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This is a remake of Robotnik Winter Zone. I'm having trouble spriting the snow, I can't seem to make it more 16-bit. Right now I'm using the 8 bit tiles.

ughhh people fucking up on terminologies

1) No, don't use processor word sizes for describing graphics. Genesis, Game Gear, Master System all used 4bpp (bits per pixel) graphics.

2) Now this is a key fact about the Game Gear: it can produce the same quality of graphics as a Genesis. The only difference is that it only has half the available palette space; 2 sets of 16 colors instead of 4 sets. Therefore, you can't make something that is comparable to Genesis graphics more comparable to Genesis graphics. It already is.

Therefore I suggest you try to scale the tiles up a bit, since everything was smaller in Triple Trouble.

(Also sorry for sounding angry about your wording, but I do want to push people to break out of these bad habits)

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I actually think that would look pleasantly surreal if you had deep blue water and a starry night sky.

I'll try that and see how it looks :tgrin:

Is Sonic on Tanehineri (Tane Tane) Island from MOTHER 3?

(Seriously though, that looks cool, but a starry night would compliment it more.)

So, you played MOTHER 3? :tgrin:

I actually tried to make it look like a candy-based level (chocolate mountains, strawberry river, etc), but it ended up more surreal than candy-looking. Now that you said, it really looks like Tanetane Islands...

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Your doing it wrong. In order to make a candy- like level, you need to add some background pieces that do resemble candy, like chocolate bars and lollipops behind the first set of mountains, or for the foreground, a candy cane floor (The grass) along with maybe donuts of fruity candy (The triangle pattern). Basically, think Sweet Mountain my friend.

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Played it? I own it and MOTHER 1+2 in the original boxes with all the promotional bits from Nintendo.

but I digress.

Continuing from what Delta said, you could also add in textures that would make it seem more like candy than a recolor. I.E. Floating strawberries and such in the river and squarish indentations or melty bits in the mountains.

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You could go more subtle with the candy theme (but obviously stronger than whatyou've done there). Maybe make palmtrees that have candycane stripe trunks, or shiny rectangular tiles that resemble jolly ranchers. There could be grind rails that look like twizzlers, and mounds of sugar that you spindash through (like the mounds of snow in ice cap.). Take a look at games like zool that have done themes like that.

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Kaiser Kiwi, the villainous fowl that Polyroll must stop. Kaiser Kiwi was raised by vicious hawks, but was always frustrated by his lack of wings, and inability to catch and devour his prey like his hawk friends and family. He instead developed his brain, and created a winged suit, now he's taking his anger out on the Polyrolls. He's taken them hostage in his frigid castle lair. . .

And of course he has plenty of minions:




Spring Pig



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I'm not sure why, but this reminds me of Megaman X. Anyway, it's looking pretty nice.

Well, I'm still working in the candy world stage. It's turning out like this:


Well, I'm not very good with pixel art, but I'm at least trying to make something nice. I'm sure it'll get better with time.


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