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Thank you for the friendly reminder. And thank you for the comment on the hack. ^_^ 

I have had this happen to me in the past, where I actually lost two months of work on this hack. But since then I make sure to have it backed up on multiple other devices. :)

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Regular backups should be standard procedure for any kind of computer user, especially creators. Of course, there's the people who go all MUH CLOUD but that doesn't cut it. You need on-site, easily accessible and transportable backups.

For those that need some guidance, let Archive Team help with that: http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Introduction

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Well I've got some good news. Turns out I did back-up Blackshore, so production on the game is going to continue! Can't tell you how relieving that is.

As for Lost Adventure v1.2, I won't be able to be sure until my new laptop comes in next week, but I know for certain that the tutorial level didn't make it. Which is fine, I wanted to redo it anyway. Either way, I've got a past version of Havok Harbor along with all of the source files so thats not totally down either, just set back a little bit. I feel rather lucky considering how disorganized I am with my files, not gonna repeat this mistake though.

SO, I'm currently creating a website for my work, an online portfolio/resume if you will, and while it is no where near completion I'd like to hear what you guys think of the layout and web design so far

Link: http://kevinaethridge.wix.com/kevine

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God i hate when pc's die for no aparent reason, when mine almost and i mean ALMOST died i almost died as well since Silver Gear, Recreations, Yume Ryoko Sha and HappyMouse was THERE and for a second i thought that i was going to lose all those projects, but since im a wiz with pc's maintenance i sorted out nicely....but that didnt stopped me to do a full backup of those projects even if that costed me all the weekend (man i do pretty heavy shit) so anyway that' a good friendly reminder indeed man.


So back on topic here, i got a new pic of Recreations showing the King Eggman Statue at the Flame Rift Zone Modern.




Also i was working on the Silver Gear Project as well go chek people in the topic for a new (well not kinda of new but still its some progress) pic and animations, also im working in a better version of HappyMouse called ReallyHappyMouse, more creepier more menacing less hard, and of course some other shit but those are secret for now until i got really good stuff to show.


Now on Recreations i added breaking walls both in classic and modern in modern you have to break them at full speed (no boost is required but it gives a push) and in classic you have to break these with your insta-shield or spindash (because i like to keep things old school yo') but kinda at the moment i have some serious issues with the Back parallax (the one with mountains and clouds) that son of a bi*$% likes to start to follow sonic and make the background tremble like jello, kind of annoying thing, and the end level results are worse i dunno what i did bad but the thing is ring bonus adds up and goes to 0 but time bonus and total they just keep adding and adding and adding and doesnt stop, later i will put how i did the end results see if anybody can find what im doing wrong since i checked like a billion times and i dont see what im missing, and then when i thought nothing could be worse the freaking checkpoints i did also are broken, i mean yeah they work when sonic dies he goes to the checkpoint and all but when you put 2 checkpoints he goes to the checkpoint that he doesnt reached yet, so i dont know yet what i missed, so now i dont what to put all those things here, and i think this isnt the place buuuut later on i will put those to see if somebody can help me to sort out this problems, sorry for the Wall-of-text folks.

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E's Jump and Shoot Man: 




I had a bunch more screenshots that went to waste because I made a bad screenshot system but here's this. I took an older version of the engine currently in development for Sonic Reboot and made this. The version I was working on was really weird because of things that are in the newer version like getting hurt and such. But I made this today and here is the product. 


Not a full demo or anything just a break from Sonic. I tried adding more to the Reboot Engine but couldn't even touch it, so instead went on to do this.






A - Jump, Near Wall Holding in Direction of Wall - Wall Jump

S - Shoot (Works in air too)


Hopefully you guys like it.










EDIT: Tiles made by Hobbers. 

Edited by Light The Hedgehog
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks guys! It's still in semi-early production so it's not overly-final yet. It's turning into quite Earthworm-Jim-esque. 

Well this looks rad as all fuck. How much is it gonna cost to get it?

I honestly don't have any idea at the moment. I might be finding a publisher, so they'll prolly set the price. If not, it'll prolly be around $6.99/7.99. It really depends on length. :D

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