it looks chocked full of PSX/N64 era decisions. The game's animation isn't BAD, it's just applied in way that seems to suggest the creators haven't played an action game recently. Kind of reminds me of the difference between DMC4 and DmC: Devil May Cry. The physics and animation just has no regard for kinesthetics. I'm not even playing the game and it just feels dreadful.

Edited by Serephim
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I can only hope this game is a total upset to my expectations, because so far, everything I've seen has made me completely uninterested. Truthfully, I think it looks pretty bad, which is bad, considering presentation (as far as trailers go) tend to be SEGA's strong point, even if the final product is garbage (Lost World comes to mind...)

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^Agreed, though I doubt I'll ever buy it in any capacity. Lost World burned me something fierce, though I do standby that if you quit after the third world, you have a decent game. Not good, but decent.
Besides the fact that I'm expecting it to suck and have no reason to think otherwise, there's a lot coming out this fall. Both versions of Sm4sh alone is reason enough for me to skip this, but there's also games I'll wanna grab during a Steam sale, like Dead Rising 3 and Borderlands The Pre-Sequel. Can't really justify "because sanic" in the budget anymore (especially with actual expenses.) :V

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I know the Hedgehog engine is internal of SEGA/Sonic Team but its the same history that Devil May Cry when DmC was announced they had the MT Framework used as well for Marvel vs Capcom 3 and ultimate, but Ninja Theory because it was all in japanese they used the Unreal Engine 3 for DmC, this made the game kinda...chunky because all the animations that dante had was poor animated and even had the same problems that Unreal 3 suffers and its an official game, aslo they spend like 1 year with dante's design, anyway back to Sanic Baum, like i said i like how it behaves like a old sonic cartoon but you dont buy a game for the cutscenes alone, i know some of the people that help with Jax and Daxter and the Crash Bandicoot games is in the Big Red Button team but this is a sonic game not a Crash or even a Jax and daxter one, and making a TV series when you dont even know if the game is gonna to be a success or not i think is a risky move, and is a shame that SEGA is doing the exact same thing that capcom did with DMC and not to use the Hedgehog Engine anymore, i mean why they spend time and money to do "an engine that could handle sonic speed" if they where to use it for 2 games? is kinda a A-hole move right there.


I know you're ESL and from Uruguay and all, but I literally do not understand half your post. Any chance you can reiterate it or make it a bit more comprehensible? I even went through it to try and fix it but your whole post seems to contradict itself. Is DMC on the MT Framework or the Unreal Engine? I know it's hard cause your from a different nation, but any help with your post clarity would be a HUGE help in understanding you. I'm sorry I'm not able to make it out, despite you being ESL and putting in a legit effort, but my understanding of the first half of your post is a guess at best.

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I know you're ESL and from Uruguay and all, but I literally do not understand half your post. Any chance you can reiterate it or make it a bit more comprehensible? I even went through it to try and fix it but your whole post seems to contradict itself. Is DMC on the MT Framework or the Unreal Engine? I know it's hard cause your from a different nation, but any help with your post clarity would be a HUGE help in understanding you. I'm sorry I'm not able to make it out, despite you being ESL and putting in a legit effort, but my understanding of the first half of your post is a guess at best.

dont worry sometimes i tend to write the first thing i have in mind, in short i was saying that when Ninja Theory was doing DmC they said they couldn't use the MT Framework because it was in japanese, so they used Unreal Engine 3 instead because it was more cheaper and it was in english, that in my opinion make the game suck so bad because it didnt behave like a Devil May Cry. Kinda the same with Sonic here but i dunno why they wanted to do this huge changes in gameplay, i mean they are good and all but i dont think making a brawling game out of sonic and not having the fast-paced platforming with or without homing attack/boost/tricks/other abillities and instead pretending to be "fast" with sonic 2006 mach speed sections and then breaking the flow of the game forcing you to fight like a God of War/DMC game is kinda lame.

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The Hedgehog Engine is a lightning engine, not a physics engine. The physics are handled by Havok.


Im sure everyone cleared this up by now. But I doubt they'll be making use of it anymore, the architect left ST, started luminous at square, and apparently jumped ship again. (Probably why Square has been military silent on anything next-gen for literally an entire year.)


Lost World seems to go for a completely different visual style, and clearly isn't making use of the technique. Generations used the hedgehog engine to a less effect, which is understandable considering the difference in budget. But the environments still looked amazing at a decent framerate.

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It's been a while since I've posted in this topic, so my thoughts as it stands:


Rise of Lyric is looking to be for the most part fairly run of the mill in terms of gameplay, while also being very subpar in the graphics department.


However, the characterization is top notch, and the humor and story show promise. I honestly do not blame the people who say they will avoid buying the game but will watch the cutscenes on Youtube; those are likely going to be the best part.


I played the game back at E3, and will try to give it a go at Sonic Boom 2014 (expect a summary of that on the front page, of course) on Saturday. I'm interested to see if anything much has changed.

Edited by Ogilvie
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