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Avatar, just saw it in 3D


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It was awesome, I saw it in 2d. Was the 3d version better? I thought I would throw up if I saw the 3d version.

Avatar the Nicktoon totally sucks! Was that supposed to look like anime? It SUCKED! I couldn't understand why my roomate used to watch that crap.

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Spongebob is pretty funny :<

Wait, how'd we get to this discussion again?

There's just something about that little Spongebitch's voice that I CANNOT STAND. That, and I am not a big fan of the "dopey character" being a primary character (i.e. Patrick).

That, and SPONGEBOB is on FUCKING EVERYTHING: Oatmeal, Operation (the game), and Oral Contraceptives just to name a few (that start with the letter O).

Also, it doesn't matter. We have a "stream of consciousness" here at the 'Q, and that's just how we roll.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender was indeed Animesque, with a western charm added in, and I love it for it. Well, partly for it. It's such a fantastic show in general, well-animated, good voice work, and the writing is excellent and actually tries to be mature in a way that allows both kids and adults to enjoy it equally, like any good shounen anime. It's amazing that's it's also a Nick cartoon.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender was indeed Animesque, with a western charm added in, and I love it for it. Well, partly for it. It's such a fantastic show in general, well-animated, good voice work, and the writing is excellent and actually tries to be mature in a way that allows both kids and adults to enjoy it equally, like any good shounen anime. It's amazing that's it's also a Nick cartoon.

This. Cartoons nowadays suck, but I won't let that keep me from enjoying something this good. I don't care what it looks like either. Besides, it was a million times better than a lot of anime. No characters left undeveloped, no powering up for episodes, no retarded filler, etc.

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I saw it in 2D a couple of days ago. I haven't actually seen Dances with Wolves or Ferngully or other movies like that, so the plot didn't hit any low points for me.

But I didn't go there for the plot, like most of us did. Looking at the world of Pandora is an amazingly beautiful thing that I'll have in my head for ages. I'm probably gonna go back and watch it in 3D before the month ends.

Ditto. The plot is predicable as hell, but the creatures and environment is spot on.

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So I've been avoiding this movie and discussing this movie due to me believing it was:


This feces.

But today it was inadvertently brought up that is was something COMPLETELY different. Probably going to see this movie now. Quite embarrassed TBH.

Yeah, what everyone else is saying.

Avatar was likely one of the best animated series ive seen. It was an anime, except not anime, that was animated very well and with english lipsync and dialouge thats actually funny to boot. It handled being a kids show very well without losing too much of the series or combat aspect. Oh, and the fights were damn epic, and had none of that (oh let me pause and dictate my thoughtstream while having a flashback in the middle of this fight) bullshit. The characters were great, no filler episodes, no retarded plot twists or OP characters, and the battle animation was never once stiff or slow. It did the "WE ARE THE MOST CLOSTEST BEST FRIENDS EVER" thing, but the writers definitely knew about it and parodied on it during the show to balance it out.

Spongebob? It was like any other good cartoon these days. Reminds me of Dexters Lab. Funny as shit for the first few seasons, and then all the sudden you notice the jokes aren't delivered well anymore, the animation and quality in general becomes cheep, and its just a bunch of the main character getting hit with stuff and saying or doing things that just aren't funny. Spongebob was another example of the writers knowing how to make things that usually come off as shit-annoying extremely funny. Like having the two main characters be stupid as hell and having another one that lives right next to them be the only character in the whole show that seems to find him (and his retarded laugh) annoying. My dad thinks spongebob is the dumbest shit ever, but some of the things Mr. Krabs does with money always seems to find a way to make him actually laugh. Cartoons dont do that anymore.

Spongebob used to be funny as hell. It isn't anymore. Just random bullshit. Dexters Lab did it, Rugrats did it (oh god how Rugrats used to be funny), Fairly Odd Parents did it (that too)...and just about every show on nick/CTN did it, animated or not. And dont even make me start on Cartoon Network now. Those fucking losers dont even run cartoons anymore.

I blame the fucking Disney Channel for the destruction of western animation. I sware its their fault.

Edit: And M. Night shamawhatever sucks dick. He's made ONE good movie. One. The Last Airbender is going to be a butcher of the original series. Just look at the fucking cast he chose.

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Around the time Dill was introduced, Rugrats started going FAR downhill from the first few seasons, and when Kimi was introduced by that time the show had died all the way. All the humor was gone.

A good example of an obvious change in the writers of Rugrats? During the first few seasons of rugrats, they spoke regular english. They mispronounced a few words that were difficult, or substutited unfamiliar ones for ones that were more appealing. They usually knew everything the adults were saying but had no clue what they were talking about or where they were. Also, they usually used bigger words too, except slightly mispronounced them, or said them perfectly just in the completely wrong context. In the newer episodes when the show was absolutely not funny anymore, the babies spoke very childlike english, mispronouncing almost every other word that came out their mouth to some degree. Oh, and they cried about absolutely everything. Annoying.

Good example?

Rugrats old episode dialouge:


1:24-4:01. Funny stuff. Angelica thinks she knows everything, and children shows put children in hypnotic trances.

"Oh look clown shoes!" "Maybe they'll send in the clowns."

"...Dont bother. They're here."

Newer episodes (their english gets progressively more childish. In fact, everything about them does. Nothing they say will make you laugh.)


Dexters Lab was garbage by the end of its run. The art style changed from actual backgrounds to what looked like slapped on cels of MS Paint garbage. The budget looked to be almost completely demolished, the voices changed....it sucked lol. I remember watching a full episode one day and actually feeling deeply depressed.

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The Carwash was a season 4 episode. The Chanukah episode was done that season. And that was even before Dil was introduced. You may not like it, sure. But.. No, that's basically it. Characters/writing change in every show. I don't think it changed enough where it was detrimental or completely untrue to the show. Hell, just 9 episodes before that the episode "I Remember Melville" aired and if that's a bad episode I don't know what good is supposed to look like- it dealt with death in a kid's show with shining colors.

As far as Dexter's Lab.. eh, I don't know much about that to be honest.

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James Cameron's Avatar has been criticized by anti-smoking groups for daring to show a character do something normal like having a cigarette. That, in and of itself, is pretty stupid and pathetic, but it's Cameron's justification for having Sigourney Weaver light one up that truly makes us facepalm -- apparently it's some clever allegory for how gamers treat their bodies.

"We were showing that Grace doesn’t care about her human body, only her avatar body," warbles Cameron, adding that the character "is a negative comment about people in our real world living too much in their avatars, meaning online and in video games."

Because I need more reasons to hate him.

EDIT: Doesn't the guy stay an Avatar at the end? See, kids? You SHOULD smoke and spend your whole life playing games! Otherwise you end up a greedy horrible and power-hungry meathead! Metaphors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Actually, I think Dexter's Lab and Rugrats were good all the way up to the end (I'm not talking about movies or the All Grown Up! spin-off). I can still go back and watch those shows, but I can't tolerate Spongebob for more than half an episode, if even.

I just noticed i enjoyed Rugrats less and less as the series progressed. I may have pulled a bad episode, but i definately know that by the time chucky's sister appeared it was just not what it used to be. Its all good though. I just remember when Rugrats was the best thang smokin at Nick, showing up everywhere along with the other good shows they had going.

Spongebob? I usually takes a single episode that hits a funny nerve that'll make you watch the show. Mine had to be the Krusty Krab Orientation episode, where the whole episode was in the form of an Employee Training tape.

And James Cameron is old. Of course he views videogames negatively. Us whippersnappers need to go outside for once.

...And im flabbergasted "Whippersnapper" didn't show up with a red line under it in my browser.

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