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Everything posted by Shadow_Striker

  1. You've probably figured this out by yourself by now, but I'm going to say it anyway. You could try doing different Background System Boxes, each one for each frame of the animation, give them the Parallax qualifier, put all of them in the same X and Y position, and order them in a way that the first frame is on the front of the other two, the second on the middle and the last one is on the back. Then you can program events that will happen every X frames (which, I guess, you know how to do, you just need a frame counter and a little bit of logic) that will make a frame visible/invisible, depending on which frame you'll need to be visible at a certain time. You need to make the first one invisible, then the second one invisible, then the two visible again, in this order, to make the animation work as it should. There MIGHT be some easier way of doing this, but that's how I do it anyway. If you don't understand my explanation for any reason, please say so and I'll try to make it more understandable for you.
  2. If I'm not mistaken, you're using Worlds 0.5, right? I might be wrong, but I think I know what's the problem. (The image was taken from Lake's Sonic Worlds Guide.) If you've not changed the end of level sign events, they cause a bug when the next frame starts. The reason is that some values are not reseted (such as the Checkpoint one), and that makes Sonic die right at the start of the level. Using the code on that image should fix that.
  3. Downloading as well. Never played any before, to the point I remember, but I'm quite interested on them. I would make some mirrors later, but eh, my upload speed is a pain (25-30 Kb/s), so I won't be able to help with it.
  4. Loved the new changes, especially the Genesis-like way the animations behave on slopes now and the Ghost System. Very nice job!
  5. Apple and Samsung, am I right? Anyway, I like the spheres idea. As for those backgrounds, I like the blue one more. The pink one doesn't really fit nicely in my opinion (too much contrast) and the purple one is too dark. The blue one seems to fit the stage nicely and is easier in the eyes. It doesn't have too much contrast but I feel it's enough.
  6. Still very WIP. I had the strange idea of making the colors change while you're in the stage, so that's why everything is a mix of red and purple (and yellow in the case of those gems in the walls). And, yes, I know about the Lives HUD problem.
  7. Well, it's not that difficult. You simply have to check if the variable with the current rings value equals 50 and then make the events that will show the "Achievement Unlocked!" text trigger if that happens. In the case of the life-up it's the same thing except you'll need to trigger it when the player gets a life. You might also want to change another variable or flag so the event won't trigger again while the player is on the stage. If you're going to save the game, you'll also need to save a value to a file so the achievement will be permanently unlocked and the player won't be able to get it again. It's quite simple.
  8. Weeeeeeelcome to this sanator... I mean, to this forum! I"m sure you'll get used to the people here and good luck with your fangame!
  9. Ah, can we ask for gimmicks too? Not sure if it's asking for too much, but...
  10. It's more or less like you said. In this computer, it tends to cap the speed at 60 FPS, but it is not perfect and causes some occasional slowdowns, especially in D3D8 mode. Deactivating Vsync makes everything run smoothly, without those occasional slowdowns. However, on some other machines (normally the slower ones), it caps FPS around 30-40 with it activated, but runs smoothly with it deactivated. On faster machines, nothing or almost nothing changes. It's almost like it's using the speed of the machine to cap the FPS instead of the screen refresh rate.
  11. Here Not sure if it helps too much but it's what I could find.
  12. Not sure about the view scroll, but in the case of the Red Rings, you could do like saving it to a save file and checking those values in some way when the stage starts. I'm not sure how GM save system works but in MMF2 you can use INIs for those things, creating a group (Red_Rings_Stage_1) with an item for each ring (RedRing1, RedRing2, etc...) and then saving a value when the player collects them (like 1). Then, at the start of the stage, check if the value is 0 (false) or 1 (true) and destroy the ring according to that. Not sure if it's the best way to do it, but it should work. Again, I don't really know anything about GameMaker, but I'm deadly sure you can do something similar with it. As long as you can save values to a file, you should be able to do it.
  13. Er... sorry about that. I didn't mean to cause problems or break the forum rules... I think I'll try activating/deactivating vsync by now, and tell people to update their DirectX runtime. Edit: Yeah, it looks like it was really Vsync causing all those issues after all this time. After I deactivated it, the problem seems to be gone, D3D8 and Standard are running smoothly and I can achieve up to 180 FPS in this computer if I remove the 60 FPS limit. Looks like MMF2 doesn't like Vsync for some strange reason...
  14. Direct 3D 8 gives me around 40 FPS... D3D9 gives me 60 most of the time and Standard is more or less the same, but with occasional slowdowns. Everything changes from one computer to another though. Okay, now I'M SURE this has something to do with rendering, not with code. Maybe it's because I'm building it with an old HWA build (249 Beta, to be exact)?
  15. Sorry for reviving this somewhat old topic, but can slowdowns happen because of rendering instead of non-optimized code? I mean, I've had quite some problems with slowdowns with Sonic Medley. Although I can't really reproduce them by myself, I've had at least two persons complaining about it. What's more strange is that some people seemingly have problems running a Direct 3D 9 display build, which somehow causes a massive slowdown, but can run a Standard display one perfectly fine, while for others it's the opposite. I tried optimizing some of the code (such as the original rings events of Worlds Delta and my gimmicks events that used loops) with techniques such as putting the events of the loop into groups, then opening the group, running the loop and closing the group when needed, and also using the ForEach extension to iterate through objects instances when possible instead of Spread Values... but it didn't help.
  16. I should say, this new version of BTS '12 is fantastic! I loved the new soundtrack. Also, I just completed the game, and found a bug in the final boss. If you hit it while the screen is fading (after you beat him), the screen will stop fading and the game won't make the score count, forcing you to restart/die and beat the final boss again. It's somewhat frustating if the player attacks the final boss by impulse after he is already "dead"(like me)
  17. For some reason I couldn't get past that wall where I should supposedly hold up ( ), but anyway, some things you should fix: -Explain which keyboard keys the player should press. Just saying "press fire 2" without explaining which key is "fire 2" forces the player to discover which key "fire 2" is, which is somewhat frustrating. -Sometimes, if the player presses the "fire 2" button while overlapping those help icons, a glitch occurs and the player ends up "freezing", not being able to move and always in the last frame of the attack animation. not sure why it's happening but you should take a look at the events. Anyway, if I find anything else, I'll post it here:tgrin: .
  18. Never played Mirror Edge, but I'll test it here and give feedback.
  19. Oh, man, too bad I don't have any Android/Windows Phone/iPhone here, I would buy it if I had one D:
  20. I seriously need some BG art lessons from you, Delta. Those are amazing! And like Spike said, don't reveal everything. Leave some things to be revealed by the game itself!
  21. ;_; That's really sad, man. Take your time to recover from this loss. I'm sure you'll make it through. Good luck and see you whenever.
  22. I have an idea. Why don't we do a general birthday thread? That way, things would be more organized and the forum wouldn't be spammed with lots of birthday topics. It's just an idea, though.
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