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SoaH City Message Board

It's Halloween *evil laugh*

1LT Worm

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Post your costumes, plans, etc.

I'm going as a "Dick in a Box" dude (probably Justin Timberlake, because the ladies thinks he's foyne). However, since I'm at school, and that costume was too bulky to do exercises at PT this morning, I present you with my "costume:"


But other than that, I plan on getting ridiculously drunk tonight. Among other things.

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For the Halloween film festival on Wednesday night, I ran the show dressed up as sexy referee (I don't have pics of this one, but I'll see what I can do). Basically, one day, I said to everybody, "Why, every Halloween, do girls just take everyday occupations, make them sexy, and call it a costume?" In response, we started "Project Sexy," where a bunch of guys dressed up as sexy versions of boring jobs. There was Sexy Santa, Sexy Zookeeper, Sexy Male Librarian, Sexy Air Traffic Controller, and then Sexy Referee.

Tonight, for the theatre and film college's annual Halloween blowout, I'm going as something completely different. I will post pictures later.

Also, SHAMWOW. You followin' me, camera guy?

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Wesker, that is fucking badass. Did anyone make life size turrets? That would be something else entirely...

I dressed up as a bum because my school has this election simulation thing, and my campaign had the idea of dressing up as bums to poke fun at Obama's "change" policy. Yeah my school is nerdy. I actually got over $4 worth in change...

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I'm almost finished with the whole outfit, but I bet you can take a guess of what I am by now, so I snapped a pic in the mirror.


I'm really proud of the beard. It's about 4-5 layers of stage make-up with some texturing. It's looks incredibly real from a distance (hence the term, "stage make-up"), but you notice that it's painted on about 5 feet away from my face.

Better pics coming later.

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I was a drug dealer who happened to look a little bit like billy joe armstrong.


I made fake pharmaceutical jars and filled them with skittles and m&ms! And I made stickers to give to people, costume pics followed by fun times party pics from a fish eye camera ;D and some polaroids too, we used out of date ones to get them all faded.









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Snake Meets Proto Man!


Snake Meets Batman!


Mission first. Ladies later.


Snake and Italian Spiderman make it their mission to thrash. Intense shit right here.


Snake and Dr. McNinja survey the party.


OK, this picture is fucked up. Snake. Tim Gunn from Project Runway. And...Sexy Claus.


Shit's fuckin' hilarious.

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