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E3 2008 Discussion Topic

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The Wiimote is going to have more add-ons than the Sega Genesis. I really think that the Wiimote should've had this 1:1 device already in the original model. In my opinion, the Wii Motion Plus should be free or inexpensive (like...$5) and be compatible with amazing games (mmm...Zelda). Otherwise, I'm not buying it. I don't need anymore plug-ins and plastic shells in my apartment!

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...watching her hands come from the bottom of the screen give me the impression that she runs like a weirdo.

Don't you run the same way? ;>

I honestly don't understand what mirror's edge is supposed to be. From the trailers I get the impression that she's just running around senselessly.

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1) when you run, you pump your arms to get the blood flowing. If they aren't somewhere 'round chest level, you're probably not pumping enough.

2) Mirror's Edge is like a platformer that's kinda like a puzzler that's kinda actiony except kinda not.

Just call it "action".

3) My mom would kill DW before he ever even tried to beat her. This is because she is a robot.

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I honestly don't understand what mirror's edge is supposed to be. From the trailers I get the impression that she's just running around senselessly.

IIRC the story is about how she's an out of the law messenger that delivers illegal confidential information while trying to rescue her sister from a corrupt government that seeks to monitor and control everything in the city.

So I guess you'll start doing "routine" jobs first (if you can call routine to parkouring over rooftops and shit) and later on try to break into complexes and run away and shit.

Gameplay is basically freerunning from A to B. The elements you can use are color coded according to the way they're employed methinks, and while there's a bit of shooting you'll end up ditching the weapons pronto because Faith needs both hands free to do cool shit. In fact if you want weapons you're gonna have to steal them from the police first.

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"Well, if Kingdom Hearts comes out for 360 or wii instead of ps3, goodbye, sony."

Umm.. I don't think it's that big a deal. Let's be serious here, FFXIII is still being released for PS3. And I doubt they'd anger their fans by not releasing KH on PS3, so if anything it'd end up going 360/PS3. Second- really, it's not that serious. Simply put, everyone who has a PS3 and wanted FFXIII are still going to buy it. And it's only being released on PS3 in Japan, because that's what it'd be purchased on anyway. I don't think it's that big a hit to Sony at all. It's probably not what they want, and it's definitely only beneficial to Square Enix but in regards to straight-up mauling them like everyone's saying.. not quite.

Where's my Versus, though? That's what I care about more.. ;-;

Mirror's Edge: Freaking schweet. Don't like who you play as. She looks.. odd. I suppose she's supposed to be asian, but something about her eyes just aren't quite right. Still love the idea, although it looks a bit odd at times.

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Funny about that picture, i still have this secret faith that nintendo will someday shell out one of them and equip the Wii with Xbox 360 graphics

Edit: Mirror's edge is going to the 360 as well?

well shit sony, you just arent getting any kind of breaks are you

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I actually was recently thinking of getting a PS3 becuase of what i was expecting to see at E3 this year. But at this point, ive just been talked out of it.

This is the first E3 where i believe im going to pay attention to each presentation, since i really hold no favoring to any of the systems at this point.

Edit: Oh yeah guys :

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Anyways, I can't believe any of you fucks haven't mentioned fallout 3 yet!

The game looks absolutely incredible.

I was flipping through channels when I saw Fallout 3 on G4s E3 coverage. I don't understand it. You like...pause the game to select a target on an enemy's body and watch a cutscene. It didn't look like a whole lot of fun to me. Plus, the textures were all muddy looking.

I need to read into it more.

EDIT: I watched more gameplay vids. That pausing shit doesn't look fun at all, even with the gratuitous violence.

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Didn't like the new realtime combat in Fallout, really. It makes it look like a run of the mill FPS which is very NOT Fallout. One of the reasons that franchise is practically the only western RPG I can actually enjoy playing was the turn based combat system.

But we'll see.

Also RE5 online coop is sex.

And here's the SEGA lineup

* MadWorld (Wii - March 2009)

* Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (DS - Fall 2008)

* Sonic Unleashed (360, PS3, Wii, PS2 - Holiday 2008)

* Alpha Protocol (360, PS3, PC - February 2009)

* Samba De Amigo (Wii - September 2008)

* Bayonetta (360, PS3 - 2009)

* Bleach: Dark Souls (DS - Fall 2008)

* Dinosaur King (DS - Fall 2008)

* Empire: Total War (PC - February 2009)

* Golden Axe: Beast Rider (360, PS3 - September 2008)

* Stormrise (360, PS3, PC - 2009)

* Space Siege (PC - August 2008)

* Valkyria Chronicles (PS3 - November 2008)

* Yakuza 2 (PS2 - September 9, 2008)

Marked the stuff that matters. Sad to see the Aliens FPS & RPG aren't on the list tho, but hey - Bayonetta.

Edit: GT has a Mirror's Edge Dev walkthru

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Other turn based Western RPGs:

Scepterra Core

Dark Sun: Shattered Lands and its sequel (wake of the ravager?)

Arcanum (basically its a Steampunk Fallout but a tad too serious. Great game though)

Castle of the Winds (that shit is old)

Any AD&D game that uses the Unlimited Adventures style of combat (dozens)

I'll see if I can't find some more later. There used to be an abundance of turn based RPGs... but then Elder Scrolls came along and became way too popular.

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