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The Sonic Show: Brad's Videos [updated 1-28]


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I was hoping the video would stand out, but your TOP 5 really sounded like something from IGN/Gamespot/Gametrailers. Of course, this is just my personal preference. It didn't seem effect heavy, by the way.

Slinger, you always remind me of the blond kid from Saved by the Bell when you're on video.

His name iz Zack.


And don't you forget it.

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As I mentioned to you personally, it felt like a step down entertainment wise, but production wise it was your most polished video yet. Still, for what it is (a countdown) it handeled it well. It didn't linger too much, and instead focused on the list.

So good show, looking forward to more.

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I'd go more along the lines of ScrewAttack.

Yeah. That was the first thing I thought of. Even the voices in between sounded pretty similar to Stuttering Craig at times. It felt like you completely ripped it from ScrewAttack.com. You can take that as a compliment if you like haha.

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Yeah. That was the first thing I thought of. Even the voices in between sounded pretty similar to Stuttering Craig at times. It felt like you completely ripped it from ScrewAttack.com. You can take that as a compliment if you like haha.

I've always wanted to do a countdown video feature and I've always thought that ScrewAttack does them the best (hell, maybe videos in general). I wanted to model it like when Handsome Tom was still around with The Stutters Craig. I miss Tom's presence on their videos nowadays.

For the future, I think that now that I've established a look for these countdowns (I'll probably try these once a month), I need to add a little bit more of my personal touch with writing and line delivery. So far, I've gotten good comments all around. The only shit I've received is for leaving out Robotnik Winter (that level is a MAZE - fuck that level).

As I mentioned to you personally, it felt like a step down entertainment wise, but production wise it was your most polished video yet.

I've had this discussion with you and Jay today. The problem with my previous segment was the Sonic community took me too seriously. The "angry" persona of "Slingerland's Corner" wasn't real, but everybody thought that I was super pissed all the time. I wanted to re-establish a relationship with the readers/viewers of TSS with a more even keel attitude.

It's also a real quick video. You have to keep these things brief, in my opinion. That's what people want to see.

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