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Dance Dance Revolution


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Well after a nearly 2 year break I've decided to get back into the game. Started again two nights ago at my friends' campus apartment where we booted up DDR X for the first time. I was off and only managing 7 footers at best, but it felt really good to get back into things. I must say, DDR X definitely has some good improvements of SuperNova 2. Particularly the fact that it doesn't have a ridiculous unlock system and that it has a damn nice song selection. My stamina's pretty weak still, but I do feel good after playing. This combined with Wii Fit pretty much makes up most of my exercise regimen.

I'm planning on picking up a pair of Afterburners with part of my tax return this year, which I should be receiving sometime next week. I'd like to start practicing on doubles again. In terms of affordability and reliability, I figured the Afterburner would be a tops choice. I suppose I could settle for one Cobalt Flux, but I really don't like its lack of recessed arrows without modification. Although admittedly with a CF I could play Pump It Up and even the 8 button DDR variant, but meh. Any other suggestions?

I know SFGHQ had its fair share of players not too long ago. Whose still into the game? Also, perhaps you can clue me in if something aside from StepMania has become the norm PC wise? I'm rebuilding my PS2 DDR collection, but since the Afterburners have USB plugs, the PC is an obvious option.

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I played DDR only once or twice on a friend's pad, but I'm otherwise a fan of those kind of 'reflex'/'rhythm'/'whatever you would call them' games. The only similar things that I play on the PC are Osu! and Audiosurf, but unlike giving you a 'more proper' exercise like DDR, it only makes your index finger more endurant.

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I played DDR only once or twice on a friend's pad, but I'm otherwise a fan of those kind of 'reflex'/'rhythm'/'whatever you would call them' games. The only similar things that I play on the PC are Osu! and Audiosurf, but unlike giving you a 'more proper' exercise like DDR, it only makes your index finger more endurant.

Playing DDR clones with your fingers makes you look like a retard. Get a pad, plug it into a PS2 -> USB converter, and download Stepmania...play DDR like a man, Mio.

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And bouncing around on a big retarded game pad is any better?

You know Streak, I've already had to lock two topics because of this whole "lol nerds" thing you're on lately. Chill out or go post at a forum more suited to your tastes.

Worm, I assume StepMania is still the norm then? Is everyone finally on 4.0 or is 3.9 still the general standard? Personally 3.9 had things like themes that I liked, but I suppose if I need to move on then I need to move on.

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I've played it a couple times. Once back at one of my early birthdays at Malibu Castle: Which ended pretty nicely as I did pretty well for a kid my age and size.

However when I played it again at Speed Zone (I think that's what its called, you know the GO-Kart World clone) a bunch of years later, I almost completely sucked at it, I stumbled over myself and my mom was laughing her ass off behind me. My bro proceeded to face palm as well. I was rusty, so sue me. Anyways, it isn't a game I would buy and play all of the time, its basically a quick fix for me whenever I stumble onto an arcade and I'm with people who would laugh with me and not at me lol

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And bouncing around on a big retarded game pad is any better?
Streak, you are what is commonly known as a Jerk in the connotative dictionary. Some words of advice here--Lay off this Trip your on, because you're doing nothing more than angering people.

Anyway, DDR is a fun game, despite the number of times I keep missing the arrows because of my lackluster timing.

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I'm horrible at DDR, but I think the fact that I hate it and I hate dancing probably makes me want to not play it. I'll stick with Guitar Hero as my music games. Some of the people that play it have no life are amazing at it.

(j/k if you're one of them I envy your skills)

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Man, DDR is the shit. A few years ago I decided I didn't want to be a fatass anymore, so through some extr3me dieting and a lot of dancing I lost like 30 pounds (over a period of like four months). I would have kept playing, but my PS2 died (RIP :() a little while later. I was talking to a friend the other day about how I wanted to get a PS2-USB converter so I could play it on Stepmania, and we ended up hanging out and playing DDR on her PS2. I sucked, but it was fun.

I seriously need to get Stepmania.

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I used to play it a lot when there was a dance machine in my city but soon it was replaced by a Pump it Up machine (it seems that pump it up is much more popular here in Brazil).

So I built a dance pad myself with the help of my father, we built it with some pieces of cutten wood and acrylic. The sensors where buttons connected to the chip of a disasembled cheap dance pad. It lasted for some years until one of the acrylics broke and I was too lazy (and didn't had much time) to fix it so I stopped playing...

But I still like DDR a lot, if I happen to be in a place with a real machine I stop and dance... I can play 10 feets song!! (Ok, just MAX 300)

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Worm, I assume StepMania is still the norm then? Is everyone finally on 4.0 or is 3.9 still the general standard? Personally 3.9 had things like themes that I liked, but I suppose if I need to move on then I need to move on.

4.0 is technically in beta. I like the theme a bit better, and it has better graphic options (i.e. resolution), but it always crashes on me.

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Used to have 1000+ songs for Stepmania before the virus screwed my laptop. Twas a shame: I had almost every song I've ever liked in the history of forever, sorted by genre.

Also, if you're playing on the keyboard, you have to play using QW and OP keys, or something to that extent. Arrow Keys are dandy, but good luck on the harder songs. Also, I remember playing a Beethoven song once that way, and was all "zoh mah gawd I can play piano real good see?".

I should start building up my collection again...

EDIT: late reply, but what kind of person goes on an internet forum (about a talking blue hedgehog from a videogame, no less), and then calls people nerds? The glass house! It's shattering!

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